Well, my next two classes went by in a flash, along with lunch. I was stuck in my rabbit hole of bad memories. It was now my tech class. I was kind of thankful. I had Ellie in that class with me. Sure Emma was in it but we had power tools, I can easily drown out her noise. I get there to find Steven talking to Logan. He had to transfer into this class too? Steven waves at me and Logan looked at him confused, probably wondering why he was waving to someone as heartless as myself. I gave a light wave back and quickly went to my station. I saw their lips moving but couldn't make out their conversation, but it was probably about their different opinions on me. They finish their conversation with smiles on their faces. Weird, wouldn't he be pissed enough to take anyone down who liked me? Steven walked over to me with a smile. I was confused. " Why are you smiling? Doesn't he full-on hate you for simply waving at me like that." I say somewhat sarcastically. He chuckles at my accusation. " Of course not. We are good pals now. He doesn't care who I hang out with. Besides I think sooner or later he will have a more positive opinion about you." He says with confidence. I sigh. " What makes you say that?" I asked scared to see what he told him. He only gave me an evil smile. "You will see," Steven told me. That's all he said before he walked out to go to his actual class. That terrifies me. When he shuts up you should be scared. I hesitantly shrugged it off. I saw Ellie come in full on winded. Did she run all the way here? "Ellie, did you sprint all the way here?" I asked her. Her panting kind of answered my question, but she gave me a nod anyway. I laughed a bit and let her sit down at our normal station. Emma didn't get the chance to steal another one of my spots this time. Class started and everyone was in their spots except Logan. I was told he transferred into all the classes Emma did, so he should be here. I shrug it off and I get to work. For the next few weeks, we are working on building shelves. It's weird but I enjoyed this class. I asked to go to the bathroom and I was let out. I didn't have to go, I just wanted to go for a walk. I do it on occasion to help me refocus on the task at hand in class. I turned the corner and ran into someone. "I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going and I-" I look up and gasp. It was Logan, and he looked like he was crying. His eyes were bloodshot, and his cheeks were wet with tears. "Logan, what's wrong? Are you OK?" I asked with concern clear on my face. He scoffed at me. "Why do you care? You're a heartless bitch anyway." Logan said coldly. I sigh. "Logan, you may not care about my life or my feelings but I still value yours. I just want what's best for you. Honestly. Now, what's wrong?" I asked. No one should be skipping class because they are feeling like this. He scoffed and walked passed me, bumping into my shoulder in the process. I turn around and grab his arm. "Hey! I'm just trying to help. I honestly care about⁰0ⁿ you, and I want to see what the matter is." I said with concern on my face. "Look, I don't have to explain myself to you, or anyone for that matter. Besides, knowing you, you would insult me for what's on my mind." Logan stated coldly. "Don't tell me you still believe that scam." I say as I walk off. " Steven was wrong about you." I say quietly. I was silently hoping that Steven was right and he would open his damn eyes. Well, he can believe her sob story. If he still thinks I'm a jerk after me helping him feel better then that's his loss. I head back to class to see Emma freaking out. I rolled my eyes and walk over to Ellie, but to see her freaking out. "Ellie......... What's going on?" I asked concerned. Ellie just gestured behind me. I slowly turn around to see the curtains moving at the window. There was no way it was the wind. Then something appeared. It was like a human sized chameleon moving things around, and it did not look friendly. It looked at everyone in the room, it was silent like it was about to pounce. It stood there a few moments more before it let out a loud wail. I don't think a normal chameleon wails when threatened, but this one did, and it was terrifying. Everyone ran out of the room, with myself included. Everyone ran in all directions so it was hard to find a hiding spot, but I found an open classroom with no windows. "What the hell was that?" Hephaestus stated. I shrug and transform into my alter ego self. I ran out of the classroom and ran into a certain blue hero. I get up and let out a hand to get him up. "Thanks. Did you see what we are facing today?" Hightide asked. I nodded. I started running and Hightide followed me. "Yeah, it was basically a giant chameleon. I suggest watching your back extra carefully. You don't know where he is and when it will strike." I say firmly. Hightide nodded as we kept running, trying to find this thing. We eventually didn't find the thing, but we did find Dolostone and Cyclone. "I saw whatever that was run outside, let's go." Dolostone said, running away until I grabbed his arm. "Hold on, hold on. What are you going to do? You're going to get your ass kicked if you just go in without a plan." I say warning him. " My plan is to take that thing down, come on boys." Dolostone said, slipping from my grip. The boys followed leaving me standing