The Return

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A storm had appeared out of nowhere. Outside thunder roared and cracked above head, and lighting struck anything it could get its hands on. The rain was cold and unforgiving to anyone who stepped foot outside, immediately drenching anywho who dared.

As Liam stepped back into the packhouse at ten thirty-two hours earlier than expected he could feel the intense vibe. Drenched from head to toe he sheds his raincoat and shook his head free of water droplets. Mateo falls in behind him and does the same thing.

"If I do say so myself, that went rather well," Mateo was oblivious of the mood.

"Yeah," Liam started to head up the stairs. What was this feeling?

It was dread. Everyone had heard what had happened at training. The anticipation for Liam's arrival was felt throughout the entire pack. Rather, not just him getting back to the pack and finding out what happened, but his reaction.

Sure Liam had changed his ways, but the pack still feared him. He is Alpha. This was their future Luna that was involved so of course, everyone was on edge.

Liam started towards his office where he knew three people were waiting for him. He could smell their scent and hear their heartbeats. They could sense him too because as he neared closer two heartbeats, in particular, began to speed up.

Opening the door to his office sure enough there they were. He looked between the party of three in confusion, "is there a problem?"

Aston looked up at him and stood, "Alpha, there was an incident."

So formal, Liam knew the news he was about to hear he would not like, "what happened?"

Aston looked over at Jullianne," perhaps she would like to explain."

Liam looked over at her, "you seem to be quite the trouble maker. What is it now?"

Meeting Liam's glance he saw the dread in her eyes, "Well- um- we- we were out training. As-as we do. You know?"

"Yes, you were out training?" Liam began to impatiently tap his foot.

"Yeah. And-and- um," she picked at the wrapping around her wrist.

Mercedes rolled her eyes, "what she's trying to say is that she was being a bitch as usual, and went a step too far. She pushed Serenity on the ground and cursed at her, and spit at her," upon hearing this the room shook as Liam growled. Closing her eyes Mercedes continued on he needed to know so they could find her friend, "This upset me so I tackled Jullianne to the ground, pinning her-"

"Also breaking my wrists in the process," Jullianne butted in.

Liam growled and held up a hand in her direction, "I do not want to hear another word come from your mouth. Do you understand?"

Clamping her mouth shut she nods her head.

"Mercedes continue,"

"Yes, well I had Jullianne pinned and we were arguing Aston finally appeared rather late, and by the time he pried us off of each other, she was gone."

Liam turned around and smashed his fists into his desk. It cracked in half, "what do you mean she was gone?"

"We can't find her sir. I have had everyone for the past three hours combing through the woods. No sign of her. Especially since the rain masks her scent, and the mud makes it impossible to track her prints."

Liam was about to lose it. Mateo could sense he was on the verge of shifting so he steps in, "I will personally deal with Jullianne later, for now, everyone out and to their rooms, where everyone will remain until I say so. Go Now!" he shooed everyone except Aston out of the room, "did anyone see which direction she went?"

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