At this point, Dolostone and Cyclone left and it was just me and Hightide, alone, under the stars. "This was fun, I'm really glad I came," I said with a sigh and Hightide turns his head to face me. He scooted a little closer so we were almost touching shoulders and I looked away hiding the blush that was creeping its way onto my cheeks. "I'm really glad you decided to come too," Hightide said with a hushed tone. We sat in comfortable silence for a bit before Hightide spoke up again. "That guy you were talking about earlier, I think he's crazy for talking about another girl with you around. I don't think he understands you are so much better than her," He said. He tried to hide a grin by biting his lip and he looked insanely attractive. Is he flirting with me right now again? I thought I liked Logan, but Hightide right now is challenging that first thought. They both just magically pull at my heartstrings in different ways. I think Hightide is a bit more flirty than Logan, but Logan has his innocence going for him. Then again they both have other girls in mind so I don't stand a chance with either, but if Hightide is flirting with me does that mean his crush isn't super strong? Maybe he is flirty by accident. "I think I could say the same for you," I said with a smile looking up at the stars. Hightide moved over a touch more so we were touching shoulders. "So how's life?" Hightide asked and I laughed. "That's it? That is your amazing ice breaker?" I said with a smirk and he shrugged his shoulders. "Well conversation expert, what do you suggest we talk about Sparky?" He said with a sarcastic smile appearing on his lips. I rolled my eyes. "I don't know, again, and are you just going to keep calling me that?' I said with a smirk and he gave me a 'you betcha' look. I shook my head at him and he just laughs at me. "You're impossible," I said and he chuckled. "That's my job," he said and we laughed. We looked back at the sparkling stars. He sighed "Also, about that guy, care to tell me who it is?' He said with a smirk and I sighed. "You know I can't do that. Besides, I haven't even told anyone in my normal life about him. No offense, but why would I tell a complete stranger who it is first over my civilian life best friend?" I asked and he just chuckled softly. "After tonight you think were strangers? After all the stuff we have been through until now?" He said looking over at me with his beautiful blue eyes. He had a look of hurt in his eyes and I felt kind of bad calling him a stranger. "You know I didn't mean it like that Highti-" I was saying, but he just turned away. I went to put my hand on his shoulder, but he instantly moved away from my hand like my touch was acid burning his skin. "How did you mean it then?" he said with a low growl. I stayed silent. I didn't know what to say 'cause he was right. There is no possible way that, that could mean something else. I don't know why I said it like that, and I think I'm about to pay for what I said. He got up from where he was sitting and was about to take off. I quickly stood up and grabbed his wrist. "Hightide, what is wrong with you? You know that isn't what I meant! You are blowing this way out of proportion," I say with my grip still on his wrist. He looked me in the eyes and all I saw was rage. "Look Sparks, if you don't see us at least as friends I'm glad I figured that out sooner than later. See you around," Hightide said with another growl. He ripped his arm out of my grip and just like that he was gone. I sat there with slight shock on my face. He just left. One minute he is a giant flirt, then he does a complete flip and probably hates me for basically nothing. I have no idea why, but what hurt most was not that he ditched me, not that he growled at me, but that he didn't call me Sparky. Why did that hurt the most? Why did that make my heart crumble? I hated that name, didn't I? I sat back down looking back up at the stars. He was unreasonable. He knew that wasn't what I meant. We are strangers in the sense I have no idea who he is. Even if I meant it as if I didn't know anything about him, which was completely untrue, why is he so offended? Fuck. How am I supposed to make it up to him? I can't exactly take it back, and I can't exactly say I didn't mean it either because I kind of did. I decided to head back home before Alec has a heart attack if he even noticed I was gone. I got home mentally exhausted from the night I had. Hightide and I were all up in each other's personal space and now he wants to be as far away as possible. He knows I didn't want to hurt him, doesn't he? If he did he wouldn't have taken off like that dumbass. I changed into my pajamas and headed downstairs to see if Alec was home yet. I'm walking down the stairs to see Alec flipping through channels. "How were your friends?" I asked and his smile seemed to grow. "It was really fun. How was sitting in your room with all your friends?" He said with a sarcastic smirk. I slapped him with a pillow, and he put his arm up in defense. "Hey! I was kidding, mostly," he said and we both laughed. Only if he knew what I was doing tonight. "I had a grand time by myself thank you. I don't need to be near people to have fun, you know," I said turning my attention back to the TV. We sit there for a little longer before I let out a yawn. "I'm going to head to bed. You have work to do so don't go to bed at four like you always do," I said sternly and I saw him roll his eyes. "Whatever Mom," he said and I shook my head. Started walking up the stairs. "I don't need you dropping out because of your horrible sleep schedule!" I shouted at him. "I won't Sam!" He shouted back. I went into my room, closed the door, and slipped down behind the door. "What's wrong kid?' Hephaestus asked, and I look up at him to see him crossed-legged in his normal size. "It's just Hightide," I said with a sigh and he shakes his head. "I knew you would have boy problem at some point," he said and I glare at him. "I told you love isn't for me. Also, I'm mad 'cause he just did a one-eighty in a matter of minutes. He also blew things way out of proportion," I said flailing my arms around like a weirdo. "Cut the boy some slack, boys are insanely dumb sometimes, but I can back him up on this one," He said with a smirk and I give him a raised brow. "You said the boy was a stranger when you are probably very close friends," he said and I nod my head. I guess he has a point. "We have only known each other for like a week," I said looking at him confused. "Look it's love at first sight thing, but with friends," he said. That doesn't exactly make sense, but OK. "I'll try to apologize when I see him again," I said, he smiled, and gave me an approving nod. I climb in my bed, and Hepahstus gets in the closet. I pull the covers over me thinking of the day's events. Was hightide flirting with me before, and if he was, was it on purpose? Do I like two freaking guys? Those were the main questions on my mind that did not help me sleep. These two boys will be the end of me.
Author's note:
I'm horrible, I know. this is my shortest chapter ever posted and I'm sorry. School is a pain in the ass. I'm trying my hardest to get those longer chapters, but I want to produce good quality chapters. I promise I'm trying, just give me some time.

The Stolen Jewel of Hecate
RomantikA few years ago the jewel of Hecate was stolen and needs to be brought back to the keeper of the jewels. Sam is one of the four heroes that are going to help get it back. Sam needs to balance being a superhero, and being a normal teen with the basic...