Goodbye Zoey

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Zoey wasn't seen for a week after the incident. Not even by Serenity who wasn't permitted to do her weekly chores.

"Zoey's going back home today?" Aston asked. He had been fitting in quite nicely with his new title.

"Yes, and since this is a very sensitive situation I have to escort her back myself." Liam said with a sigh. He'd have to leave his pack with Aston.

"Understood. Zoey has requested for Serenity to travel with her. Something about how it'd make her feel safer."

Liam shook his head.

"You have to let her have her way. At least for right now. You raised your hand against an alphas daughter."

"I couldn't just do nothing. She knew what she was doing and got the punishment she deserved."

"I understand that, but how is alpha Oliver going to see it if Zoey tells him the truth of why she's going home?" Aston tried to reason with him, "I think it'd be in our best interest to let her take a friend with her."

"Fine. Serenity is off at school by now," Liam looked down at his watch, "go fetch her for me."

Aston stood up, "will do." With a nod he walked out.

Liam stood up and walked out after him. He began to make his way to Zoey's room. Taking a key out of his pocket he unlocked the door. Zoey stood next to her window which she was looking out.

"Is everything packed?"

She simply nods her head not bothering to turn around.

"You turn and look at me when I'm speaking to you."

Clenching her teeth she turned. All the bruises had disappeared by now. Her face being just as beautiful as it was a week ago.

"You can go downstairs and wait in the kitchen if you'd like."

"Did Aston tell you of my request?"

Liam nods, "he did. He's off right now fetching Serenity school. Go wait in the kitchen, and I'll have someone come get your bags."

Zoey nods her head and cautiously walks past Liam and down the hall. She hadn't been permitted to leave her room in a week, so she was glad to have finally left.

"Aston this better not be another one of your stunts," Serenity walked into the front office and immediately greeted Aston.

"It's not," he held up his hands in defense, "alpha Liam will explain all when we get back to the pack house."

Together they began to walk out the school. Serenity began to walk towards her bike, but Aston grabs her by the arm.

"It'd be faster to just run there. We're in a bit of a rush."

"What about my bike?"

"I'll have someone come get it later."

With confusion written all over her face she simply nodded her head and went along with him.

The two finally reached the pack house. Liam greeted the two.

"Am I in trouble?" Serenity asked upon seeing Liam.

He shook his head, "no your company was requested."

"My company?" Serenity looked back at Aston. This had to be some kind of joke didn't it? "By who? What's going on?"

"By me." Zoey takes this time to walk out of the kitchen, "I'm going back home today, and thought the company of a familiar face might be nice."

Serenity is more than shocked to see the girl. In perfect condition. The rumors went around about what had happened to her. Some were close to the truth, other were not. Here she is now though.

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