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[Three years ago from present day]

"Hyung! I made it in!", Jungwon shouted in joy as he got the news that he passed the idol audition.

Junseo, who was in the kitchen, rushed over to the living room, still in an apron, where Jungwon was.

"Really? Let me see!", Jungwon passed the laptop to Junseo as he scanned his eyes over the email.

His eyes grew wide as he realised his baby step brother really passed the audition.

"You really passed. Jungwon, you really passed.", He was happy yet sad. He knew with Jungwon debuting, he wouldn't get to see him as often.

Despite being an actor, he has always had time to spend with Jungwon.
Jungwon took the laptop back and shut it. He realised Junseo was sad and walked over to him, hugging him.

"Hey, don't be so sad. You're going to make me cry if you make that face.", Jungwon said softly, holding back the tears.

"I'm going to miss seeing you everyday.", Junseo said with a sigh. Jungwon smiled and nodded.

"Me too but It's my dream, hyung. Please don't be too sad.", Jungwon released from the hug and looked at Junseo whose eyes glistened.

Junseo softly smiled and nodded.

"Okay. I won't be sad. I know how much you want to be an idol so I'll continue to support you.", Junseo said.

"So when do you have to leave?", he said with a pout.

Jungwon chuckled at his hyung pouting and found it quite cute.

"Umm, in a week, I think. They'll still let me attend school until I complete the CSAT.", Junseo nodded.

"Well, you better start packing up. I'll continue cooking dinner. I'll call when it's ready.", Jungwon smiled and nodded.

Junseo began walking back to the kitchen before he felt Jungwon hold his wrist. He turned back to see Jungwon pat his head. Junseo tilted his head in confusion before finally realising what he wanted.

"Okay~I'll give you a head pat. You're too cute, you know that?", Junseo said while patting Jungwon's hair.

Jungwon closed his eyes, enjoying the calm feeling. He reminded Junseo of a cat. He would be lying if he didn't feel his heart beating faster just from Jungwon.
The boy was just too cute for his own good.

He suddenly retracted his hand and stopped patting Jungwon, making him sad. Junseo smiled and gave his hair a ruffle.

"That's enough patting. I do need to cook dinner, you know?", Junseo said playfully.

Jungwon frowned and nodded.

"Fine. I'll go and start packing..", He said pouting and shuffled his way to his bedroom.

Junseo couldn't help but melt at his cuteness even when he's upset.

"Jungwoo, I'm sorry but I might like Jungwon...", Junseo said to himself, covering his face with both of his palms.


"Junseo, I need you to protect our brother for me.", Jungwoo asked for a favor.

Jungwoo went to jail for something he didn't do. The evidence was undeniably made up but because of the corrupt officials, Jungwoo couldn't escape a jail sentence.

There he sat in the uniform as Junseo struggled to hold his tears from flowing out.

"Hyung, I..I did everything to prove you were innocent.", He said, his voice breaking.

"Junseo, get yourself together. Jungwon needs you to be there for him. There's nothing that can be done for me. I'll just accept the sentence and serve it.", Jungwoo said with a monotone voice.

"What if I can't protect him? What if he gets hurt? I can't live with that guilt, hyung.", Jungwoo sighed and nodded.

"Okay, I understand. I won't hate you if you can't protect him because it's my fault for putting you in the situation."

Junseo decided it is now his job to be a good step brother to Jungwon.

"I promise I'll protect him. He is our brother after all.", Jungwoo smiled and held Junseo's hand.

"Thank you, Junseo. I'll try not to create trouble here and hopefully I can get released earlier.", Junseo looked up and frowned.

"Why did you have to continue working there? You know they set you up. Why didn't you sense it?", Jungwoo shrugged his shoulders.

"Honestly, I didn't think they would. Only after I saw what happened did I realise they set me up."

"You both go on with your lives. Make sure Jungwon gets his dream of being an Idol fulfilled, okay?", Junseo laughed sadly and nodded. He patted Jungwoo's hand which was still holding his hand.

"Okay, hyung. I promise."


Junseo decided to visit Jungwoo to tell him the great news.

"He fulfilled his dream, hyung.", Jungwoo's eyes lit up as he sat up.

"Really?!", Junseo chuckled at his reaction and nodded.

He felt euphoria. All he ever wanted to see is Jungwon living his own happy life. Becoming who he wants to be.


a/n : a short chapter for now :( I know there's a lot of jungwon's story when it's a jakehoon ff but trust me, it's important for the plot :)

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