Aston (part 2)

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Alessandro Dellisola as Liam
Madison Pettis as Serenity
Sonya ( @sonya_rudskaya on insta) as Mercedes
Ben Barnes as Mateo Alford
Coco jones as Kensley Santiago
Paula M. (@Paula.mtzm on insta) as Jullianne
Dina Denoire as Zoey
Gregg Sulkin as Aston
Dove Cameron as Audrey

Alpha Liam watched from his window as the teens disappeared into the woods. If he trusted Aston to do anything at all he trusted him to train his pack. His methods are quite effective.

A knocking on his office door brought him out of thought, "come in," he turned around and sat in his chair.

In walked Audrey. She was back at last, "Alpha," she bowed.

"Ahh Audrey? Did you accomplish what I sent you out to do?"

She set a sackful of folders on his desk, "Yup. Over half of the packs signed the treaty's. They relinquish power to you."

Liam smirked, "and the ones who didn't?"

"I think it'd be best if you sent Mateo to try and persuade a few of the ones that haven't. I heard that there was an attack while I was gone?"

"Yes, but nothing we couldn't handle," he picked up the stack of folders and started to flip though them.

"Also word of you choosing a Luna made its way through the grape vine," she sat down, "is this true?"

"Partly. Zoey, Alpha Oliver and Luna Zaria's daughter is staying with us. Oliver would like for me to wed his daughter. I haven't decided if I will or not yet."

"Best to not making any haste decisions yet. On the topic of marriage the Lonetail pack-"

Liam cut her off, "I see here they didn't sign the treaty. Is there a problem?"

"Yes, much like Alpha Oliver they would like to concrete the treaty by marriage."

Liam sighed, "of course they would."

"Yes it's one of the main reasons I am back. I am willing to go through with it for the sake of my pack."

Liam looked up at her, "you?"

"Yes, they would like me to marry their beta, since I have alphas blood. He's a two years older than me and I don't mind going through with it. He's quite a charmer," Audrey gushed over Luca. She secretly spent two weeks with him on her trip.

"I think it's a wonderful idea. You should speak with Jonathan about it, then we will decide."

"It's my choice. I would like to think I'm old enough to choose who I marry," Audrey started to get heated. She wasn't getting any younger and is already 37.

"The Lonetail pack will be switching over rule soon won't it? The alpha jr. will take over. I want him and the current alpha to sign the treaty, and the wedding will be here. Invite them both and a hundred of their pack mates to attend. The signing will happen then."

"Ok, I'll leave tomorrow to deliver the news!" Audrey hopped up, "we will have a grand wedding. I will send the arrangements for the wedding over as soon as they agree," Audrey left the alphas office.

Out in the woods the sun began to set. Serenity and Mercedes along with ten others were in charge of guarding the flag while other went to search for the other. The ever glowing flag hung in the tree.

The group protecting it was prepared for anything. Well most were. Mercedes sat complaining about how long it was taking.

"Can you shut your friend up?" Jamison, one of the guys that was supposed to be helping guard the flag, asked Serenity.

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