The Past

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Serenity woke up at dawn the next morning. She wondered quietly around the strange pack house. The house was so different from her own. It seemed to be more warm.

Pictures lined every hallway. She scanned the unfamiliar faces on the walls. They all seem to be happy. Not a grey cloud in sight. Along with the human pictures werewolf pictures. She stopped to admire a wolf like her own.

Caramel fur she new all to well, but the green emerald eyes. She knew those eyes from somewhere. They're oddly familiar. Looking around the hall she carefully took the photo down and removed it from its place in the picture frame. After having the picture securely in her pocket she ventured downstairs.

The whole pack was still asleep so she sat in the kitchen. Pulling the picture out of her pocket she admired the wolf. Who was she? Where did she come from? Did serenity know her?

These questions raced around her mind at a 100 miles per hour.

"You're up also," Alpha Liam walked into the kitchen.

Serenity looked up, "yah. Couldn't sleep."

He walks towards the fridge and opens it. With just a glance inside he shuts it and goes towards the coffee pot, "still old fashioned I see." He begins making a pot.

"You're quite familiar with this pack?"

He nods his head, "yup. If I'm not at my pack, or out in the woods I'm here. Oliver and I traveled the world together when I was a boy. He was looking for his mate, and I was just along for the ride."

"Alpha Oliver and Alpha Jonathan are quite close then?" Serenity didn't know why she was asking him all these questions. She just wanted to know everything about him. How he grew up, what were his favorite things as a boy, everything.

Liam played along and answered the girls questions, "not at all. Alpha Oliver had visited our back when I was 13 if I believe. He was originally going to meet all the unmated females. The time that he spent at our pack he became quite fond of me. Him being 20 at the time." Liam leaned against the counter, "he found his first mate in our pack Emily. She was a wonderful person. With a kind, sweet, heart. We held them a wedding and everything. It was a great time, full of joy. Oliver invited me back to his pack to attend their wedding there. I remember begging to go along. My two favorite people were getting married and I just had to be there."

Liam smiles looking up, as if the memories were being projected on the ceiling like a movie.

Serenity had never seen his smile before. His genuine smile. She didn't know how but she wanted to keep that smile on his face.

"Anyway," Liam shook his head, "Emily died a few months later. A tragedy only few speak about. Oliver was devastated, and stayed held up in his room for weeks. I was sent back to my pack, but knew what was to come of him if he didn't have a second chance mate. He bounced back after two months. That's whenever he asked me if I would like to join him, travel the world. By then I was 14. My parents had been busy with the pack at this time, so they had allowed me to go."

"So you've been all over?" Serenity asked studying his features.

Liam is still looking up when she asks another question. He turns towards the coffee pot. Reaching up into a cabinet he pulls out a coffee cup, "I guess you could say that."

"I've traveled more this year then I ever have in all my 17 years."

He had finished pouring himself a cup when he turned to look at her. A feeling over came him. Started at the very tip top of his head and reached all the way down to the tallest toe. He wanted to take her to all the places she read about in books. If she read books, but she seemed like the type of girl that enjoyed reading in her spare time.

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