Cyclone transformed and he looked good. Not better than with his normal powers, but he didn't look all that bad, his hair was all blue with white frosted tips. Instead of a mostly blue suit like Hightide's, it was all gold and it almost looked like a suit of armor, but it wasn't over the top armor, just a very subtle breastplate and all that stuff except a helmet. Right on his breastplate was the water logo that Hightide had. His mask was gold on the bottom and it faded into blue at the top to match his hair. That was honestly my favorite part about his suit. "What do you think?" Cyclone asked and I nodded. "As much as it doesn't matter I like it. Now I need you to learn quickly. Me and Dolostone are going to move that thing closer to the river. Part it the river before we get there," I said and without another word, we both ran out to see Dolostone in the slimeball. He was in a bubble, like everyone else and the boys were right about the coma thing. "Oh shit, what do we do now?" I asked looking at Cyclone and he had a face like he had an idea. "Look at its eyes," Cyclone said and I looked up, but didn't see anything significant. I shrugged my shoulders and Cyclone continued. "Its eyes aren't made out of slime like the rest of its body. Maybe we affect its vision something will happen?" Cyclone said as more than a question than a statement. "If I make a wave big enough you could get up there, burn its eyes with your whip, and maybe it will collapse or something," he said I liked his plan except for one thing. "The wave is too obvious. It sees me coming, it knocks me down and I don't think I like the outcome of that," I said and he agreed. "How about I climb up that tall building," I said pointing at the building a few blocks away. It was the same building I got that baby from, so I know it pretty well. "You guide it to me and when it's close enough I'll jump out and kick its eyes out," I said and an evil smirk crossed on both our faces. "I'll go get that thing to you," said Cyclone in a somewhat evil tone. I started running down the streets looking at all the slime trails and destroyed city property. Who wants to cause this much destruction? Why don't they come out and fight instead of sending stupid creatures? I reach my building and start running up all the stairs. I'm not risking the elevator like a good person. I got to my desired floor and I got a better view on the city. Everything was covered in blue slime and it was disgusting. I see Cyclone leading the thing in my direction with his new powers. I will admit he is good with his powers, but no one can replace hightide. Even though he was a bit of an asshole. Cyclone comes closer and I duck under the window so the slime thing doesn't see me. I stay put until I hear Cyclone splashing the ting with water so I know it's close enough to attack. I peeked up and it was distracted. I took a couple of steps back and booked it to the window. I jumped and aimed my leg straight for its left eye. I felt the impact of my foot on its eye and it was really gross. It was slippery and slightly slimy. My kick was strong enough to temporarily blind it and send it falling to the ground. It let out a loud battle cry as it hit the concrete of the roads. Cyclone caught me with a wave, brought me safely down the ground, and walked up the slime ball. "Is it done?" Cyclone asked and I nodded. "I think so. I would like to stamp it now before it has any ideas on getting up again," I said. I pressed the button and walked up to the slime ball. I pressed it against the eye I kicked and it's bright blue color turned to black. It's slimy consistency turning into dry ash. Everyone was being released out of their bubbles, and property was being put where it belongs. When everything was resolved the people were still in their comas. "Why aren't they waking up?" I asked concerned and Cyclone shook his head. "Couldn't tell you. Why don't we shake them?" I gave him a pissed off look and he put his hands up in surrender. "I'm going to try and wake up Dolostone first. You get more civilians up and back into town," I said and he nodded and went off in his direction. I'm looking around, looking at all the bodies on the ground. Mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters out cold on the sidewalk. If I didn't know what just happened I would have passed out by now. I see a familiar set of green locks to my right and rush over to the body they were attached to. "Dolostone?" I said. I rolled my eyes at what I was about to do. I grabbed both his shoulders and shook him. "Dolostone can you hear me?" I asked again. Still nothing. Goddammit, Dolostone. Slap. I slapped him