Chapter 35

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I'm home. My day is over and I am in my room, alone, while my brother is shopping. Don't I sound like a fun person? "Sam, you ready for tonight?" Hephaestus asked and I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know. Honestly, I wouldn't care less if my brother didn't make a bet with me," I said as I went back to my homework. Hephaestus jumps off my bed and joins me on the floor. I'm doing my homework on the floor because it's dumb hot and the floor is nice and cool if you cared. "What is this madness? You're in high school. Shouldn't you be learning how to be an adult?" He asks, picking up some of my health homework. "Plus this is gym class, why the hell are you doing paperwork?" He asks and I laugh. I mean he isn't wrong. I should be learning how to do taxes and crap instead of the parts of a dick but hey, that's school. Solving problems that you wouldn't have if school existed. "Humans are so dumb. No offense," Hephaestus said and we laughed. "None taken. I agree with you," I said as I kept on with my homework. I'm writing things down when the God next to me spoke up again. "Don't you have to get ready? It's like four-thirty," Hephaestus said and I shook my head. I'm girl sure, but the park is a five minute walk away and I don't take that long. "Of course not. I'll start at around five-fifteen. I don't take that long to get ready," I said rolling my eyes and he sighs. I give him a look and he laughs. "Kid. You know your brother will have your head if you don't take your time to do all the fancy-schmancy things, right?" He said and he isn't wrong. "Yeah. I guess I don't want to put up with that. School is more important so he can deal with it," I said and he rolls his eyes. I wrote a couple more things down and I went downstairs. If food doesn't go in my stomach right now I might lose it. "Don't you have a date for when you can eat? Why not save your appetite?" He might have only been here for a short while but I'm hungry all the fucking time. How does he not know that yet? I put Hephaestus on my shoulder when he shrinks down so he can see what he wants to eat. What? gotta share. "I like crackers," He says and I shake my head. "What about a cereal bar?" I asked and he rolled his eyes. I grab two and start heading up the stairs when Hephaestus starts talking again. "You know what?" He asked and I shook my head. "You don't seem to know how to have fun," I throw him onto my bed and shut the door and he starts laughing. "OK, not going to lie, I want to do that again. Seriously Sam. You don't eat much junk food, you don't like parties, dating seems the bore the living shit out of you, and shopping does nothing to spike your interest. Is there anything you like to do on this planet?" He asked and I huffed. I aggressively open my cereal bar and take a bit out of annoyance. "I don't know if you noticed, but I am a more introverted person. I don't like doing this like that and I would think you would know that by now. I'm not really a hard person to please. Let me stay home, watch movies with some snacks and you get a ten out of ten. Now if you will excuse me, I'm going for a shower. Don't destroy my room while I'm gone," I say and he rolls his eyes. I was about to leave before I see him trying to snatch my phone "No you don't," I say as I take my phone back. He mumbles something under his breath, but I didn't bother to listen. I turn the water on and pick a song to listen to. If you cared, no I don't sing in the shower. It just makes this less boring and surprisingly gets me out faster. I wash my hair and shave literally every place on my body for that smoothness every girl loves, listening to my favorite band. I'm doing my thing when my music is so rudely interrupted by someone calling me. I get out as quickly as possible to see who it is and sadly it's Ellie. I pick it up and put it on speaker so I can keep getting ready. "Sam fucking Brown! I can't do this!" She screams and I plug my ears. Man, this girl can scream. "First, calm down. Second why not?" I ask and I hear a giant sigh come from the other side of the line. I tell her to take a couple of breaths and it's not working. "I'm nervous, I should have never asked him!" She shouts in my ear. I turn down my call volume and try idea number two. "Ellie, listen to me. If you don't do this I will personally drag you by the arm all the way to the park," I stated with a sickly sweet tone and I think Ellie got the message. I think scaring her into going is the only way she won't chicken out. "Sam, you honestly scare me sometimes," I heard her say and I laugh while putting on my outfit Alec helped pick out for me. I'll take it as a compliment this time. "OK, well I'm going to finish getting ready. You hurry up and don't you dare stand this boy up," I say sternly and hang up the phone. "You really want this to work out?" Hephaestus said standing in the doorway being his normal size. I nod my head and go back to brushing my hair. He watches me in the mirror with a smirk on his face, staring at me like a creep. "What?' I snarled, he laughed and shook his head. "You seem pissed off, and it looks hilarious," he laughed and I rolled my eyes. I keep on with what I'm doing without giving him a response. "Come on Kid. you are going to have fun. If you don't you are just the definition of a killjoy," he said and I scoffed. "I'm not a killjoy. I just don't find dates fun. I like being alone, with a good book. I say I'm a lot easier to please when it comes to entertainment," I say putting on some makeup while Hephaestus walks off to do who knows what. I cover my lips in a glossy black lip gloss and my eyes with black and gold eyeshadow. I add two long wings of eyeliner on my eyelids to spice things up and I'm done with my face. Just need to curl my hair, grab my purse and I'm out the door. I grab my hair curler and I get to work. I check the time and I have just enough time. "Sam, I'm going to go raid yo-" Hephaestus was saying. