No Memory and a Bit of Trouble

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"Liam we have an issue," Mateo walks into Liam's office without knocking. This just shows the urgency of the matter.

"Would that be the fact that people don't know how to knock?" Liam looked up from the bunch of papers that he had his nose in.

Mateo shook his head, "Liam this is serious." Hur turned to look at the curly-headed girl who posted on her usual couch (in the corner of his office that had been put there especially for her after she mentioned to him how he was in his office so much. He put a couch just so she could be in there with him comfortably) reading a book.

She sat up from her upside-down position. With her legs folded up underneath her, she looked between Liam and Mateo. Getting the hint she stood up, "I'm going to grab a snack from the kitchen would you two like anything?"

"Bring me back a lemonade, please," Liam asked with a smile.

"Nothing for me. Thank you though," Mateo nodded his head.

"Will do. Be right back." She sent her book on the couch and walked out of the room.

"I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't urge her out of the room. Anything you have to say in front of me you can say in front of Serenity." Liam looked back down at the papers in his hand. He sent them down and grabbed his pen adding his signature to the end of the paper.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to. It's just that-"

Liam held up his hand, "Mateo what was so urgent that you couldn't knock?"

"Oh yes. One of the packs that you had brought back to us. One of the ones that you became alpha to before you got your position here."

"Yes, which one? There are about five of them."

"The one in Oklahoma."

Liam nodded his head, "The Grand Pride pack yes I remember them. Their alpha was a corrupt bastard that didn't care for his pack. I was traveling back from Illinois and wanted to run back in wolf form so I went through the pack. The alpha at the time didn't take too kindly to that. What about them?"

"Well, the pack has grown quite strong since then. In fact, they are thriving, so much so that there is word of them branching off from you. Not just branching off but cutting ties."

Liam sighs, "have you tires getting ahold of Alec? We spent some time together while I was there. In fact, he saved my life. That's why I left him as standing alpha."

"All lines have been disconnect the pack is radio silent. I even tried getting ahold of them for the ball. I didn't think much of it."

"I need someone to go up and check on the pack. This is the last thing I need. A rouge pack," He massages his temples.

"Who would you like for me to send?"

"Kensley, she personally knows Alec. Seeing as she came looking for me after disappearing for a week after I was supposed to arrive here."

"I'll tell her to start packing. How many guards would you like for us to send with her?"

"Three SUVs, three guards in each, make sure she rides in the middle SUV. Make sure she knows that at any sign of trouble to radio back and I will personally make my way down."

Mateo nods his head, "When is she to leave?"

"As soon as possible."

Mateo made his leave just as Serenity walked back in holding a glass of lemonade.

"Sorry it took a while," she watched as Mateo left, "there was no lemonade made, so I squeezed it myself." She set it on his coaster in front of him.

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