A Twist in Time

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"For the first time in decades we gather under one roof. A newly formed one might I add," Liam pauses as a few people chuckle. He glances around the room. All these faces. New and old. Familiar and unknown.

"I am here to propose something new. We all as a werewolf community are all over the place. No direct rule. No kind of understanding. I stand here today in an attempt to unite us all as one," people begin whispering.

What was he talking about?

Mateo walked up the first flight of stairs to meet up with his Alpha. In his hand he had individual envelops. He handed them to Liam who took them with a nod.

"Here I have signed treaties from every pack in attendance today, and some. A signed agreement of peace though this transition," he paused and held up the envelopes.

Everyone starred.

"Today I proclaim myself as King."

Everyone gasped. What? King? Were their alphas aware of this?

Mateo was the first to bow getting down on his knees. Simultaneously Liam's pack began to bow also getting on their knees. As the alpha's bowed in recognition soon the pack members followed in suit.

"Starting today we all follow under one rule. Together we will all work together so no one pack has to face the mayhem of another. Together we will-" the lights cut out and everyone lifts there head.

Was this apart of the speech?

Serenity who had mixed into the crowd got an uneasy feeling as the lights cut out. She didn't know the plan, but this wasn't in it. She could just feel it wasn't.

"Your plans of unification don't sit right with us." A voice boomed around the room. "They don't fit in with our plans."

Liam looked around the room trying to find the source of the voice. As was everyone else.

"And what might your plans be?" Liam asked the voice.


Serenity stood up and practically ran to where Liam stood.

"Chaos. As your father once brought to us."

The lights flashed back on to reveal a guy in a black cloak standing on one of the highest pillars. He held a bow but the arrow was already flying through the air half way to it's target by the time anyone realized what was happening.

Everything seemed to be running in slow motion. Serenity rushed to Liam the target of the arrow, Liam looked at her realizing what she was going to do, and Mateo in attempt to save his alpha pushed Liam out of the way.

The arrow hit it's target and everything stood silent.

Liam sat up from being pushed out of the way by Mateo. He looked at the two bodies laying on the ground. Eyes widening he rushed over to the two.

"What have you done?!" He growled picking up the body with the arrow pieced through the chest.

"Seems as my arrow didn't reach its target. Second time is the charm isn't it?" The cloaked guy got ready to let another arrow loose.

"Stop, stop, no more," Liam looked down at Serenity. She clutched onto the arrow that made its home in her chest.

It was too late. The stranger had already let the arrow loose. As it flew through the air Liam had to react. To dodge it he jumps back in lightening speed.

By now everyone is in defense. Warriors bared their claws, mothers grabbed their children ready to flee, and some froze with fear.

"Ahh seems as my arrows won't take anyone by surprise anymore. No matter. I didn't come alone." The guy in the cloak raised his arms and people also in cloaks began to fall from the ceiling.

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