Month 1- Amnesia

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The moon goddess did as promised and some. In another blinding flash of light, everything was set back. Everyone's memory, or almost everyone's, had been wiped of all previous events, the rouges who had attack had been apprehended, and Serenity's wounds were no more. 

Liam kneeled before Serenity's memories still intact. While everyone else rushed around still apprehending the rouges. One question was still on his mind as serenity eyes flooded open, why did he still have his memory? 

"We should get her to the hospital," Mateo came over and placed his hand on Liam's shoulder.

Liam nodded his head and scoops her up bridal style. She curiously looked around confused. Questioning who all the people around her were. Questioning who she was also.

"All attackers are to be injected with 4.5 ML of silver. Throw them in the dungeon, make sure all of the visiting packs are okay offer them anything they need and packs wishing to leave, let them." and with that Liam walked out of the ballroom and to the infirmary. 

"Who are you?" Serenity asked putting her hand on his chest and looking up at him. 

Liam didn't know how to answer that question. He knew what they were supposed to be, but did he even really know that? This was a new fresh start how was he supposed to make his first impression? Hopefully, it was better than the first time. 

"I'm," he paused looking down at her, "well I don't exactly know yet, but my name is Liam." he gave her a soft warm smile. 

It warmed her soul and made her feel safe. This man standing before her she could just tell she would absolutely love him. 

                  "The image tests came back clear, both the MRI and CT scans, her blood work is clear also. No infections, no abnormalities, and I also did an electroencephalogram to check for any seizure activity just in case, but it's all clear. At this time I have no clue what could be causing her amnesia." The doctor looked up at his alpha from reading the information off of the computer. He shut it and crossed his arms. 

Liam knew what was causing the amnesia, but who would believe him? Well everyone would believe him he's alpha, it the problems it causes after he told everyone he saw the moon goddess in the flesh. To also tell everyone she's pissed off with the Lycan race, it wasn't on his agenda. 

"How do we move on from here?" Liam asked the doctor. 

"We can try a few cognitive testing to check her thinking ability, but from there, there's nothing more I can do. I suggest taking her to a well-known environment. It could jog her memory but by no means force it."

Liam nods his head, "what would the cognitive testing involve?"

"Cognitive testing involves tests relates to thinking, conceptual, language testing, psychometric testing, problem-solving, memory, basic introduction, neurocognitive testing, and evaluating the impact of a person's mental health on outer appearance. I can do this over a series of days. Today I suggest taking her home and taking it easy for the day." 

"Okay, understood."

The doctor nodded his head, "Bring her back tomorrow afternoon and I can start the cognitive testing this will take 3-5 days in total. If you would like to space them out just let me know. I will also be able to work around your schedule if that helps any." 

Liam shakes the doctor's hand, "thank you I appreciate it doc."

The doctor bows his head in submission, "anytime Alpha." he exits the room leaving Liam and Serenity alone. 

"So they won't poke, and take my blood anymore?" Serenity asked looking up at Liam.

"Nope. We're good, here are some clothes do you want to go into the bathroom and change?"

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