Getting Situated

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Three days. That's how long it took Liam to come back. He pushed open the pack doors everyone stopped and stared. Layers of dirt and mud cake his body. You could barley tell that he is a man.

At this time Mateo was makin his way down the stairs. Upon seeing Liam he rushed down. Soon Kensley joined him. She throws a blanket around his shoulder. Both of them rush him upstairs away from prying eyes.

Liam just blinks at both of them. He had been in wolf form for so long and was barley getting his senses back. He tried to process everything around him. What he was smelling, feeling, what he saw, but none of it was registering.

Mateo and Kensley directed Liam towards a spare room on his floor one with a tub. Walking into the bathroom Mateo shut the door and they let go of Liam. Kensley rushes to the tub and starts running warm water, adding soap.

"Liam, Liam, hey do you know where you are?" Mateo stands in front of Liam.

Liam blinks a few times trying to put words together in his head. Instead he simply nodded his head. His face held a blank expression and his eyes slowly opened and closed.

When Kensley finishes getting the tub ready for him she grabs his forehead urging him to strip and get into the soapy water. He abides and gets in the tub.

"I'm going to leave you to this. Audrey has finally set a date and made arrangements for her wedding. Neither her nor her parents know about the incident. Now I have tell them and her," he signed and rubbed his temples.

"Hard running one of the strongest packs in America isn't it?" Kensley teased Mateo as she scrubbed the caked on dirt off of her alpha.

"Didn't know it'd be so much babysitting. The attacks don't help much either," he turns on his toes and walks out the bathroom still mumbling under his breathe.

It was a solid thirty minutes before Liam could even process where he was.

"I guess I made quite a mess," Liam finally spoke making Kensley drop her hands from his hair and take a step back. Liam braced him self putting his hands on the side of the tub.

She grabbed a towel from the cabinet, "Glad to see you've finally came back around."

"Glad to be back," he looked down at the muddy water, "hand me a towel," Kensley did as fold handed him a towel and turned around while he wrapped it around his waist, "I'm going to go take a long shower, but first what day is it?"

"Saturday," Kensley spoke as he walked past her. She began to follow him out the room.

"Three days gone. No wonder I smell so bad," he half heartedly laughed and walked down the hall to his room shutting the door behind him.

Kensley simply shook her head and walked off downstairs.

         "Have you done your chores yet?" Mercedes asked Serenity. The girls were cooling down, stretching out their muscles after afternoon workouts.

Serenity shook her head, "kinda wish I did it this morning."

Word spread quickly that Alpha Liam was back, and it was quite clear he was in a rough condition.

"That's tough. I'm sorry hun," she frowned.

"Mercedes, hurry up. Dad wants you home tonight," Aston yelled at his sister from across the yard. He stood in front of the back door.

Mercedes rolled her eyes, "that's my que to go."

Serenity frowned, "your not staying here tonight?"

"Apparently not," they both began walking over together.

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