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw me. Was that a bad thing? I waved a hand in front of his eyes to get him out of his trance. He shook his head. His mouth opened and closed like a fish finding the words he wanted to say. "Kid...." he stretched out. He kept looking at me up in down in amazement. Not in a creepy way, almost in a father figure way. Like he had been waiting for this day to come for years. "What? Do I look OK?" I asked and no words came out. He nodded his head. "Amazing," he said. I rolled my eyes and pushed him out of the way to grab my shoes. "It's nothing exciting. You just haven't seen me in anything other than hoodies and sweatpants," I said with a smile. I put my shoes on, grabbed my purse, and headed downstairs. "Alright mister, get in the pocket," I said, opening my hand for him to get on. He did as I asked, surprisingly without a fuss, and I was on my way to the park. I step outside into the fresh air and looked at my phone for the time. It was ten after six. Right on time. I'm walking down the road to see Steven waiting at the picnic table, on his phone. Only I didn't see my so-called 'date' with him. I walk up to Steven and he stands up to greet me. He is wearing a white dress shirt with a few of the buttons up top undone with a pair of black dress pants. He gelled up his newly dyed red hair to the side giving him a more mature feel to him. "You don't look half bad Steven. Where's Derek?" I asked and he simply shrugged his shoulders. "I couldn't tell you, Sam. I texted him five minutes ago and he texted back saying he was still coming," He said and I scoffed. Really, he's late? He does know to come early right? "Chill out Sam I bet he is coming soon," he said giving me a hopeful smile. I'll give this boy the benefit of the doubt I guess. I give him a weak smile and look at my phone for new messages. "You look nice by the way. I never thought I would see you so dressed up. It's refreshing," he said and I rolled m eyes. I punch him in the arm and looked back at my phone, this time for the time. Six twenty-five. Ellie is going to be here soon and my date still hasn't shown up. "Ellie is going to be here any second, you ready?" I asked and he quickly shook his head. "I'm nervous as hell. She is going to show up all cute and I'm going to look horrible," he said and I laughed. "Just treat the girl with common decency and everything will go smoothly," I said and he nodded. "Don't worry about that. I have been practicing being a gentleman all day. I have my greeting down pat," he said and I laughed. He did his research just like me. He never does that. "Hey, guys!" I hear Ellie yell from down the road. She comes towards us at a small jog trying to not break her ankles with her heels. She looks phenomenal. Ellie has a pair of white, designer jeans with a white shirt, covered up with a pink plaid shirt. It is so simple, but she seems so dressed up at the same time. It's also not too much plaid where it looks overly cowgirl or overly Canadian. She has on a full face of makeup and it was down to perfection. Not a single grain of makeup was out of place and every strand of hair was where it belonged. "You look amazing Ellie," I said going over to her to hug her. "Doesn't he look cute?" I whispered into her ear. When we backed away you could see her face turn very red. I knew she thought he looked attractive. "Ellie, you look great," Steven managed to spit out. They stare into each other's eyes for a moment before Ellie focused her attention back on me. "Where's your date Sam?" She asked and I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know. Steven said he was coming," I said and she sighed. "Well, should we wait a touch longer?" Steven asked and I looked at him with wide eyes. Is he really not going to take this opportunity to be alone with her? Dumbass boy. "I don't mind. Let's go sit down," Ellie said and I looked at them dumbfounded. Why are they not seeking this opportunity? This night is about them, not me and my date. They know I couldn't care less. We walk over to the table and sit down with me on my own and the lonely couple side by side. They were talking among themselves while I stared at the stars. It reminded me of my time with Hightide. All peaceful and relaxing. Well, until he got mad at me. I take another look at my phone for the time and it was seven. Where was this man. "Hey, listen guys. You guys go on ahead. I will wait for him and you guys can have some alone time," I suggested. They looked at eachother and back at me. They hesitated, but eventually agreed. At least they were nice enough to not completely blow me off as soon as they could. "We will hopefully meet you at the end of the trail?" Steven asked and I nodded. They bid their goodbyes and I went on my phone. Scrolling through social media and checking out the news. They are talking about the latest fight and how me and Cyclone's feud was dissolved. I look at the time again and it read eight forty five. It was at this moment everything clicked in. After all the time I took to get ready, all the table manners practice, and planning, I got stood up.


Author's note:

Sad ending to a chapter I know, but it gets better. Also, my computer got fixed so that's pretty cool. Be safe


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