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Alessandro Dellisola as Liam
Madison Pettis as Serenity
Sonya ( @sonya_rudskaya on insta) as Mercedes

"Audrey!" Liam's voice boomed around the pack house as Liam went around looking for his aunty.


Liam found her in the gym. He held the chore schedule in his hands, "could you stop having some random omega come up to my floor!" He snapped at her. She wasn't fazed as she stopped working and grabbed the schedule.

"Well someone has to clean your floor. Unless you want to add it to your busy schedule."

Liam growled at his aunt, "just have one person go up twice a week. That's all I ask," He took a deep breathe.

"Who would you like to go up?" She handed the schedule back to Liam.

Liam looked down at the schedule, "the girl that's cleaning today make that be her job from now on," he shoved the paper back in her face and walked out the pack house.

He needed to let off some steam. The best way to do that was by shifting.

The packs kids didn't go back to school until that Monday. Everyone was still on edge with the new alpha. Especially Serenity.

After the events at the special dinner she thought it would be best to avoid the alpha at all cost necessary. Getting in his way was one thing she couldn't afford.

Serenity got up Monday morning at her usual time. Today however before getting ready for school she decided to go for a run in wolf form. It being five thirty am no one was surly to be out yet. She could after all do her chores when she got home from school.

Serenity grabbed her clothes for school that consisted of orange dungaree overalls that she found at the goodwill, a white shirt that was a size to big, a pair of black socks, and her usual converse. Stuffing it in her school bag she walked down stairs and to the woods. After picking a big tree to hide behind she strips out of her night clothes; shifting.

Serenity's wolf was surprisingly normal sized even though she was an omega. She stood at 5"8 with Carmel fur and haunting hazel eyes. All in normal. As normal as being the lowest of the low in the pack could be.

Ignoring her thought Serenity sought out to be free. Even if it was just for a few hours. She ran through the woods dodging trees, running after butterflies, and rolling in dirt. If her pack members could see her she'd surly be put to shame. Serenity didn't care however.

She didn't care that she wasn't "acting" like the primal wolf. Killing, always on edge with a stick up their butt. She was anything but. Serenity would never kill another being unless she was forced to, and could never be serious for a large amount of time.

The time sped by and before she knew it, it was already time to shift back. She went back to her stuff and shifted behind the same tree.

After changing and throwing her hair up she went back inside the pack house to find Mercedes

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After changing and throwing her hair up she went back inside the pack house to find Mercedes. With no luck she gave up, must've gone back home, she thought and made her way to school on her bike. Many of the school kids road to school on bikes. Cars in their pack were limited.

They only used them when permitted to, besides for a few higher ups that basically did whatever. Like Jullianne and her passé (or whatever they liked to call themselves). The group consisted of eight people all of who made Serenity's life hell.

The bike ride is short and she gets to school ten minutes later. After Parking her bike where everyone put theirs, and locking it down she walked inside.

Serenity didn't mind school. The people however she didn't particularly like them. They were vile and all acted like animals. The school after all was only made up of werewolf's. 800 werewolf teens to be exact. The pack has four thousand members a quarter of which is teens. The pack known as crimson claws has it's own little society tucked away in the souther part of Texas.

Serenity went to her locker and grabbed her math book and notebook then stuffed her bag inside.

"Look who it is little miss not so popular!" Jullianne spots Serenity out the corner of her eye.

"Jullianne," Serenity whispered her name. She wasn't afraid of the girl. Rather more afraid of what would come out of her own mouth.

"I was going to give you a bad look, but I see you already have one," Jullianne scrunched her nose at Serenity's attire. A few people behind her snickered.

Serenity pushes herself off the lockers, "you have your entire life to to be a jerk Jullianne. Can't you just take today off?"

Jullianne pushed Serenity up against the lockers as she tried to walk away. The group of friends surrounded them blocking on lookers, "learn your place mutt!"

"If I threw a stick you'd leave right?" Serenity sometimes just couldn't hold her tong. As soon as the words left she immediately regretted them.

Jullianne pushed her harder against the lockers and growled claws blared.

"You went over the line this time," Tripp a member of the group snickered as Serenity got her face clawed at.

Jullianne only got one hit before the group disburses at mention of the principal coming, "next time. There won't be any witnesses around to stop me," Julianne drops Serenity and she fell to the ground clutching her cheek.

Three huge gashes ran from her ear down to her mouth. They would surly take a few minutes to heal so instead of going to class as the bell rang she went to the nurse.

"Serenity. In here again?" The nurse greeted her weekly patient.

"I guess I am," she sat in the stool by the nurse desk and removed her hand from her face.

"What did you say this time?" The nurse assed her face.

"Oh you know the snarky remark."

The nurse shook her head at Serenity, "you should be healed by the end of the day. Just let your body work it's course."

"Liam you called?" Mateo walked into Liam's office.

Liam sat at his desk nose deep in paper work, "yes take a seat, Mateo."

"What's this about alpha?" Mateo cautiously took a seat.

"I want you to assess our top people in the pack. The strongest, fastest, and sharpest."

"But alpha we already k-"

Liam held up his hand, "I want everyone to be reassessed. Work new harder skills to train. Pick out the top fifty or so. Then I will assess them myself."

"Is there a reason for this?"

Liam nodded his head, "in a month this pack will know war."

Mateo sat up straight, "war?"

"Yes war, Mateo. I want everyone to be ready for what coming. Increase training, be as strict as possible with everything from now on. I intend to come out of this with the strongest pack. Am I understood?"

Mateo nodded his head, "What's coming?"

"Me. The world is going to be introduced to a new kind of power. A new monarchy."

Leave me some feed back here.

What do you think is going to happen?

Why war? What is Liam going to do?

Do you think the pack will survive?

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