Alter Ego

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"Have you heard?" Mercedes burst into Serenity's room.

She looks up from sitting at her desk, "heard what?"

Mercedes takes a seat in her bed, "okay okay, so there's a bunch of stuff going around."

"Is this drama? Des, it's already Sunday and I'm not even halfway done with this weekend's homework."

Mercedes nodded her head at the new nickname her friend gave her, "okay okay but this isn't just drama! It has to do with everyone in the pack!"

Serenity turns to face her, "okay shoot what is it? And if it's not life-changing I'm kicking you out of my room."

She rolls her eyes, "fine fine. First, though guess what we're doing for Valentine's Day?"

"Get out."

"No no no wait! We're going to a ball!"

Serenity stares at her friends, "a ball?"

"Yes! A real-life ball! With gowns and everything." Des now wears a smug look on her face because she piqued Serenity's interest.

"Go on."

She stands up, "oh but I thought I was getting kicked out."

"Stop, I take it back."

"Fine," she sits back down, "okay so I asked my brother if it was true and he said yes! Preparations started sometime this week, but it won't be confirmed until sometime next week. How exciting is this?"

"Very, but I'll most likely be working it. That just means more work for me." Serenity sighed.

"Hey maybe not, maybe alpha Liam will let you attend after all you do get away with a lot of things."

"What?" Serenity gasps, "like what? Alpha Liam hates me just as much as everyone else in the pack!"

Des shakes her head, "he does not! He's smitten with you just like my brother is! Don't think I haven't noticed. I'm pretty sure everyone has."

"I can promise you it's not like that."

"If you say so, but the fact is you are gorgeous. Everyone is just now realizing this! Ugh a romantic love triangle, that's just what we need!" Des puts the back of her hand on her forehead and pretends to faint.

"Stop it, stop it. I don't need anyone falling in love with me. In fact, no one will, I'm just an omega after all." She crosses her arms looking down.

Des sits up and looks at her friend, "Serenity, you are so much more than your title," she reaches over and grabs her friend's hands, "in this day and age I don't think anyone cares about what you are ranked."

"You know that's not true. I appreciate the kind gesture though."

Des sighs yet again, "I wish you weren't so stubborn." She drops her friend's hands.

"I'm not stubborn, just realistic."

"I guess your right. It's not realistic for 17-year-olds to be stuck on a guy that's 23 and outranks them both. I mean he is six years older than us."

Serenity fake laughs, "You're right. That's not going to stop Julianne though."

"You right. Not that she has a chance with him. He is the alpha after all. Oh my gosh, the other bit of tea! I almost forgot!"

Serenity rolls her eyes, "so it is drama?"

"No not drama, tea. Two separate things my dearest friend."

"Ok okay what's the "tea" then," Serenity asks while putting air quotes around tea.

"Okay, I didn't say anything but alpha Liam was seen leaving Kensley's room the morning after the meeting." Des wiggles her eyebrows.

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