Everything Will Work Out

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The whole pack noticed a new familiar smell. Along with the disappearance and re-appearance of Mateo. Noone dared speak a word of it though. It's not that they feared their alpha, well they did, but it was more like as long as he was happy, and content so was everyone else.

Mateo thought it about time to have a pack meeting. They hadn't had one in a while, and now with Zoey being back, everyone had a right to know what was going on. It's been two days since Zoey got back and since she's been back she's been stuck in Mateo's room.

Liam made it very clear that he didn't want her to even be in his pack, so he made sure she knew her place. With him not getting the way he became distant again. Everything has to be perfect. It's his pack and what he says go, so to have his beta disobey him and completely ignore his word. Liam did not like it. Not one bit.

The only time he seemed to leave his office was to go hunt, or when everyone else was out and busy. This happened to be one of those times as he roamed the packhouse. It's a Friday afternoon so everyone was at school or busy doing tasks seeing as almost everyone was out of the packhouse and back in their usual living spaces. Some houses were having welcome back parties and prepared for that.

As he walked around the packhouse inspecting making sure everything was in place, he finally reached the omegas floor. All of the omegas stayed in the packhouse. They have everything they need here. In return, they maintain the packhouse.

Liam walked through their floor, everything seemed to be in tip-top shape. However, he couldn't move on without seeing where she stays. He had to make sure she had everything she needed- wanted, so he followed her scent. Which leads him to the attic. 

Before pushing the door open he thought for a second. 'Is this an invasion of privacy?' (Authors question: is it an invasion of privacy?) Deciding it wasn't because he's her superior he carefully pushes open the door. The door creeks open to reveal a clean, sunlit room. Taking a deep breath he walks in.

The smell of warm honey and sugar takes over his senses.

For a teenaged girl, her room is awfully clean. No shoes line the floor, no clothes were thrown about. Everything had a place. What amazed him the most was the skinned rug that laid on the floor next to her bed. The rug spread out was pretty big and the animal it came from must've been beautiful.

Liam turns around and looks at her wardrobe. The only semi messy thing in her room. A few things threatened to spew out. Meaning it had to be packed. He smiled. Of course, she was well taken care of. She picked her friends wisely.

Serenity and Mercedes put their bikes up in the barn after just having ridden back from school.

"Finally the weekend baby!" Mercedes fists the air as they walk out of the barn.

"I know right. This week was brutal. The Ap Biotest," Serenity made a dying motion with her hands.

"It was a killer. I'm glad I didn't have cheer today."

"Football season isn't over yet?"

Mercedes shrugs, "it ended a while ago but we still have practice."

"Oh, I can never keep up with what's going on in your life."

"Talking about being unable to keep up, have you smelt the air recently?"

Serenity nodded her head, "she's back."

"Yeah, but the real question is why?"

"Ladies, don't stick your nose in places it doesn't belong," Aston greets the girls as they walked through the front door of the packhouse.

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