The Unusual Meeting

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The person coming around the corner put their arms out just in time to catch the falling girl. In one swift move Serenity was in the strangers arms.

"Hum, we have to meet like this way more often!" The stranger wasn't such a stranger though.

Serenity opened her eyes to see Aston. He saved her from falling. Although his hands on her waist didn't feel right, she didn't like. Didn't like it at all.

"Oh, erm, thank you. Can-can you let me go now?"

He helped her strand back up right- releasing her from the dip- and took a step back, "where are you off to?"

Serenity gripped the towel close to her body. Where does he think I'm off to? She angrily thought. Wearing a towel there aren't many places to go.

"To my room," stepping to the side she tried to walk past him.

Aston just took a step back and blocked her path, "Your room of course. Where else could you go, right?"

Serenity looked up at him and nodded her head, "erm, right." She side stepped and tried to walk past again. Once again her path was blocked, "Aston, do you want something?"

He liked the way his named rolled off her tong. Aston, he could just imagine her saying that in bed screaming his name. That's exactly what he wanted. He wants her.

"Actually," he paused for a moment thinking. Thinking of an excuse.

"If your not going to say anything please excuse me. I need to change." Serenity successfully bypassed him and walked quickly up to her room.

Leaving Aston behind to fumbled over his own two feet. How could any girl not fall at his feet?

In the safety of her room Serenity put on some leggings and a T-shirt getting ready to do some homework. She had all of her books spread out on her table, with a few pens and highlighters. Ready to go all in and get the work done.

But, before she started she looked out the window that laid to the left of her desk. The Window over looked the whole back yard, and even further than that the forest. Not meaning to be nosy she saw someone walking into the forest. Wondering who it could be she got up and sat on the trunk that laid beneath the window to get a better look.

Not being able to quite see who the person is, she got a kind of instinct, feeling, that she should follow the person. Leading with that one instinct and ignoring the rest she got up and went downstairs.

Mostly everyone was still awake. The sun had barley gone down at eight, so no one was quite ready to go to sleep yet.

They didn't pay attention to Serenity as she opened the back door, and went outside barefoot. As if in some sort of trance Serenity went into the forest blindly.

When she came upon the other person- the one who she saw from her window- it dawned upon her that she that she's in the forest, by herself, and it's dark out. Naturally she stayed hidden as she tried to make out who the person is.

"Do you always follow people into the woods? Or is it just me that you like following?"

Serenity stops dead in her tracks. What was she supposed to say?

"I-I didn't realize who you were," she stepped out of the shadows.

"And yet you still followed me?"

She nodded her head, "I'm sorry."


Serenity picked her head up, "excuse me?"

"Why did you follow me?" He turned and faced her. They stood feet apart.

"I d-don't know."

"Yes you do," he took a step closer, "you know exactly why you followed me out here."

Serenity shook her head, "I promise you I don't. It's just- I saw you from my window."

"You saw me from your window," he took a step closer, "that gives you enough reason to follow me out here."

She shakes her head outing it down in submissions. She truly meant no harm, "I'm sorry, I didn't think."

"You didn't. Did you?" His eyes glowed yellow in the dark night, "follow me."


"You heard me."

Serenity knew she couldn't disobey her alpha. She had no other choice the to follow him. They walked deep into the woods. The moon up above lit their way as they went.

"Where are we going?"

"Since you're already out here, might as help me hunt."

Her eyes widened at alpha Liam's words, "hunt?" She had never been hunting. She'd only ever been allowed to hunt small animals, sometimes she'd even go fishing. To actually hunt hunt, that's another story.

"Yes, come on its right over here," he lower his voice.

"We're going to hunt in human form?"

Alpha Liam stoped suddenly. Almost making her bump into him, "do you always ask so many questions?"

"Only when I don't want to, you know, die," she stayed close to him not wanting to get lost.

He chuckled under his breathe, "of course. There it is."

Serenity look over his shoulder at the buck. It was much like the last one that pierced her shoulder. She became wary.

"I don't think I'm qualified enough to help."

"Maybe this will help you learn your lesson."

They continued to watch the animal for a moment more.

"Look, all you have to do is pounce. Deers are weak animals, they're meant to be prey. Go straight in for the kill."

"Wait me? Me? I'm going to have to kill it?" Serenity's eyes widened.

"Yes, do it now."


Alpha Liam sighed, "yes now. It's simple. Wrap your arms around it's neck and squeeze. Snapping it's neck is the most effective way."

She sighed. Doing exactly what he said she jumped out from the spot and pounced on the buck. Wrapping her arms around it's neck she squeezed, however the animal seemed to be stronger than her. It managed to throw her off.

Her back hit a tree knocking all the air out of her. Hitting the tree with a thump she gasps coughing for air.

Meanwhile, Liam went after the deer jumping mid air attacking it- snapping the animals neck. He left it and went to check on the girl.

"I don't understand. Why weren't you able to do it?" He bent down next to her.

"I-" she took deep breathes trying to get air circulating back into her lungs.

"You should have been able to do it. I've seen you in training. Your better than half the people there, yet you couldn't complete a simple task?" He sighed.

Serenity still couldn't talk. Her back hurt. Like a lot. She looked up at the sky not wanting to look at the disappointed face of her alpha.

"You didn't break anything did you?" He questioned still squatting in front of her.

She brought her hand up to her ribs and winced. Getting what she meant he placed his hands around her rib cage and gently pressed down. She winced closing her eyes.

"Your so fragile. What a surprise," gently he scooped her up in his arms.


What was Liam expecting from Serenity? Was he expecting anything at all?

Did he know she's follow him?


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