Chapter 15

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Hightide?" I asked. He gave me a cheeky smile before going back to defeating the guy that threatened to shoot. This distracted the guys who had a hold on my arms enough for me to break free. With my whip still in hand, I kick both guys in the stomach and tie my whip to a light pole with the guy still delirious from the alcohol. The drunk man was going on about his family and all that mumbo jumbo while me and Hightide were taking care of the other three men. One man wrapped their arms around my torso, and I struggled to get free. I swung my head back to hit their head and automatically they let me go. That man was out cold while I had a giant headache. I threw that man with the guy by the light pole and went after one of the two guys fighting Hightide. Hightide used his powers to throw the men back on their butts so we had a chance to strike. I untied the drunk man because he at some point passed out, and I wrapped my whip around the two men and started to walk to the police station, with Hightide pulling the other two along, riding a wave he created. Never thought I would see a wave off a beach in my life. We were walking down the road with four madmen in hand and we probably looked insanely weird. "This is kidnapping young lady! I should call the authorities on you!" One of the men said. I rolled my eyes. "You four should be charged with attempted robbery, attempted murder, and complicity. I suggest you keep your mouths shut about our actions." I said coldly and kept on walking. I hear Hightide let out a laugh and I roll my eyes. He does know this is serious and he shouldn't be laughing right? We finally get to the station and tell the officers what happened. After explaining the incident all four of them got sent to a holding cell where they will be held until their trials. I was walking back until an arm grabbed my arm. I turned around to see Hightide. "Hey. Thanks for helping me out Hightide. I probably wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you." I said with a smile. I try to walk away until he grabs my arm again. "Uh- I was wondering if we could talk?" Hightide asks. I hesitantly nod and before I know it, Hightide has us riding a wave to find a spot to talk. We stopped when we found this amazing spot on top of a building. It had a great few of the twinkling stars and the street lights. It looked like a scene from a movie, as cliché as that sounds. I looked at Hightide and he was also looking at the scene in front of us. "So, what did you want to talk about?" I asked stretching out the 'so' for as long as possible. "Well, I first wanted to officially apologize f-" I cut him off cause I know where this was going. "Look, you are forgiven for whatever you were going to say. Second, are you and Cyclone on the same page or something? 'Cause he did the same thing to me earlier tonight. Third, whatever you were going to apologize for is unnecessary because you saved my life so we are equal anyway." I say with a smile, and he returns it. " How can you forgive what we did so easily? We were big jerks." He said with a slight blush coming from under his mask. "Honestly 'cause I didn't care about your teasing. I helped the town stay safe and that's all that matters." I say somewhat truthfully. Sure, the insults did sting a little, but I did help save the day so I'm happy. We sat in comfortable silence until Hightide spoke. "Are you still planning to give your jewel back?" Hightide asked suddenly. I never thought he would ask something like that. "I thought about it. I think I'm happy to keep it. Why?" I asked. Hightide began to scratch the back of his neck, it was almost like he was nervous. "Well, I actually got nervous about the thought about you giving it up." He said bashfully. I was kind of shocked. "What made you so nervous? You would have had a replacement for me anyways." I say with a slight chuckle. "Well, 'cause honestly, the way you took that beast down on your own was incredible. I don't think your replacement could do something like that. If you didn't come to save us and you went to find a replacement instead, I think we wouldn't be here right now. Plus, I actually think you're an amazing girl. I think our team would have fallen apart if it wasn't for you." He said shying away as he continued his explanation. I smiled and I could feel my face getting hot.That might be the nicest thing someone has ever said to me. "That means a lot Hightide. I appreciate it." I get up and give him a tight hug. He accepted the embrace and hugged me back. His face was in the crook of my neck and my head was on his shoulder. It was a peaceful feeling. I thought he would smell like salt water, but he smelled really good. He had a great taste in cologne. Finally, I pulled away and looked at his happy face. "Well, I got to go. I should have been home a long time ago," I give him a wave and a smile and he gives me the same thing back. With that, I swing away with my whip across town. I flew through my window making sure no one saw me. I transform back into my old, normal self and sit at my desk, thinking about the night I just had. I got an apology from the flirt of the team. That's what I honestly think of Cyclone, from the beginning anyway. Tonight he did prove he has different feelings than just flirty, and it was a nice change. I helped Logan of all people from getting robbed. That robber had three other men who almost shot me, and Hightide had to save my ass, and Hightide also gave me an apology and told me I was an amazing girl. I say not a bad night. I kept thinking about what Hightide said. ' the way you took that beast down on your own was incredible,' and 'I actually think you're an amazing girl' kept ringing in my head. As I kept thinking about what he said my face got hotter and hotter. "I see someone has a crush," Hephaestus sang. I rolled my eyes and gave him a slap. " I do not have a crush. Why in the world would I have a crush on Hightide?" I asked, a touch annoyed. Hephaestus gave me a giant grin. "I said you had a crush. I didn't say who." He sang. I facepalmed. Goddammit, he caught me with the oldest trick in the book. "I don't like him. I just assumed that was who you were talking about because we hugged." I said trying to weasel my way out of this. "Yah sure Kid. You should admit it. This could be your fair shot of love. This could prove me right." He said confidently and I rolled my eyes. "If you keep rolling your eyes like that Sam, they'll get stuck like that." Hephaestus laughed. "You can be really annoying. Did you know that?" I asked with an annoyed tone. "That was my title in the box." He said proudly, and I shook my head. I look at the clock and it reads nine-o-clock. I think it's reasonable to stay up for another two hours and go to bed. I pull out some homework and get to work, with Hephaestus annoying me about my so called 'crush' on Hightide. I finally, from not doing a single thing all day, had gotten some work done. I had about half my work done when I got a ding from my phone. I opened my phone to see a text from my mom.

Hope you're excited to see us tomorrow. Me and your father are counting down the hours.

Oh no, I completely forgot about my parents coming home tomorrow. This secret is going to be hard to keep from them. I was always told to never lie, especially from my parents. Of course, I was the good child and just knew to never lie, but my brother had to learn the hard way. I remember seeing him out in time out for when he lied. It was amusing to look back on that, but my mind slowly drifted to me having to lie. I have always been a bad liar. Was never good at it and probably never will. I put that thought into the back of mind thinking I'll just have to deal with it when the time comes. I put my phone down, and go to lay on my bed, not even bothering to change my clothes. I was too tired for that. I stared at the ceiling, once again thinking about what was going to happen tomorrow. Ellie was going to show the entire school Emma's lie, and prove me innocent. Tomorrow might be one of the best days ever. It was going to showcase karma at its finest. With thinking about the video it made me realize I have a very large unknown answer to a question. I still don't know who got that video. Will they ever come forward and tell me how they got it? Or will I never know who helped me out?
Authors note:
I updated a little early because I won't be able to tomorrow so here are the two parts today. :)

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