Say It Again

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Serenity liked to think she was good at reading people. Especially reading their expression through their eyes. The gate way to the soul as some would think.

As everyone gathered around grabbing plates of food she made eye contact with her alpha. His eyes were planted on her, or so she thought. She could be wrong, so she had to test her theory. Moving around she looked for Mercedes.

She hadn't seen her while in the bunkers and wanted to make sure her best friend was okay. Of course she was okay, but just wanted to make sure, so she made her way around the room.

Her theory was tested, and his eyes seemed to follow her around the room. If possible he seemed to be getting closer and closer to her. No one seemed to notice this as everyone tip toed around their alpha.

Serenity wasn't one to tip toe, being the strong willed person she is she walked straight up to him with a smile. Everyone tried not to stare and go on about their business as usual, and most did.

A few however did stare at her bravery.

"Hey alpha," she bowed her head in respect.

Liam discreetly tipped his head also. Once he did time stopped.

He tipped his head, bowed in submission to her. To a omega. Whenever he won't even tip his head to another alpha. A sign of weakness? Oh surly not.

"I was wondering about Mercedes and her family? Did they make it out of the bunkers okay?"

Of course it was a business matter, Liam thought. Honestly he didn't know what to expect of her. She's a wild card.

"Part of their house got destroyed in the blast. They're probably assessing the damage."

"Oh maybe they could use an extra hand," she drifted off wondering if Aston would be there, and if he was going to be there then that would not be such a good idea.

"I'm sure they have a handle on things."

Serenity was taken aback at his tone, "are you sure?"

"Why would I not be?" He kind of smirked at her.

"I- okay. I guess your right."

Liam nodded his head. Clearing his throat he spoke again, "can I get my sheets in my room changed? I tracked dirt inside."

"Oh tomorrow's Saturday." She said hinting she will do it tomorrow instead of directly saying it. I guess she can tiptoe after all.

"I know, but dirt filled sheets aren't the comfort ablest things to sleep in."

"Yes, yes, of course. I'll head up to change them as soon as possible. Matter of fact, I'll get on it right now," she huffed walking away. On lookers could tell she wasn't very happy about being the alphas maid.

Jullianne who watched the whole scene unfold snickered. She didn't even bother to hid the fact that she loved watching other people's misery. especially if the other person was Serenity.

Liam watched the girl huff and walk off. He wanted nothing more than to follow her, but couldn't. He had to be discreet. He looked around the dining hall. Laughter, kids running after each other, the light hearted chit chat, yet everyone was still on edge; but His pack was happy.

Honestly that was all he could ask for. The happiness of his pack, is all he wanted. He knew that they were on edge with him still in the room so he slowly inched out of the room and upstairs to his floor, where a certain beauty was changing his sheets.

Just as expected she was there. Huffing and puffing as she angrily changed the sheets to his bed, that were in fact clean, and not full of dirty.

He pushed open the door to his room and chuckled out loud. Startling Serenity. She jumped a bit then turned angrily towards him.

"Do you enjoy seeing me frustrated?"

Liam nods his head smirking, "I in fact do." He shut the door behind him.

"Dirt in your sheets, there aren't even loose hairs on your sheets." She flanged out the sheets before her.

Liam laughed some more, "such a foolish girl."

"Foolish me? How am I foolish?"

Liam appeared in front of Serenity in a flash. She didn't even flinch as he just appeared in front of her. She simply starred up at him.

"Don't you see how everyone yearns to be around you?" His middle finger gently goes down the side of her forehead and up her cheek. He takes a lock of her curly hair in between his fingers and twirls it around.

"What do you mean?" Serenity doesn't even take notice to his actions. The creasing of her face, the twirling of her hair. She disregards all of it, as if it didn't even happen.

"Ahh your clueless as ever." He dropped the curl held between his fingers and backed up also dropping his hands to his side and letting them swing a bit.

Serenity watched this. Drinking in his appearance, and studying his actions. He says she's clueless, but is that the truth? Or does she simply choose to ignore the actions made by males.

"Why aren't you saying anything? No catchy banter? Not going to defend yourself? Now that isn't like you." Liam mocked the girl standing before him. He wanted a reaction, he wanted for her to make him mad. He wanted for her to see him in his true skin.

Serenity didn't take the bait. Instead she turned her back towards him and continued to switch out the bed sheets. She was almost done before he rudely interrupted her.

Liam didn't take being ignored very lightly. He grabs her wrist and yanks her behind him. He gets in between the bed and her, so she has to face him.

Hair sprawled across her face as he roughly grabbed and pushed her back. The sheets fell from her hands and to the ground. Looking up she pushed the hair out of her face to reveal her very calm expression.

"Are you hoping to get a reaction out of me, because you won't. I'm tired of playing your games. I'm tired of playing Aston games to. I swear you two might hate each other," she pointed her finger accusingly at him, "but you both are exactly the same." her finger hit his chest in an accusingly manner.

Liam shook his head grabbing her wrist again, "me and Aston are incomparable."

"Not from where I stand," she tried to pull her wrist away from him, but his grip tightened, "let me go."

He shook his head chuckling some more, "no I don't think I will."

Instead of letting her go he pulled her closer to him.

"Stop I don't want to play anymore of your games, I'm done," she tries to tug her arm away some more.

"My games? I don't play any games." his eyebrows crunch in confusion. Does she really think this is all one messed up game?

"Liam just let me go."

She said his name, and it flowed ever so naturally off her tongue. Like she was the only one that was supposed to be saying his name without adding alpha before it.

Serenity realized the mistake as soon as it came out though. Her eyes widen as she knew she shouldn't address him so formally. Especially since she's only an omega, but she did. The consequences were sure to follow.

"Say it again."

Her eyebrows crunched in confusion, "what?" that was not the reaction she was expecting.

"My name, you said it so casually, so say it again."

She tips her head to the left being beyond confused, "I-" slipping up on her words she doesn't know what to say. Is she supposed to obey him and say it again or ignore him and continue to fight?

look at me updating early and all lolololol

what will serenity do? obey or fight?

is this what y'all wanna see more of liam and serenity ?

where's aston ? do y'all think he saw liam and serenity leave together ?

give me your feedback i want it ❤️

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