I woke up in my bed still tired as all hell, and I didn't even bother to shower. I just put on a black hoodie and sweatpants, without putting my hair up. I don't have the motivation for that. "Kid, you good after what happened last night?" Hephaestus asked from the bed I made in my closet. I shook my head. "Of course not! After I thought I made it up to Hightide we are just going to be more awkward," I said pacing around the room. "I don't understand what you are so worried about. Once we get the broach back you can be with him for the rest of your life," Hephaestus said and I rolled my eyes. "What about Logan? I'm not dating two guys. That's like cheating and I still don't think I should date period," I said, placing my hand on my head. Hephaestus sighed and got in my backpack. "I think you should get yourself a man. It would make you less stressed," He said and I put my backpack on my back. "No. I would feel more stressed if I was being a good girlfriend. Face it, I'm not dating anybody," I said. I made my way down the stairs to see a plate with bacon and eggs. "I thought you would need it after the night you had," Alec said. I gave him a sad smile. He really does know how to make me feel better. I sat down and dug in while Alec stared at me. "You sure you don't want to talk about it?" He asked and I sighed. "Long story short, I got stood up by my original date then a friend came to cheer me up then we got in a fight, and here we are," I said and my brother's face dropped. He came around the kitchen island and hugged me. "Would driving me and your friend to school cheer you up?" He asked and I immediately nodded. I raced out of his grip and went to my phone to call Ellie. I heard Alec laughs, and he went back to his book that was on the counter. "Hello?" I heard Ellie say through the phone. "Meet me at my house. Alec is driving us to school," I said and without anything else, I hung up the phone. I looked back at Alec and he gave me a look. "You didn't tell her when?" He asked and I shook my head. "She will be racing over so she will be here well before we have to leave.," I said. I went back to my food and just as I took my last bite Alec and I saw the front door swing open. "The party has arrived!" Ellie shouted in the door frame. I look at Alec to see him astonished about how fast she got here. "Told you," I said. I make my way to Ellie and she pulls me into a deadly bear hug. "I appreciate the compassion, but I need to breathe," I say and that only made her squeeze me tighter. "I don't know how else to say I'm sorry. Me and Steven should have stayed with you," She said and I rolled my eyes. As I struggle to breathe I hear my phone going off. "Ellie, let me go answer my phone," I coughed out and she immediately let me go. I turn over my phone to see Logan's name. I do what I normally do if I don't want to talk to you. I pick up the phone, then immediately hang up. "Who was it?" Ellie and Alec said in unison. "It was-uh-um. A scammer! Yeah, that was it. They said my Nigerian prince wanted to give me a million dollars," I said and they looked between the two of them and shrugged their shoulders. Alec came from behind me and put his hand on my shoulder. "I know that isn't true Sam. You are a horrible liar. I know by the look on your face you don't want to talk about it, but I really think you should," He said. I looked up to see sympathy in his eyes and I gave him a small nod. "Well let's not dilly dally I want to get driven to school early so we can catch up before class. Let's go!" Ellie screamed as she raced out the door. I grab my bag to see Hephaestus give me a reassuring nod from my bag. I give him a subtle nod and completely close my bag and head out the door.
