Gamma (Third in command)

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Serenity sat in her last class of the day starring up at the clock above the door. It had been a long day and she just wanted to go home.

The seconds ticked on until the last bell of the day finally rang. Everyone began packing up their stuff, ignoring the teacher. Grabbing her bag and books she walks out of the classroom with everyone else, and to her locker.

After grabbing her stuff, she walks out to the bike ramp. While walking out with everyone a car horn is heard. Serenity turns towards the direction where the noise came from. A guy sticks his head out the window and beckons over for her to come over.

She looks around then points to herself. The guy nods and she walks over, then realizes who the guy is.

"Aston what are you doing here?"

"Just thought you'd like a ride," he smiles up at her.

Serenity shakes her head, "I don't need a ride."

As she starts to walk away Aston gets out the car and grabs her wrist, "now I know you don't mean that."

At this point in time people are beginning to stare. Serenity takes note of this and shakes off his hand, "actually I do."

"It's just a ride, it won't hurt anyone."

"I already told you no. Please, just leave me alone." Hopping on her bike she rides off.

As she rides home taking the long way her thoughts float around in her head. Why is Aston so interested in her? Her of all people.

Shaking her thoughts off she arrived upon the barn, and put her bike away inside. With nothing better to do she went up to her room. On her way up she glanced inside the kitchen. Zoey, Mercedes, and Jullianne were already there.

Mercedes still refused to talk to her, because of the whole Aston thing, and Zoey, well she didn't even bother with that. As for Julianne. Serenity had been avoiding her ever since she jumped her in the hall.

In her room she collapsed on her bed. With no homework, no best friend, and works not starting till 5 she had nothing to do leaving her alone with her thoughts yet again.

                 "Where are you going?"

Mateo looked up, "shouldn't you be out training with everyone else?"

Zoey shrugged, "I'm on my way out. Saw you creeping around thought I'd ask why. So where are you going? I'm assuming you're going somewhere." Her eyes narrowed in on his duffel bag.

"Uh," he cleared his throat and adjusted the strap around his shoulder, "I'm leaving for a little bit."

"And when we're you going to tell me? Or, were you just going to leave without a goodbye?" She crosses her arms.

"Look zoey, I would've said goodbye, but no ones supposed to know I've left."

Her face crutches in confusion, "what why?"

"It's official Alpha business, so I can't really say."

"I'm the future Luna, you can tell me."

"I really can't though. Also I don't really owe you an explanation." Mateo gulped.

"I guess you don't, but I just thought we were friends. I guess I was wrong though," turning on her heels she began walking away.

She was surprised that Mateo didn't stop her as she continued to walk on. All the way outside. Kensley is covering the workouts today; which makes sense since Mateo is leaving.

"Okay, since everyone is here," Kensley's eyes narrowed in on Zoey, "For warm up I want three laps around the pack, you have three minutes; starting now."

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