there. Hightide was hesitant to leave me but finally left without me, giving me a sorry look. I hate boys. I go to a window where I can see the battle. I see Dolostone throwing rocks willy-nilly, and missing miserably. Hightide is trying to wash it away but again keeps missing. Same with Cyclone, he was missing by miles. They all had one thing in common with what they were doing. All three of them kept missing because they can't see what they are trying to hit. I had an idea. I need to get to the art room. I start running down the hall to the art room and I run into Ellie. She stared wide at me. "You're the girl from before. I love what you did. It was awesome, but why are you not there now? There's a giant thing outside attacking them." She looked at me confused. " I-uh- got to go. Don't worry. That thing will be gone in no time." I say running down the hallway. I look back and give her a wave before I head to my destination. My plan was to cover the thing in something colourful so we can see it all the time. It's easier to hit something you can see, and the boys didn't seem to know that based on their foolish attempts. I see paint cans on the shelf, and glitter on the tables. This will do nicely. I grab a full can of red paint, and I also grab a jar of gold glitter and I rush outside. I get outside to see three boys still throwing their powers at the thing aimlessly, and let me say, they looked ridiculous. "Need some help?" I asked, they turned to me and laughed at what I brought. "What are you supposed to do with that? Are you going to paint some arts and crafts?" Cyclone laughed. I rolled my eyes at his stupid joke. "Trust me you will thank me later." I say with a grin. I spill half the paint on the ground. Then as predicted the giant chameleon stepped in it. With the other half of the paint I follow the footprints and splash the other half on the creature, along with the glitter. The creature was now permanently visible, and now we aren't aimlessly throwing punches. "Hightide, whatever you do, don't use your powers on it. That could wash the paint away and we would be back at square one." I shout at him. He nods obeying my request. Now was the time to bring this thing down. Now time to use these powers of mine. Just how to do that is the question. I try for a few moments and realize I should just use the whip for now. I wrapped the whip around the creature a couple times to keep it in place. "Full throttle guys, don't hold back. I don't know how long I can hold 'em" I said with a bit of struggling lurking in my voice. They did as I asked and didn't hold back. It got stabbed by Hightide, smashed with rocks by Dolostone, and Cyclone helped me keep it still. After some time, the creature sort of gave up and just stopped fighting. I loosened my grip a little bit, and it still didn't move. "Guys, hold on." I stated. I tied the handle end to a light post and walked closer to the thing. " Girl, what are you doing? It's going to kill you!" Hightide screamed. I didn't listen and kept walking. Everyone went silent. The beast had it's head down on the ground like a sad puppy. I walked right up to its face and stared into one of its eyes. I put my hand out to touch it. It didn't move. Then I noticed something. It wasn't evil. Sure it was created by evil, but it didn't have an evil heart. I touched its head and pet it slowly. The creature smiled. When I looked back, this creature wasn't destroying anything. It was playing with the blinds and that's it. It walked out of the school and didn't harm anyone, nor did it break anything. It just looked scary. "I'm sorry for what we put you through. We didn't realize." I say with empathy in my voice. "Are you mad? That thing tried to kill people, and you're apologizing?" Dolostone said. I huffed at his dumbness and I walked up to him and grabbed his arm. "W-what do you think you're doing?" He shouted. I rolled my eyes and kept walking. I stood with the creature in front of me, still grabbing onto Dolostone's arm. "Pet him." I stated. Dolostone stared at me like I had grown two heads. I gave him a look to trust me. Hesitantly, Dolostone reached his hand out and pet the creature. He moved his hand back and forth, and a smile grew on his face. "You're right." That's all he had to say really. Not a 'sorry' for his behaviour towards me a few moments ago? I sighed and went to untie my whip. I pressed the button and it turned back into its stamp form. I walked back to its head and sighed. "I'm sorry for what I put you through. May you rest in peace." I say with sorrow. I pressed the stamp to the creature's forehead and it turned into the familiar dust.The dust only went around to the paint on the ground and the little damage that we caused for trying to capture this creature. My whip transformed into its normal form and I looked up to the sky and sighed. "Hope you are in a happier place." I said quietly, giving it a small prayer. I looked back down and turned. There in front of me was the press, with multiple microphones and cameras. This is going to take awhile.

The Stolen Jewel of Hecate
RomanceA few years ago the jewel of Hecate was stolen and needs to be brought back to the keeper of the jewels. Sam is one of the four heroes that are going to help get it back. Sam needs to balance being a superhero, and being a normal teen with the basic...