Chapter 16

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I wake up and give a sigh of relief when I look at my phone to see it is Friday. I have got to say; this might have been the craziest week of my entire life. I get up and start getting ready for maybe one of the best days of my life. Emma is finally being called out for the bitch she is, and I will be invisible once again. No more unwanted stares, no more people with unnecessary fear, and Logan finally will see Emma's true colors. Wait, why does it matter what Logan thinks of Emma? Anyway, my hair is up in its blonde, ponytail glory, and I go to wake the sleeping giant. I go into my room to see Hephaestus in his loud, snoring glory. "Alright, time to get up, I got things to do and places to be," I say, pushing him off his pillow. He lets out a few groans and tries to go back to sleep. "No, no, no. You are getting up right now. May I remind you I actually have a schedule to keep, so if you could cooperate, it would be greatly appreciated." I said with an annoyed snarl. He finally gets his butt out of his cushion, turns into a normal sized person, and starts wobbling down the hallway to the kitchen. "OK, wobbling Bob, this is your last day being able to waltz around my house. Remember my parents come back today and I have no clue how long they are staying, or how often they will be home." I say sternly. He only mumbles something and keeps on waltzing down the hallway. I roll my eyes and follow him. I grab some breakfast and start scrolling through my phone to find something to do when a news article pops up. It's about the robbery that happened yesterday. I started reading and blushed about what I read. Logan was interviewed after his robbery and said I was a trustworthy, brave, and beautiful hero. He also said he could never repay me for saving his life, and that he is forever in my debt. I couldn't believe what I was reading. This boy said that I am trustworthy, brave, and beautiful but also swears that I am out to get everyone and apparently harasses people for no reason. Sure, he thinks that there is a difference between Sparks and myself, but still! Well, maybe he will say those things about me when he sees the video, minus the beautiful part because I definitely don't care about that, and he probably doesn't think that anyway. While I was thinking about Logan, that reminded me about the video again. I texted Ellie to ask if she posted the video on the school website. Ellie is a part of the crew who updates the school website and is a part of the school spirit crap, so that is why she has access to that kind of thing. After a few moments, Ellie texted back with only a smiley face. Is that a yes or a no? I go to the school website to see it is the first thing you see on the home page. This is perfect. I owe Ellie huge for this. I squeal with glee and go to shake Hephaestus to tell him the news. "Yo, Kid. What's the big deal? I'm eating here." He says with a questioning look. "The video was posted!" I squeal while he just gives me a tiled head in response. "What video?" Hephaestus asked. "It's the video to prove me innocent! I'm finally free!" I shout while Hephaestus just rolls his eyes. "That's grand. Loverboy can finally ask you out since it's confirmed you're not this horrible person he thinks you are." He says with a smirk, while I slap him. "For the final time, he doesn't like me, and I don't like him. He will just finally stop treating me like trash and start treating me like everyone else. Rumor is told he is a chill person, except in front of me. I want to experience this chill Logan," I say, not looking into Hephaestus' eyes. I don't know why, but I couldn't look him in the eye when I said that. I wasn't lying or anything, right? Surely, no one can have a proper crush on someone with the amount of interaction we have had. Also, you can't like someone you hate, that just doesn't make any logical sense. OK, I need to focus on walking out the door to get on the bus, or I'll be late. I snatch Hephaestus, put him in my bag, and walk out the door. I try to just clear my head, but the only thing in my mind is a certain civilian. I can't explain why I was thinking about him. It's not like I'm thinking 'he is so cute,' or 'he has beautiful eyes,' or something like that, but he was kind of just here in my brain. It was almost like I was thinking about whatever, but in the background, he was there. Not talking, no nothing. He was just there. Watching me, and my thoughts, screwing around. This was annoying. I don't want some stupid boy taking up my mind when I have more important things to do. I have to keep my town safe, get my school work done, while at the same time holding a job, and making it to soccer. I have absolutely no time for boy problems, but somehow my mind thinks it's possible to add that crap in my life and make it livable. I can't keep arguing with myself about this. This argument with myself isn't necessary because my mind should know the answer to boy problems in my life should be a 'no,' and it should forever stay that way. " Thinking about lover boy, aren't you?" I hear Hephaestus whispered from my backpack. I could hear the smirk in his voice, and I probably turned a little red in the face from anger. "Keep your annoying butt in that backpack, or I swear I will throw you so far that you will see Mt.Olympias and Zeus in the blink of an eye." I snarl in a hushed tone. I hear him chuckle from my backpack, but I just keep on walking. I keep up with this stupid argument with myself until I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around to see Ellie with concern on her face. "Sam, what is wrong with you? You passed the bus stop, and I called you five times to turn around," I looked down, slightly embarrassed. My face got slightly hotter, and my head just sunk lower. "Look, I'm sorry. I just have a lot on my mind." I say with a small smile. Ellie lifts my head, and we start heading back to the actual bus stop. "Well, is there anything you want to talk about?' Ellie asked. My eyes went wide. "Oh, no. It's just school. It just is stressing me out." I say with, hopefully, a convincing smile. I must be a good enough actor because she just shrugged and left it alone. We stand there doing our own thing until after a while, Ellie taps my shoulder. I look at her, and she has a sad smile on her face. "What's wrong?" I asked. Ellie only sighed. " I'm just thinking about Steven and all that drama. If I was to ask him out, would you come with me on a double date so I wouldn't be as nervous?" She asked with a slightly embarrassed smile. My eyes go wide. She had the guts to ask him, but bringing me into the mix was a bad idea. "I really want to help you out, but there would be so many things that get in the way if I went." I say, looking at everything other than Ellie. It was a reasonable response; I just can't think of how I would get in the way just yet. Ellie gives me a tilted head. "What do you mean? It would be great. I get some self-confidence because you are there, it won't be awkward to meet them because you know them already, plus you will have your date to keep you company if Steven and I are comfortable enough to be alon-" Hold up. Do I need my own date? She does realize I'm not going out with anyone, right? "Ellie. I love you. You're my best friend, but there are a lot of holes in your plan. It will be awkward because it is a date, and me and those don't mix. Second, you don't need me for confidence because you should already know you are amazing on your own. Third, if I was to come, who in the world would be my date? I would end up third-wheeling on your parade." I say matter of factly, and Ellie rolls her eyes. "Girl, any guy would be honored to go out with you, so don't pull that out of your ass. Second, I can just ask Steven to bring a friend to act as your date. Third, I know I'm amazing, but I need a boost. I'll be nervous without you. I am using all my confidence to ask him, so I will have none left for the actual date if he says yes, so I need you to give me some." Ellie said. Why did she have a comeback for everything I said? "Did you know I was going to say those things and then came up with those comebacks?" I asked with a cocked brow. Ellie only slightly nods with an evil smile on her face. Well, I'll give it to her, the girl can plan. "Please, Sam. I really need you." Ellie asked with those darn puppy dog eyes. I sighed. I can't believe I'm agreeing with this. I hesitantly nod my head, and she squeals with happiness. "Now that I have agreed on this Ellie, you can not chicken out last minute. I refuse to agree and plan how I will spend that night for you to chicken out last minute. Got it?" I stated, and Ellie nodded at me and gave me a bone crushing hug. The bus showed up as soon as Ellie stopped crushing my bones, and we got on. Ellie was bouncing with excitement and nervousness. I would like to think she was more excited, but you never know. Now, this gave me something else to add to my plate of life, but Ellie is more important. Sadly, the first thing that came into my head about this whole double date thing was one certain thing, that I'm somewhat embarrassed to admit this. The first thing that came to mind was, 'What am I gonna wear?'

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