I just got back home to see my entire family sitting at the table. Mom with tears in her eyes, Alec with his head resting on his hands, and Dad hugging Mom. Did it not go over well? I never saw my parents as homophobic people, so I didn't think it would matter to them. "What's going on? Why is Mom crying?" I asked, going to sit down. "You're brother just told us he was gay," My dad said, looking at me with sad eyes. "So why are you crying? I think it's great he finally came out to you guys," I said, confused. They looked at each other and then back at me. "Sam, we aren't sad that he is gay. We honestly are happy he came out to show his true self, but we are sad because he didn't tell us sooner. We want to be there for him, but we can't if he doesn't tell us those things," Dad said, and this brought tears in my eyes. This is the kind of affection everyone deserves. It hurts to know that not everyone gets that validation when it comes to coming out. I stand up to go hug my brother. Alec stands up and hugs me back. We stand there in each other's embrace when our parents join in making it a giant group hug. "I'm proud of you Alec. Hiding it for this long must have been tough," I say and I can feel my parent's heads lift up. "Just how long have you not told us this Alec?" Dad asked and then I felt Alec's head lift as well. Alec quickly gets out of the hug and runs to his room yelling, "I'm glad you accept me the way I am, but I will just be going!" He yelled while going up the parents and they gave each other a smirk. I looked between my parents without an answer to why they were smirking. "What are you guys smirking at?" I asked and they both giggled. That's scary. Mom giggles but Dad. No way, not possible. "OK, what's up with you two? Mom giggles, but Dad? I don't accept," I say and they come over to me, still with giant smiles on their faces. "Sam, we knew," Mom laughed out and I froze. They knew? "When did you guys find out? Why did you never confront him?" I asked, still astonished. They looked at each other and then back at me. "We found out when he told you. We didn't confront him because we wanted him to tell us in his own time. Besides, it's not something you need to confront like if your kid stole your money," Mom said with a smile, and Dad nodded along with her words. "Why wouldn't you at least tell me?" I asked and they shook their heads. "Sam," Dad started. "We know you're a trustworthy kid, but we just didn't want to risk you telling him," My dad said and I nodded along with what he was saying. I guess it makes sense. "You guys are like best friends and when he lived here before you told each other everything. Honestly, I envy that about you guys a bit. When I was your age, uncle Max and I never got along," Mom piped in and I giggled a little. I gave them one last hug before I went to see what Alec was up to. I knocked on his door but didn't wait for a response. I just let myself in 'cause that's what we always do. "Whatcha doin'?" I asked, and he just kept doing what he was doing. I go to stand beside him and I see he is working on some complicated math problems. "How do you do this? This looks like pure gibberish, and I don't understand when you will use that when you become a doctor," I say and he rolls his eyes. "I won't really need math, but I'm getting a minor in math in case the doctor thing doesn't work out. My backup plan is to be a mathematician," He says not taking his eyes off his work. "Come on Alec. Don't think that there is a possibility of failure. You are more likely to fail if you think you are going to fail. I see a bright future in medicine for you," I say proudly and he just shakes his head. "Yes, but I would rather have a plan. Spending this much money for a medical degree I need a backup plan to get all that money back if no hospital wants to hire me. Besides I like math sometimes," He says and I tilt my head. "Since when do you like having plans? As kids, you always were the reckless one and I was the one who told you to have a plan," I say sarcastically. Alec just continues to work while I watch. His hand is moving at lightning speed across the page. His math skills sometimes amaze me. Sure I was good at math and was one of the best in my class, but college math was next level then what I was doing. "So, were we going to finish you going over the board for my first date?" I asked and he turned around with the biggest smile on his face. "I mean unless you are too busy with ma-" I was saying before Alec swung me over his shoulder on the way to my room. I bet Hephestus was squashed in my pocket. I'm sure you are wondering why I wanted to finish his beauty guru session. To answer that I want to spend time with him, I need the final touches for this outfit thingy, and I want to bother him about his