Time skip
Me and Ellie got out of Alec's car and we were about to head inside before Ellie grabbed my shoulder. "OK, what happened last night?" Ellie asked and I sighed. "Why are we worrying about me? Last night was your night to have fun. How was it with you and Steven?" I asked excitedly and Ellie's smile grew. "Well after we left we went roller skating for an hour and then we went to the trail where we expected to meet you. I'm sorry about that by the way. What happened?" She asked. I froze. I don't want to ruin her mood. "I just went home and watched TV with Alec. Nothing too interesting. Stop focusing on me. Last night was your night to enjoy. I told you would be fine on your own. What else happened?" I asked and she sighed, but happily strangely. "He may or may not have asked me to be his girlfriend!" She shrieked, and I obviously joined her, but it was kind of fake. I was happy for her, and she deserves it, but I kind of wish I had the same thing. I hugged her to congratulate her. I look behind her to see Logan coming up to the school doors, and rather quickly at that. He probably sees me and wants to talk to me.. Shit. I quickly pull out of the hug and grab Ellie by the hand. "We should probably head to our lockers and head to class, yeah?" I asked. As soon as Ellie gave some kind of nod I booked it inside. "Whoa, what's the hurry?" She asked and I kept speed walking backwards so I could come up with an answer. He was pulling on my arm to slow me down, but I really want to speed up. "I just want to get to class. The sooner today is over, the sooner I get to soccer," I said and I got out of her grip and ran to my locker. "I'll see you in math!" I shouted without turning back. I raced past Emma and her slut squad and surprisingly she didn't stop me. I got to my locker and got all my stuff out. As soon as I got all my stuff out my locker got closed, but not by me. I look over to see Steven with his giant hand closing my locker. I lock it and give him a sad look, and sigh. "You came to console me too?" I asked and he shook his head. "I mean, no. Kind of. I wanted to see what you did since he never showed," he said and I sigh. "I just stayed home with Alec and watched TV," I said and he nodded his head. Steven looked down at his phone and sighed. "Look, um. There was another reason I wanted to talk to you about last night," He said. I gave him a look to go on and he sighed. "Derek sent me a text this morning and I wasn't sure if you wanted to hear the reason," he asked. My eyes went slightly wide, but I nodded. This son of a bitch stood me up on a date I got all dolled up for that I never really wanted to come to in the beginning. You bet I really want to know the reason. "He said he heard from a buddy of his that you were 'as flat as a board and the least sexy person on the planet. Not to mention she isn't an easy la-'' I covered my mouth and slapped the phone out of his hand to make him stop reading. I was shaking slightly in my hands and just stood there looking at the ground with tears wanting to fall. "That's enough Steven," I mumbled. "Look, I'm going to math. You should hang out with Ellie before class," I said and Steven gave me a pitying look. "What about you though?" he asked and I shook my head. "I'll be fine. Stop giving me that look of pity and go hang out with your girlfriend OK?" I asked with a small, sad laugh. He gave me a wave goodbye and he started walking towards Ellie's locker. As I saw Steven walking away I saw Logan walking in my direction. His blue orbs caught my brown ones and I really wish this didn't happen. Instead of running like earlier, I'll be strong and scary to get him to leave me alone. His eyes were overflowing with sadness, but my gaze kept strong. I didn't want this right now. I turn around and start walking away to math. "Sam!" Logan shouts. I ignore him and put my earbuds in. I pick up my pace to show I'm not interested. "Sam, wait!" I heard through my music. Can he get any louder? I turn to see Logan towering over me with sadness looking down at me. "What?" I asked, being as bitter as possible. I still like the guys, way too much I might add, but I don't need this drama. "Sam. I'm sorry for what happened," He said and I scoffed. "So you've said. Have you come to me to repeat things I know or do you have something new to tell me?" I asked and he scratched the back of his neck. "Please forgive me. I was stressed, angry, and a shit ton of other things. I shouldn't have done what I did. Please Sam. I just want you back," He said. I looked down at my feet. Goddamn I like this guy. A strong hand grabbed my hand and it was Logan's. I looked up into his eyes and his face seemed a little closer than it should. "Please," He asked again. I let out a heavy sigh and looked at my hand in his. I heard a sad sigh escape his lips and I tensed. "I don't need this right now Logan. I want to, but I don't think I can right now," I said and a small smile formed on his lips. "I'll wait," Logan said. With that, he gave my hand one last squeeze before he let go and sent me on my way.
Author's note:
If you for some reason don't know at this point I have an Instagram account where fanart for multiple different things will be posted. It's not very full at the moment, but be patient. I'm definitely not one of the great artists on the app, but you can watch me grow as an artist there and as a writer here.
My username is: _crazy_fandoms_fanatic_ on Instagram
Also, if you have any criticism about my story or something don't be afraid to tell me by comments or even by DM's. Or you can use those devices to say hi :)

The Stolen Jewel of Hecate
RomanceA few years ago the jewel of Hecate was stolen and needs to be brought back to the keeper of the jewels. Sam is one of the four heroes that are going to help get it back. Sam needs to balance being a superhero, and being a normal teen with the basic...