as hard as I could across the face. I heard a groan come out of his mouth and I let out a shriek of happiness. "Dolostone! You're OK!" I shouted and Dolostone gave me a confused look. "Of course I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be? Where's the slime thing? I thought we were battling it?" He asked and I shook my head. "You got sucked up and knocked out. It's gone now," I said and he sighed. "Aw, man. I missed that battle? That sucks," he said and I laughed. "You can complain about that later. You need to wake everybody up. To wake everyone, slap everyone as hard as you can. I'm going to return this to Cyclone so I can get Hightide's ring back so I can give it back to Hightide," I said, holding out Cyclone's chain. Dolostone gave me a look that said I was crazy. "What?" I asked and his mouth kept opening and closing like a fish. "So you know who Hightide and Cyclone are?" he asked and I slapped him. "No, you buffoon. I turned around. To get the full story of when you were passed out ask Cyclone. After I give him his chain back," I said. We bid our goodbyes and I quickly go grab Cyclone and drag him to an alley. "Whoa, I don't have any money. Please don't hurt me," Cyclone said in a sarcastic voice. I gave him a furrowed brow and he immediately backed off. "Give me the ring back Aquaman," I stated sarcastically and Cyclone rolled his eyes. "Look at that. Mrs paranoid can be funny," he said with a smirk and I gave him a look. "OK, OK. Turn around," He said shooing me around. I waltz my way around and he takes off the ring. "Finally. We could have been done five minutes ago if you aimed the wave forty-two degrees more to the left when catching Sparks so she would have a dismount closer to the slime thing. Also, less chit chat after the kick would have been good too," Poseidon said. I rolled my eyes. "Sparks, you should have gotten Poseidon. He's a worrywart like you," he laughed out and I shook my head. "You should be nice to me since I still have your chain in my hand," I said with an evil grin holding out the chain to the side. I felt his presence go to grab it so I pulled it back. "Should I give it back now that you disrespected me?" I said with a laugh and I heard a sigh come from Cyclone. "OK, I'm sorry. Give Aeolus back," he said with a chuckle. As he requested I gave it back. I threw it over my shoulder and he dropped it since I heard the clash between the chain and the ground. "Very funny. Aeolus, give me strength," I heard him say. As the bright light settled down I turned around to see the normal Cyclone I have learned to tolerate. "Wait. How are you going to find Hightide if you supposedly didn't see what he looked like?" Cyclone asked, giving the ring back to me, and I sighed. "First of all, do you want me in trouble that bad? Second I told him to meet me somewhere. He will be in a place where I can't see him, but I can still give the ring back. Also so we don't get caught I will be in civilian form so no one is suspicious of a superhero just out and about. It's really quite simple," I said in a 'duh' tone. "OK, whatever. I'll see you next time," Cyclone said. Without another word, he was going on his way. I de-transform and I start walking to the park. Hightide can't see me because one, it's like eleven o'clock, and two, he has had loads of time to get to the tree. I'm walking down the street when I see Alec walking on the other side. I quickly jump into the alley so he doesn't see me. I'm up against the wall when I see him pass me by on the other side of the road. I don't think he saw me so I stepped out and kept walking to the park. When I reach the park I go and stand on the side of the giant oak tree. "Sparks?" I hear a voice say on the other side of the tree. "Hightide?" I asked in return. "Yeah. That's me," He replied. "Are you feeling OK?" I asked and he mumbled a yeah. "Look can you just let me apologize?" He asked and I agreed. "I'm sorry for what I said, and I'm sorry I went after that thing on my own. I just didn't think you wanted to see me," he said quietly. I nodded and sighed. "Well, I'm sorry you felt that way. I don't think my choice of words were the ones to use that night," I said. "Apology excepted," I said and he said the same back. We sat in comfortable silence before Hightide broke it. "Can we try something?" Hightide asked and I shrugged. "Depends," I said and he let out a small chuckle. "Would you come over to this side of the tree if I kept my eyes closed and you kept yours closed?" he asked and I froze. "Is it a good idea?" I asked slightly scared. "Of course. As long as you don't open your eyes," He said and I shook my head. "How will