Chapter 43

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When I opened the door I saw the man had taken down every single one of them. All three were put into magic, floating bubbles. I looked at Cyclone on the right and he was hunched in a ball. I looked over at Dolostone, he was hunched over resting his palms on his knees, and shaking. Finally, I look over at Hightide. He looked numb, physically, and mentally. His body didn't look like it was in pain. He just floated in the bubble like his pain receptors got fried and no longer worked. His face on the other hand looks like he lost his soul. I ran up to the bubbles with my friends and/or crush or something like that. I don't' exactly know at the moment. I placed my hand on Dolostone's bubble and it shocked me. "Ouch!" I exclaimed pulling my hand away. I looked behind them to see the man laughing up a storm. "Yes! Yes! Go, my creatures!" Hex exclaimed. Dude has decent fighting skills but needs better name-picking skills. Hold on. Did he say creatures, plural! I sneak around the bubbles and find a spot to be concealed from Hex's vision, but also so I could see the damage that was caused. Fire hydrant guisers everywhere, black acid monsters going everything like slugs, burning everything in their paths, a few buildings on fire. It looked like if hell had a child. Good thing the boys got everyone out of town. I looked back at the boys. "Don't worry. I'm going to get you out," I said looking a the control panel beside them. "Aw come on. What do all these buttons do?" I asked. Then I heard a cackle behind me. I spun around looking Hex in the eyes. "You don't have to worry about that," Hex said. He pointed his torch at me and a blast of magic came and hit me in the chest. I flew back a couple of feet and landed with a thud. I got up a little wobbly and saw Hex moving closer to the control panel. "You wanted to know what these buttons do," He said and my blood started to boil. "Well how about you find what this giant lever does first," he said. He placed his hand on the lever and pushed it up the panel. The bubbles' colour got deeper and the boys' pain seemed to get worse. "No!" I shouted. Hex gave an evil laugh and something sparked inside me. My skin was turning red and a bright light covered my body. I felt my body changing and it was kind of scary. Under the bright light, I felt my mask disappearing. Where the fuck is it going? I asked in my head. I looked down at my hand and it was blood red. I felt my fire ponytail getting hotter like it was becoming literal fire. The bright light went out around me and I could see what my outfit changed to. It was a fiery red toga with swirls of black. Once my transformation was complete I assumed I didn't look recognizable because no one said my name. Hex stared at me with fear in his eyes. He started frantically backing up while I took strong strides forward. "No! Please!" he shouted. He tripped over his own feet in fear, but he still kept trying to back up. "After all you did you think I should let you go?" I said and my voice was weird. It sounded like I was possessed, but I was still in control. Hex reached the edge of the building before he took his torch and let me have another blast. I moved back a few feet again, but I didn't feel a thing. I started to float in the air and I can see the little determination from that blast disappear. I put my hand out to face him and a blast of fire left my palm. I can use them! Finally! Hex put a shield but it was too weak for my newfound power. I hit him and his suit and skin started to burn. What am I doing? I can't kill him. "Please!" Hex spit out. "I'll give you everything you want! Just don't kill me!" he shouted on his knees with his hands together. Next, my body lost control and I could feel my body heating up. I let out a blood-curdling scream. My body was burning and it hurt like hell. "Sparks are you OK?" I barely heard Hightide ask. "No! My body feels like it's melting!" I shouted angrily at him with my possessed voice. "What the hell are you doing to me?!" I shouted at Hex and I saw him stare at me in awe. "What the fuck is that face for?! Fucking say something!" I shouted at him moving my hand to show if I'm not answered I'll fire again. He got off his sorry butt and started pacing. Well to the best of his ability from my blasts and Hightide guarding his ass. I let out another scream of pain. "Your body is changing," Hex mumbled and I wanted to strangle him. "No fucking shit!" I shouted. He looked back up at me and sighed. "Look, my plans are obviously not going to succeed and I don't want to put up with her wrath." He said and I could never be more confused. "With Sparks like that this whole planet