The town

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"Your parents left with Audrey to the Lonetail pack, Zoey is continuing her lessons with Celeste, and Serenity is recuperating," Mateo fills Liam in on everything that had went on while he was gone.

Liam sat behind his desk, "Serenity what do you know about her?"

Mateo gave him a look, "the omega?"

"Yes who else?" Liam rubbed his temples.

"We know that she is an omega," Mateo trailed off.

"I want to know more, about her. Pull her file and find out anything else you can."

Mateo raises his eyebrows, "why?"

"Something isn't sitting right. It doesn't make sense that she'd be an omega. Her strength, speed, and capability. Just find me everything you can," Liam sighs.

"Okay, will do alpha."

The next morning Serenity woke up like nothing had happened. Her nose and shoulder wound had already healed. She was released from the hospital early that morning, but was excused from school.

"Thank you for coming halfway with me Serenity, but you should head back," Mercedes said. Serenity had walked halfway to school with her best friend.

"Oh okay," they stopped walking.

"Are you sure your going to be okay walking back by yourself? I can walk back with you."

Serenity shook her head, "no it's fine. If I wasn't okay then I'd still be in the hospital."

Mercedes hopped off her bike and squeezed Serenity in a hug, "I'll be back right after school. I promise."

Serenity hugged her back, "hurry off to school before your late."

Mercedes let her go, "okay okay," she hopped back on her bike.

Serenity watched her go. Her back soon fading into the trees. With a sigh she headed back to the pack herself. Upon reaching the pack house she walked in and went to the kitchen a book in hand.

Zoey walked in minutes after. A silk robe sitting around her shoulders, "I didn't think anyone would be in here."

Serenity looked at her from her position on the kitchen island, "I'm sorry."

"Don't be. Do you know what time it is?" Zoey yawned.

"Um, I think it's around nine," Serenity looked back down at her book.

"Why aren't you at school?"

"I had an accident yesterday so I'm excused today. Am I in your way? Should I go?"

Zoey shook her head, "no no, you can keep me company during today's lesson. What grade are you in?"

"I'm a senior," Serenity shut her book.

"Oh, I'm only a junior. What are you studying?"

"I want to be a teacher. A school teacher," she gently smiled up at her, "what about you?"

"Nothing in particular. I'm supposed to be Luna after all. I don't need a profession," Zoey sat down across from Serenity.

"Oh right. The whole reason your here?"

Zoey cleared her throat, "um yah," she pulled the robe closer to her body.

"How are you liking our pack so far?" Serenity changed the subject.

"I'm adjusting," she doesn't say more as the tutor walks into the kitchen. Beta Mateo walks in behind her.

"Zoey Mrs. Rush is needed at the high school today. They're short a teacher. Alpha Liam would rather you not go," beta Mateo begins, "so there will be no lesson today, instead Saturday will be taken up to catch up."

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