Kiss ?

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Liam advances on Serenity. As a force of habit, she begins to back up. She may not fear him as much as others did, but she was still cautious and treaded on thin water.

Her back finally hit a wall and she knew she was trapped. Any thoughts of possible escaping left her mind as he stood right in front of her. Nose to nose.

Serenity couldn't possibly stare into his beating yellow eyes, so she turned her head to the side looking away. A wrong move on her part. Before she knew it, her throat resided in his hands.

"Don't look away," he whispers in her ear as his hands tighten around her throat.

As her face turns pink from the air restrictions, she turns to look back at him.

"Liam let me go," she struggled to speak.

"And why would I do that?"

She grabs him by the wrist as his hand clenched even tighter around her throat. His eyes immediately snap towards the wrist that she held onto. It was a spark. Had they ever touched before? Because this touch was unlike any other. (AUTHORS QUESTION: have they touched before? can this be considered as their first intimate touch?)

It was a sparkle? A spark? Electricity? A sparkle of a touch that sparked electricity to shoot through his veins.

Whatever it was he wasn't hating it.

His wolf on the other hand was on edge. He took it as a sign of weakness. Liam's eyes were still yellow whenever he looked back up at her. She had hoped maybe they would turn back.

"What is this?" he asked her.

"What is what?" she was barely able to get any words out.

She knew what he was talking about, but didn't want to admit anything before he did. Just in case they were not talking about the same thing. Safety precautions. A seat belt that she should've used earlier.

Liam took the chance to take control seeing as his wolf got distracted. He was able to push the alter ego to the back and his eyes flashed back to normal. Yet, he still didn't let her go, just loosened his grip.

"It is a serious question Serenity, what did you do?"

"I- I didn't do anything."

He shook his head tightening his grip once again, "why don't I believe you?"

Deciding she had had enough Serenity laughs under her breathe, "Maybe it's because I'm an omega." she drops her hands from holding onto his wrist and looks him straight in the eyes. A sign of disrespect on so many levels.

Although he wasn't exactly hating it.

"Obviously you don't know your own worth." His voice came out raspy and strained. Probably from trying to keep his wolf at bay.

"I don't know my worth and you don't know respect. Since your still standing here with your hands around my throat."

Liam smirks, "oh so you don't like." He got closer to her face if even possible.

She could feel his breath on her lips. If either one of them even moved a centimeter their lips would be touching. Is this going to be another almost kiss? Or will this fully play out into something more?

"I want to kiss you."

"Then just do it already."

"I can't."

"Then I'll do it," and with that Serenity leaned in and touched her lips to his.

The kiss was soft and sweet, but short. Liam pulled away and admired her for a split second before he slams her against the wall yet again in a hot rough passionate kiss. All the built-up lust began to slowly ooze out into the kiss.

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