The Vibes are Off

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Serenity was running late to the pack meeting. After helping Zoey get dressed she decided to go back to her room for the remaining time and clean up a bit. Cleaning up a bit turned into cleaning up a lot and before she knew it she was five minutes late.

Of course, she was absentmindedly running out of the packhouse when she ran into someone. Not having enough time to react she embraced herself to hit the ground. However, she didn't hit the ground. An arm wrapped around her waist before she could do so.

"Better watch out there. There's not always going to be someone around to catch you."

The voice entered her ears and she immediately knew who it was. What was he doing here? He should already be at the meeting. Yet here he was.

Serenity steadied herself, and stared at him for a minute, before realizing what she was doing. Immediately after she bowed her head in submission, "Alpha, I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going."

"Of course you weren't." He was glad to have run into her, quite literally, but he wouldn't let her know that.

"I-I should get going." She bowed her head once again and began to walk past him.

"Wait," He grabbed her wrist, "would you want to go to the treehouse with me?"

The question threw her off. They haven't been to the treehouse together in quite some time. Why did he want to go now?

"The pack meeting-" She began but quickly got cut off.

"I'm the alpha did you forget? I make my own rules."

She couldn't help but roll her eyes. Of course, he did. Liam watched her as she did so and couldn't help but smile at her. A sign of disrespect in anyone else's eyes made him smile.

Serenity realizing what she had done began to apologizing without looking at him, sure his expression would be an angered one, "I'm sorry I didn't re-"

"Forget it." Shaking his head he turned on his heels and began to walk in the opposite direction.

What had he been thinking? To skip a pack meeting with an omega? Of course, he was still going to skip the meeting but not with her. He already had one scandal on his hands he didn't need another one.

"Wait!" She went after him.

He was already halfway down the hall whenever she realized he was walking away from her, and he didn't stop whenever she shouted to him. In order to catch him, she jogged a little. Whenever she fell in step with him they both didn't utter a word. Just comfortably walked.

"I don't get it." She finally spoke whenever they entered the kitchen.

He finally looked at her after pouring himself a glass of water, "What do you not get?"

Serenity stared him in the eye, "you, or quite frankly anyone in this pack. Aston wants to toy with my emotions and for what? One moment he wants me oh so badly and the next he won't even look at me.  Then there's you. I can't even read you. Are you trying to become my friend? That wouldn't make sense though, I'm just an omega, you could have all the friends you want."

As she rambled on Liam sipped his water and stared at her. Was he only interested in her because Aston was? That couldn't possibly be it. Something else was drawing him to her, to an omega.

"Forget titles."

Serenity stopped mid ramble. What was he talking about?

"Imagine us just being two people," He set his glass down on the counter, "two humans." he began walking towards her, "Why would two people, humans, be attracted to each other?"

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