Fight to Win

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"You should've called us back immediately," Jonathan began to pester Liam.

Liam sighed, "everything was under control."

Jonathan shook his head. Evangeline grabbed his arm kind of reassuring him, "honey, leave him be. It's his pack remember."

Liam stood up and made his way around his desk, "mom, thank you for believing in me." His head kind of turned in his dads direction. In an accusing matter.

"Oh no, don't you do that," she turned towards her husband and mate, "come on John, let's let him get back to work." She patted his chest fixing his tie.

Jonathan rolled his eyes and began to follow his mate out the room.

"Hey, mom, can I talk to you before y'all leave?"

Evangeline turns nodding her head, "I'll meet you down stairs in twenty."she says to Jonathan before turning back around and walks over to her son.

The door shut leaving the two alone. Liam looked into his moms loving eyes, "what's wrong honey?" She asked him.

He sighed, "I'm a bit conflicted."

She walks closer to him, "about what?"

"About, well, everything."

She puts her hand on his cheek and she leans into it, "ask me anything, although if it's about the pack I don't know how much help I can be. I'm still only human," she chuckles.

"It's not just about the pack. It's about everything else. Mainly ahoy my wolf and myself. We have such a deep connection, I fear we might merge as one. Then the man will truly become the beast."

She dropped her hand from her sons face with a sigh, "Liam," she looked up at him with tired eyes, "you have always had a hard life. Right from the moment you were born. The hardships of being an orphan a mere few weeks after being born, nobody should have to go through that. The real reason you've been able to connect with your wolf more than anyone else has ever been able to is because of that. No one has ever imprinted on you like a mother should have. You've only ever had your wolf. It's the one thing you hung on to."

It all made sense to him, but was it him that was interested in the girl or his wolf? The two needed to be desperately separated.

         "Dad, I'm fine, hey calm down!" Zoey tried to get a word through to her father who went on and on about wanting her to go back home. She shook her head.

"Zoey your mother and I want you back home. I'll speak to alpha Oliver on the matter."

Zoey shook her head, "father I am fine here. I am I great hands. There is no need to worry about me."

Her father sighed on the other side of the line. "You promise your okay?"

"Yes, I promise."

"Okay, then. Of course we will be at the wedding. A lot of alphas are going to attend so I'll see you there, okay?" Zoey had been away for two months already, and Oliver couldn't stand it. He missed his little girl.

"Okay, I love you and mom both. Give a kiss to Emily and Kyle for me." Emily and Kyle being her little siblings.

"I will honey. We love and miss you."

The line goes dead and Zoey sets her phone on her bed. She wasn't getting anywhere with Liam and she wasn't quite ready to take defeat. Throwing her legs over the side of her bed her feet touch the plush fur carpet that laid at the foot of the bed.

Zoey stood up and looked at herself in the full length mirror that hung on the back of her door. Her curly hair fell down past her shoulders, her big doe eyes held lots of life still not lived, and her full full lips were anything but unkissable. She didn't understand the dilemma. Why wasn't Liam falling for her?

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