As bad as I feel leaving Logan by himself, but I had to transform. I really hope he listened to me. I wouldn't live with myself if he got hurt. I'm still on school property, but I'm looking for the direction it went. Normally you see a trail of where the beasts go, but this one flys. You can't exactly track a flying thing 'cause they don't leave things behind. Until I looked in the direction of the park to see a giant feather. I guess that's a good lead to finding this thing. I go in the direction of the feather and I see Cyclone joining me on my run. "Hey Sparks, What are we facing? I just saw people running and transformed," He said. I am still quite pissed at him but I guess I need to tell him what's happening. "It's a giant griffin. It doesn't seem to have any hostages yet," I say as we keep running. "Look Sparks, I want to apologize for what happened a couple of days ago. It was-" He said, but it was cut off by a bang. "Look, your apology isn't as important as defeating this thing. Whatever you are going to say, tell me later!" I shouted. I didn't mean to sound as harsh as it did, but I'm still slightly pissed. My anger wasn't something I could control at this moment. "Do you know where the other boys are?" I asked Cyclone, but he shook his head. Why do these boys never have answers, but they always have questions? We finally catch up to the griffin in the middle of town. It was on top of the giant fountain we have in the center of the park and it wasn't happy. It was roaring at people that were running away. If this thing understood English, and you know, wasn't attacking everyone, I would tell it two words.....Breath mints. It smells like skunk spray, and wet dog smell had a baby, that's how bad this thing's breath is. Kind of reminded me of Godzilla, not gonna lie. You know, the yelling on top of the skyscraper? Instead of a skyscraper, it's a public fountain and it doesn't have a girl screaming for her prince charming. As I was staring at this thing Dolostone and Hightide showed up. "What's the plan Sparks?" Dolostone asks and I honestly don't have a clue. All three of them looked at me with hopeful eyes thinking I have an answer, but I don't. "I don't have an idea guys. I think we hold it down first, then come up with a plan," I say and the boys nodded in agreement. There was one problem. As soon as we agreed to try and hold it down. It took off. Took off as in taking flight. I'm not an expert, but I don't think humans can fly. I have an idea. I threw the whip in the direction of the griffin hoping it will catch a talon. If this thing has an unlimited line we should, in theory, be able to grab it. It wrapped around the talon, but I didn't expect one thing. I forgot this thing could pick me up. So now I'm hundreds of feet above the ground, hanging on a whip for dear life, and being pulled along by a griffin. I'll tell you, this was never on my bucket list. I know I'm a hero and whatever, and I know I'm supposed to be fearless, but was I not supposed to scream at this moment? If I let go, I'm toast. I'm dead, a goner, a pancake. My legs are flailing in the air, and I'm screaming until I feel something solid under my body. I look down to see the three boys on a floating rock. Thank god for Dolostone's power. I loosen the whip and drop down onto the platform Dolostone created. "Thanks, guys. If you weren't here I think I would have ended up a human pancake," I said and the boys chuckled, except for Cyclone. He didn't seem pissed, but more just overall depressed. Was it about what I said earlier or did he just wake up on the wrong side of the bed? I'm sadly thinking the first option. "OK, what's the plan?" Dolostone said making all the boys turn to me. Really? You couldn't put your three brains together to come up with a plan. "Can't you three nitwits come up with a plan?" I asked a touch annoyed and all three of them shook their heads in unison. Well, that's helpful. "I have an idea," a low voice said. We all turned and that soft voice came from Cyclone. Why does he sound so timid? He is or was the flirt of the team. He was always confident is what I got from him with the little time we have known each other. I get he would be a bit upset that I was mad at him, but I didn't think it would hurt his pride that much. "Well, what are you waiting for? Tell us!" Hightide almost shouted. I don't understand how he is so excited to hear a plan. He was just as excited as a kid being told he is going to the zoo. Cyclone sighs and scratches the back of his neck. "Well, Dolostone can get us above the thing then Sparks and use her whip to steer the griffin down to the ground. Hightide and I can use our powers to help force the griffin to land?" Cyclone said. It wasn't half bad. "I like the sound of that. Any objections?" I ask and the other two shake their heads. Now it's time to put this into action. Dolostone steers his rock to above the giffin and I jump down onto it's back. I was on all fours and I know I shouldn't get distracted, but it was the softest thing I have ever felt in the entire world. It was like the softness of a kitten multiplied by a hundred. It feels me land on its back and it starts to shake. I wrap my whip around its mouth like a horse bit and grab onto the end of my whip. It starts to struggle, but I stand my ground. All three boys are throwing what they can at it. With Hightide spraying a ray of water in its eyes, Dolostone throws rocks at where he can, and Cyclone was creating a whirlwind to direct the other two's boy's attacks and give them more power. I was pulling, and tugging on my 'reigns' but nothing was working. It was not going anywhere close to the ground and honestly, it was a little scary. Do you know when your friends say not to look down when you're up high? Now I know why. I never understood why you shouldn't look down. You should be looking where you want to go, not where you could go if you slip anyway. Hundreds of feet off the ground and if I was to fall I'm toast. The only thing in my head was 'that is a long way down, and a horrible way to die' which did not help me be brave at all. The boys were throwing things at it and nothing was happening until Dolostone landed a rock in just the right spot. It was where the wing started on the side and it looks like that took a toll on the griffin. "Guys! Aim for the wings!" I shouted and the boys nodded. Now all their hits were hitting the wings and it looked like the griffin was getting closer to the ground. Except it wasn't slowly getting closer, getting ready for a steady landing. No! This thing was spiraling out of control, doing a nose dive to the ground. We were perpendicular to the ground. I know I could die at this moment, but that was a really smart word. Good job me. I pull with all my strength and the head just isn't coming up. Nothing I'm doing is working to get this thing to do a steady landing, and I was running out of time before I would hit the ground at like a million kilometers an hour! The boys are falling behind me and trying to reach me before I crash into the earth, but their powers aren't moving fast enough. Dolostone's rock isn't floating fast enough to catch me, maybe because of the extra weight of two people, and Cyclone's tornado thing isn't moving very fast. Is this my fate? To die by riding a griffin? I close my eyes and I expect to hit the ground at hundreds of kilometers an hour. I'm falling, and falling, and falling.........Why aren't I dead yet?
Authors note:
Sorry for the slightly shorter chapter. Been a bit busy.~bubblegum_writeing

The Stolen Jewel of Hecate
RomanceA few years ago the jewel of Hecate was stolen and needs to be brought back to the keeper of the jewels. Sam is one of the four heroes that are going to help get it back. Sam needs to balance being a superhero, and being a normal teen with the basic...