is gonna go. We need her to use this power to kill all of those things if we want a chance for this planet to still be here. I'll take the punishment for my crimes but we need to get those beings back first. Sparks can easily kill them with this power but we need to get them all in one place, at least that's what the prophecy says," Hex said and I still wanted to strangle him. "You don't tell me what the fuck is happening I'll kill you for real man!" I shouted again and Hightide went in front of him and gave me a sympathetic look. "Sparks I get you're mad, but you need to let the man talk," he said trying to calm me down. Rage overtook me. I can't control anything anymore. I'll kill someone at some point and I won't be able to stop myself. "Sparks, I know you hate me right now, but you need to listen to me," Hex said with pleading eyes and I still wanted to strangle him, but I think now might be a good time to listen. "You must calm down. If you don't get your shit together you can say goodbye to everyone you ever loved. All of human civilization is gone if you don't calm down," This didn't calm me down at all! I can kill all of humanity and he expects me to calm down? "OK, Green and white boy you are coming with me to gather these things up. Hightide it is very important you stay here and calm her down. She can't blow.... Just yet," He said. And with that Cyclone and Dolostone nodded and went on their ways. "Sparks I need you to come down and talk to me," He said quietly slowly taking steps closer to me. I curled into a ball trying to control whatever the fuck was happening but I couldn't. "I can't!" I cried. The single tear that went down my face felt like acid but at this point, everything felt like it was on fire, what could a little acid do to that? "Fine, I'll come to you," Hightide said and I was confused. He made a wave to come up to my height in the sky. He was a foot away from me and I could feel him looking down at me. "I can't do this. I want to turn back," I whispered. "Everyone would know who you are. Besides we need you to get rid of these things. Power through. I bet everything will be fine," he said and I looked up to see him smiling down at me. I let a scream as a blast came out of my hand. I put a hole straight through the building under us. It was a small blast so Hightide took some of this water wave to put out the fire. "What am I going to do if I can't fix this? What if I kill everyone?! You, Me, everybody!?" I shouted, then I felt a wave wash over me, quite literally. I look at Hightide and he looked like he was about to burst with laughter. "That is not calming down Sparks. Did that at least cool you off?" He asked with a smug look and I shook my head with a smile. "My body, for maybe a second, but my attitude wise it kind of worked," I said with a smile. "Ouch!" I heard from Hightide. I looked down at my shoulder to see a tiny handprint. "No wonder you are in pain. You are literally the same temperature as fire," he said looking sympathetic. I let out a defeated sigh. "When in the world are they coming back?" I asked and Hightide shook his head. "Did you know why Hex said I was going to blow?" I asked and he again shook his head. "What if I-" I was saying when Hightide gave me a hug. "Hightide you are going to get third-degree burns. What are you doing?" I panicked. I pushed away to see him with a water shield on his chest. "Calming you down. You need to stop asking these questions. If 'blow' means what I think it means you can't come close to it," he said with a sad look. He wrapped his arms back around me, and I fell into the hug. I needed this, desperately. I felt more tears coming down my face and it still felt like acid. "Blue boy, Sparks! We got them all!" Hex shouted. He came to our side in the sky and Hightide immediately let me go. "Green and white boy are keeping them all together while I explain what is going to happen. Sparks as weird as this sounds, but the only way for your power to not kill everyone is if they all collapse onto you. They cover up all possible ways for any of your power to come out they all die and the world is safe. White guy is going to pick them all up with the most powerful hurricane he can produce, you get underneath, and he lets it go. For safety, everyone is creating a dome for extra protection," He said and I nodded to show I understand. "Sparks you go with the first part of the plan, Hightide I need to talk to you,"


Author's note:

Well, writer's block is a bit of an asshole. My only excuse is that this is almost done. I wanted a nice completed ending that didn't feel rushed so I had to really think. Sorry about that :)


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