love life. I want to see if he found somebody 'cause that is Mom and Dad's only way to get grandkids. When Alec gets older he will marry the man of his dreams and they will adopt the cutest baby ever while I will be independent running my future music store. I might be going out with someone on Tuesday, but there is no way there will be a second date. Especially with an unknown serial killer and/or stalker. Alec practically kicks my door open and sets me on the bed. He once again is going through my closet and throwing things behind him. "So Alec, did you find the man of your dreams yet?" I asked and you could hear the smirk in my voice. I heard a sigh and this got me excited. "Well did you?" I asked in anticipation. "Well there is this one guy," He said scratching the back of his neck and I squealed with joy. "Oh my god, what is his name? How did you meet? What classes do you guys have? Do you know if he likes you back?" I asked, jumping up and down. "Erik, the LGBTQ+ club, all my math classes, and probably not," He said,with the last part laced with sadness. I gave him a small smile and put my hand on his shoulder. "I bet he likes you," I said, and his frown increased in size. "I doubt it. He has almost everyone in the club after him because he is pansexual. Everyone wants him and in theory, has a shot with him, and I am too shy when I talk to him even though we are good friends. Plus how good of a couple could we be if it's long distance? We are a good five hours apart Sam," He says kind of shouting out the last part. "A wise person once said 'Distance means so little when someone means so much,' and I think they are right. If you guys really care about each other it will all work out in the end," I said hugging him. I think he needed one so I didn't care about the clothes he threw on my lap. I let them fall to hug the best brother ever. "I am going to make it my mission to get you two together even though I have never met this 'Erik.'" I said with a giant smile. "Oh no. You are not helping with that. You have never had a decent date in your life, you have only had one boyfriend, and that only lasted a month, you don't seem to believe love exists, and you won't even give a decent guy a chance. You expect me to trust you to help me?" Alec asks, and sadly he has a point. "There is a difference between my love life and yours. I don't care about mine, but I care about yours. I have learned a few romantic things from TV and I believe I have the skills to help you out," I say and he full on laughs in my face. Really. What did I say that was funny? "What?" I asked but he still kept laughing. "Sam, sister dear, TV is fake. There is nothing you could have learned that could help me. I'll tell you what. You have a decent date with this mystery boy and I will let you help me out. You don't have to like him, but he needs to ask for a second date for you to convince me you have the skills. You don't have to say yes to it, but you have to be charming and romantic enough for him to at least try. Deal?" He asked and held out his hand. I immediately take his hand and shake it like a maniac. "You got yourself a deal Mr.Brown. Be prepared for my ideas to get you and Erik together," I say and we both laugh at my weirdness. Now I have major practice to do. I have to actually practice having good table manners and be romantic. I was planning on scaring this guy away, but that idea is out the window. Alec got me the final touches to my outfit and he left the room to go back to his madness of math. "Kid, you finally giving this date a chance? I'm proud of you," I hear Hephestus saying as he was climbing out of my jacket pocket. "No Hephaestus. I'm just going to try and be a good date so I can help set one up for Alec. I already decided I don't need boys in my life," I said crossing my arms. "Are you sure? Not even that Logan kid?" He said with a smirk and I gasped. "What do you think you are talking about? Logan and I are nothing but friends. We met literally a week ago and everyone seems to think I like him," I say with a huff and Hephaestus climbs on my bed to sit beside me. "Well, it's because you do. You always stare at him, it is obvious you think about him a lot, you are jealous when he hangs out with other girls. Face it. You like the boy, end of story," he said with a smirk and I sigh. "Not happening. He may be cute, smart, charming and all but that doesn't mean I like him," I said and Hephaestus gave me a look. Wait, I really shouldn't have said that out loud.

The Stolen Jewel of Hecate
RomanceA few years ago the jewel of Hecate was stolen and needs to be brought back to the keeper of the jewels. Sam is one of the four heroes that are going to help get it back. Sam needs to balance being a superhero, and being a normal teen with the basic...