I know if you keep yours closed?" I asked and he sighed. "You worry too much. I promise I won't open my eyes while you are on this side of the tree," he said. I took it into thought. What's the worst that can happen if we keep our eyes closed? "OK. Close your eyes," I said and I gave him a solid few seconds before I did the same. I used the tree as a guide to make my way before I feel a hand on the tree. "I'm assuming that's your hand?" I asked and I heard a hum in response. "Your hands are soft," Hightide said and I felt my cheeks rise in temperature. I keep moving my hand to figure out where Hightide is in front of me. I felt where his shoulders were and I positioned myself so my shoulders are parallel to his. "Feeling how strong I am without the costume?" Hightide said in a cocky voice and I chuckle. "Of course not. Just trying to be in front of you so I'm not talking to a tree," I said and we both laughed. We became silent again and Hightide's arms snake their way around my waist. I was hesitant about what he was doing but I didn't fight back. In fact, I encouraged it because as soon as he did that I wrapped my arms around his neck. The position we were in sent shivers up and down my spine. I smelt the same cologne as the night we were together and it brought a smile to my face. "You know, if I opened my eyes right now I would know exactly who you are, right?" Hightide asked and I gasped. "You wouldn't," I said in a deadly tone. "I would if you said the word," he said in a low voice. I tiled my head down. "Sparks, you have no idea what I would do for you, you know," Hightide said as his hand was making it's way up my body. "I would cut my arm off so your wishes could come true," he said placing his hand on my cheek. "I would climb the tallest mountain in the world a million times to see you happy," he said. I felt butterflies in my stomach and my legs were weak. He was holding my limp body up with the hand on my waist thankfully. "Sparks," He said again, bringing his face closer to mine. I felt his breath tickle my skin, and his thumb traed the side of my lips. "You should really stop me," he said I didn't exactly get it until he gently placed his lips on mine and kissed me. I didn't push away, but I kissed him back. I leaned into it returning what he was giving me. He gave my waist a slight squeeze and my arms wrapped tighter around his neck. When he bit my lower lip everything came swarming back. Shit! What am I doing?! This is Hightide! I might like him a little, but what about Logan!? He is my actual crush! I guess Hightide kind of is too. This would never work! I can't date a hero, I can't date anyone! I really want this thought! I instantly place my hands on his chest, and use all my strength to push him back. I broke the kiss and I already miss the warmth that was on my lips. "We can't do this," I said and Hightide sighed. "Why would it not?" he asked and I gasped out of shock. "What do you mean 'what would it not?' We more likely have completely separate lives, we don't know who the other is, it could put everyone in danger," I said flailing my arms around like a moron. "Was the kiss that bad?!" He shouted and I stood still. "No," I mumbled. I heard a sigh come from Hightide. "Besides, what about the girl in your civilian life? Don't you still have her?" I asked sternly and I didn't hear anything come from Hightide. "I don't know, OK? I have been conflicted with who I like for a while now, and don't act so innocent. You have a guy in your own life too right?" he asked and I let out a whimper. "I don't know! OK? I like both of you! I know it's not fair to either party, but it's the truth!" I shouted. I felt a tear threatening to fall down my face, but even though he can't see me I won't cry in front of him. Silence passed before I had enough. "I'm going home. Here's your stupid ring!" I shouted. I placed it on the ground, and as soon as I was on the other side of the tree, I opened my eyes and ran home without turning back. "Sparks!" Hightide shouted. "Come back, please!" he shouted again. The strain in his voice tore me apart, but this is better and safer for the both of us. Fuck. Why do I always have rational thinking only after I do something stupid?
Author's note:
Just follow me on Instagram if you like fanart.
My username is: _crazy_fandoms_fanatic_ on Instagram
Hope you like this so far :)

The Stolen Jewel of Hecate
RomanceA few years ago the jewel of Hecate was stolen and needs to be brought back to the keeper of the jewels. Sam is one of the four heroes that are going to help get it back. Sam needs to balance being a superhero, and being a normal teen with the basic...