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The sun shone through the bedroom window. Serenity groaned and rolled onto her other side in an attempt to shield her eyes from the sun. That's when she sat up abruptly.

Her alarm didn't go off. She looks to the left and right. This wasn't her room. Her ears go to the bathroom. The shower that was once running shut off.

Liam walks out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. Water droplets ran down his chest, and Serenity all but drooled. Seeing her look he smirked.

"Good morning princess," he had another smaller towel wrapped around his shoulders that he used to dry his hair.

She looks up at him, her head pounding. Looking back down she groaned.

He chuckles, "splitting headache? Only one glass of wine she said."

Serenity shakes her head, "lived and learned." laying back down she gets comfortable.

Walking into his closet he puts on boxers and a pair of basketball shorts, then walks back out. He looks at the bed where Serenity lays with her eyes closed. Smiling he goes over to the empty side of the bed and slides next to her.

She cuddles up next to him; soaking up the skin on skin contact loving every moment where her skin touches close to his. Also loving the warmth he emanates. She sighs so longingly.

Why did she have this longing feeling to be loved? Everyone seems to be showing her so much love here, so why was there this feeling nagging at her in the back of her mind? Was she missing this before?

"Mmm, " Liam wraps his arms around her, "I should really be in my office."

Serenity leans in closer to feel the vibration of his chest as he talks, "no, stay here with me."

"All you had to say was with you."

She looks up at him with a huge smile on her face, "for me?"

"Anything for you." he gently kisses her forehead.

Still looking up at him she pouts out her bottom lip.

"What's wrong?"

Smiling she closes her eyes and points at her lips.

Liam smiled at her cute tactics. Following her ploy, he leans down and hovers centimeters above her lips. A tease.

Not falling for it she pushes up and touches her lips to his. Soon their lips move in sync. In one swift motion, Serenity moves to straddle Liam's waist. Her hands lay on his bare chest while his grip her waist.

The amount of stretch he had to have to control himself was great. So great that he gripped her waist hard; it was sure to leave bruises that would disappear as soon as they appeared.

To be honest, though he didn't want to stop, and wouldn't have stopped if there wasn't a knock on the door.

"Liam I swear to the moon goddess, if you are not out here in 15 seconds I will knock down this door and get you myself," Mateo threatened outside the door.

Serenity giggled putting her head down against Liam's chest. Meanwhile, Liam shook his head. A perfect moment ruined. A growl rumbled his chest.

"That's it I'm coming in," before either had time to protest the door nob giggled, and in came Mateo. He jiggled a key ring full of keys, "and that is why I made a copy of all the key-" he stopped mid-sentence and his face turned beat red, "um. Did I interrupt something?"

Liam gave him a look, "yes matter of fact you did."

Serenity slid off of him while he got up and snatched the key ring from Mateo, "and I will be taking these."

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