OK. I have to focus. They may be jerks, but they have lives too. I whip the giant beast and it let out loud cries. I knock it over on it's back, but it refuses to let the four go. I'm really annoyed now. I whip it as much as possible but it doesn't seem to affect it in a way for me to somehow take it down. I let out a groan but then I had an idea. If this whip can magically grow, If I wrap it around the thing enough times, it can be spun off into the large oak tree in the park. I might destroy my favorite tree, but it's for the good of the people. So now to execute my plan. I pull my arm back to give me some power. I swing the whip around the beast. It went around maybe ten times and it was a fire whip so it burnt it a bit. I pulled the beast as much as I could and pulled back at the last second to send it into a spinning mayhem. It let go of the four hostages as it kept spinning off into the distance. It kept spinning till it hit my favorite oak tree knocking the tree down and the beast out. I walk up to the beast's head. It's out cold. At this moment I notice a button on the whip's handle. I press the button and it turns into a stamp. Do I stamp it like it's a letter? I press the stamp to the beasts temple and it turns to dust. The dust spins around the town in a dark cloud. The dust spins and fixes what it destroyed, including my favorite tree, and it leaves my whip like it never changed. I looked up to my favorite tree and sighed a sigh of relief. I turned around to see the three jerks in jumpsuits standing in front of me, and Emma was nowhere to be found. I get my whip ready to swing away to transform back until an arm grabs me. I turn around to see the boy in blue. He gives me an apologetic smile, but I'm hesitant to give them a chance. I give him a stare to hopefully scare him off. "Look, I want to be the first to say I'm sorry. We were real jerks." the blue one says. The other two nod. I look at him. "Why should I believe you? You guys didn't believe in me, why should I believe in you?" I said disgusted with him. The blue one sighs. "Well you shouldn't, but I would hope you could find it in your heart to give me, us, a second chance." He said with a genuine smile. I look at him. "I don't know." I stated. " Look, we might as well introduce our selves, give you some insight on us. Hopefully trusting you will help you trust us as your future teammates." The green on said. " Yeah, and hopefully you could tell us what your power is besides being a badass with a whip." The white one piped in. I slowly nodded to their proposal. " Well, I decided to call myself Hightide." the blue one stated. I nodded and looked at the green one. " I-uh I'm Dolostone." the green one said. I raised a brow in confusion. " It's a type of mineral, and I am the hero of earth. I thought it made sense." Dolostone said shyly. I slightly giggled and looked at the final boy. " OK, my turn I guess." The boy paused to think about a name. His face lit up like he came up with an idea. " I'm Cyclone." He said proudly. Then the three turned to me looking for me to introduce myself. " Oh no. There is no point in my introduction. I'm not staying." I say, waving my hands in dismissal. They looked confused. " You have to stay. You can't just give it back, you don't know who the keeper is, and girl, did you see yourself out there?!" the gre- no, Dolostone said. " Exactly, you took that thing down all by yourself, with no powers. We need you." Cyclone said. " What Cyclone said. We ne-" Hightide was cut off by screams coming from the distance. It was a bunch of people with microphones and cameras. Well, I'm leaving. I'm not getting stuck in that. " Who are you guys and how did you get here, and will you be protecting us from now on?" One news repost lady asked. The news reporter moved the microphone over to the boys. " Well, we will be protecting the city for as long as needed. We are civilians in this town just like you, we were given powers is the only difference. Also to answer who I am, I'm Hightide." said HIghtide. The microphone went to Dolostone. " I'm- uh- Dolostone." Dolostone said shyly. "-and I'm Cyclone. We are very happy to be protecting all the beautiful people in this town." Cyclone said, wiggling his eyebrows at the ladies in the crowd of people. " Who is the girl that saved your lives?" another new reporter asked. "Well, why don't you ask her? She is walking over there." Dolostone pointed at me walking away. Dolostone, you are the worst. The people come flooding towards me. I didn't want to use this form of travel again, sure it was fun, but it's dangerous, but I have no choice. I swung my whip towards my school and flew away, leaving the crowd to gossip among themselves. I don't need this kind of attention. I flew in the sky and I landed at my school. No one was around. I went into a closet and changed back. The bright light changed me back to my original self as if nothing had happened. "Kid, that was awesome! You took that thing down with an iron fist." Hephaestus said excitedly. I sighed. " Why the long face? This proves you can do this. Look, the boys want you on their team, the public wants you on that team........ I want you on that team." Hephaestus said sincerely. I thought about it. He is right, they are all right. I stopped that thing by myself. I saved their lives, and if I didn't exist they might not be here right now. I also got the nitwits to stop fighting. Maybe I can do this. " You know. You're right. Maybe I can do this." I say with a stupid grin on my face. " You know, I think I'll reconsider giving it back." I said looking at the necklace around my neck. Hephaestus gave me a reassuring nod. I smiled and motioned for Hephaestus to get in my bag and he obeyed my request. I walk out of the closet and start heading to work, only to be stopped by Ellie. " Sam! Did you see them? Did you see them?" she said like a child on Christmas morning. I laughed lightly. " Who did I see?" I asked to cover up that I know everything. " Did you not see the new heros? See I told you they were real." Ellie said holding up a new article. The top story was ' New heros in town' and it had a picture of the three boys. Well maybe they didn't want me after all. " So those boys are the ones who saved the day?" I was somewhat disappointed. Ellie shook her head. " There was this girl superhero. She basically did all the work. The boys got caught and she had to save their sorry butts. She was incredible. You should have seen her." She said enthusiastically. I smiled. She thought I was incredible? " Well I'll just have to see them myself." I stated. " Well I have to get to work. Are you coming or do you have something better to do?" I asked kind of hoping she would have something to do. I don't need a repeat of yesterday. " I'm actually doing some english when I get home. I'll see you tomorrow." Ellie waved goodbye and I was left on my own. " See Kid?" I heard Hephaestus whisper to me. I moved my head slightly back to hear him better. " She loves you, just like everyone else." He said happily. That just gave me a bigger smile to go to work with. I entered the doors of my favourite job in the world and went to the locker rooms. For the rest of the day, nothing could bring me down. Nothing was running my mood. For one of the first times in my life, I felt like I was giving back. I was happy with what I was doing for my town. I go out to my section and start my work. I saw people were talking about it on TV. I looked to the screen and listened in on what they think of the events of today. " Late in the afternoon, there was a giant beast. No one knows where it came from, or how it got here. It attacked Alexandre secondary school, but luckily no one was hurt, but it did take a student hostage. The student in question is known as Emma Franton. We went to her to see her side of the story." The news lady said. The camera changed and it showed Emma beside another news reporter. " Mrs. Franton, please tell us what happened." the news reporter asked. " Well at first, I had no hope of being saved. The boys were arguing like children and the girl just stood there, like hello I was in trouble and she stood there. After a while the beast grabbed the boys and they didn't do anything again. They say they had powers of some sort, so why didn't they use them. They could have taken them down easily, but whatever. Then finally, the girl came back. To top the story off, she saved us and got rid of the monster.Now I'm one of her biggest fans." Emma said. Wow. That was a lot to take in. Emma likes me, not in human form but close enough. For the rest of the day, I was in the best mood as could be. Nothing could spoil today.

The Stolen Jewel of Hecate
RomantikA few years ago the jewel of Hecate was stolen and needs to be brought back to the keeper of the jewels. Sam is one of the four heroes that are going to help get it back. Sam needs to balance being a superhero, and being a normal teen with the basic...