Dinner Time

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"The rumors are true."

Everyone sat jam-packed in the pews of the church styled building. The building where mostly all of the pack meetings are held. Everyone intently listening, urging for their alpha to talk more. Ready to drink up his every word.

"We will be hosting a ball," Liam pauses watching everyone's expression. The whispering began, the girls squealed, and Liam couldn't help but roll his eyes. Even if it was just internally, "invitations have been sent out and preparations are already being made to host this formal event."

"Invitations?" someone in the crowd of pack mates asked.

Liam looked around, but could not find the source of the voice. Instead, he just turned in the direction and nodded his head sweeping over everyone, "yes invitations, have been sent to every pack in North America about attendance."

More hushed whispers and dramatic squeals.

Liam looks over at Mateo who stands behind him with Zoey on his arm. Mateo getting the point steps forward and takes over, "we will be bringing back the old tradition of a valentines day ball. Hosted the day before Valentine's day."

Liam stood behind Mateo sweeping over the crowd, looking for a certain pair of eyes. He knew she was in here, he could sense her. Like clockwork, their eyes met at the time linking up with a sparkle.

It had been a day since the encounter and neither had have gotten the time to discuss it. Heck serenity was still having a hard time processing it. She still doesn't believe what had happened.

He discreetly smiled, then looked away. He would have to make an excuse to slip away and see her later. This affair between the two of them was going to be discreet.

The pack meeting finally came to an end, and serenity followed Mercedes out of town hall.

"A ball, do you know what this means?" Des turns and stops right in front of Serenity.

"More work for me?"

Des rolls her eyes, "No, it means we get to wear ball gowns and prance around like princesses!" she swoons at the thought of it.

"Correction you get to. I will probably be wearing the comfortable attire of the serving help."

Her friend frowns, "one can dream though."

"Yes, yes I can. Meanwhile, everyone else will be living my fantasy," Serenity groans, "This is kind of depressing, can we talk about something else?"

"We have an extra place at the dinner table tonight, would you like to join us?" they began walking again as the subject was changed.

"Dinner with the ex Beta's family. Sounds lovely. Why the extra spot though?"

"My mom keeps on leaving a spot open just in case Aston finally brings home a girl. That will sadly never happen, so I'll take the spot instead." Des shrugs.

"Well, I guess lucky me then. Although, if he wanted to bring a girl home, he could ever so easily ask Julianne."

"Goddess no. Then she would just have one more thing to hold over us. She already boasts about how she's best friends with the cresent she does not need another thing to talk about."

Serenity laughs, "You're right."

The girls took the short walk to Mercedes's house. Serenity had only been to her actual house a hand full of times throughout all the years of friendship.

The two walk through the front door and des immediately calls out to her mom, "We have an actual guest for dinner tonight!"

Serenity follows her friends through the living room and into the kitchen.

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