Attack #2

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The first place the group stopped at when getting into town was target. Aston knew he had to stay with the girls the whole time they were in town. He would simply take them with him while he ran his errands.

"Stay close, and don't wonder off. I do not need to loose the two of you. Especially you Zoey, Liam would have my head," he lectured the two girls as they got out the car and began to walk in.

The whole place reeked of humans. Serenity scrunched her nose. She was not use to the smell, "why do they smell so bad?" She whispered to Zoey who stood next to her.

"They don't smell that bad," Zoey took a deep breathe, then made a face, "actually. I don't know. Yuck!"

"Girls come on!" Aston had already grabbed a basket and was walking away from them.

As he passed girls seemed to be in awe of his looks. He was after all handsome. Noticing the stairs he looked to Zoey, "push the basket."

"What, why?" She looked at him weirdly.

He moved to the side and continued walking forward, "because I told you to. And it'll prevent you from wondering off."

Zoey rolled her eyes, "I don't want to."

He turned around and stared at the two, "Fine, Serenity you push the basket," That was the first time he said her name without any spite. He wasn't even going to deny the fact that he kind of liked it.

"Okay," she began pushing the basket without any arguing. She didn't mind, and felt that the two standing in the middle of the store bickering about who had to push the basket would draw more attention then wanted.

After all the real fact about Aston not wanting to push the basket was him being embarrassed of all the girls starring at him. Only if he knew the real reason as to why they were starring.

Aston made a point to go through all the aisles. He wasn't one to admit that he didn't know where things were so instead they went though every aisle. Zoey huffed under her breathe she wanted to look at the clothes some more.

Serenity didn't say much, just went along with the two. The only time she did stop was when they passed the books. How she longed to grab one and start flipping through its pages. However she didn't. She kept on following the two who bickered at every corner about, well, everything.

"Alpha, there's a problem at the school," Kensley walked into alpha Liam's office.

He looked up at her, "I know it's been handled."

She gives him a look, "it has?"

Liam nods his head, "yes. I sent Mateo down with Zoey's tutor."

kensley shook her head, "I don't think we're talking about the same thing."

He looks at her, "what are you talking about then?"

"There's an attack underway. At the school."

Liam immediately stood up, "attack," he pressed the button under his desk that sounded the alarms, then proceeded to send out the message via phone, that alerted everyone.

"Mateo is at the school?" Kensley attempted to keep up with Liam as he briskly walked out his office and down the stairs. Everyone was already rushing to the basement.

"Yes, him along with some of the packs kids. I want you to stay here. Make sure everyone gets to their bunkers. Stay with them."

"Alpha our children are at school!" A mother stopped Liam as he got down stairs.

"Yes, I know I am handling the situation. Kensley here will stay and make sure everyone is safe," he doesn't wait for either of them to respond before he walks away.

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