13 : our new chapter.

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Jake's POV

I'm nervous. Today is our 3rd year anniversary together. The plan is I would take him to a skating rink I reserved for us and propose to him there. I'm afraid he'll say no. He has always told me we were too young to marry.

I would've agreed awhile ago but now? Everyone loves and supports our relationship. I don't think the news that we are marrying each other would affect that. To be honest, I just can't wait to call him my husband.

I walked into his studio and see him at his desk doing something. He heard me come in and looked at me, flashing a smile before turning back at his computer. I walked towards him and leaned against his desk, crossing my arms.

Sunghoon looked up at me with a smile and tilted his head to the side.

"Did you need something baby?", He asked with a gentle sweet voice. I chuckled and shook my head at him.

"Did you forget what day it is today?", I asked him with an amused tone.

Sunghoon had this cute confused face on him that made me almost want to attack him with kisses. Suddenly, it seemed he remembered as he looked up at me with wide guilty eyes.

"I didn't f-forget I s-swear!", Sunghoon stuttered making me laugh at his sudden realisation.

I nodded and ruffled his hair.

"I know you didn't. I have something planned for our anniversary. I think you'll love it.", I said winking at him with a grin.

He raised his eyebrows as he played with my hand that was resting on his desk.

"I'm dying to find out what it is. You're not giving me a small hint?", Sunghoon asked me with those puppy eyes that always pull me in.

I shook my head, grinning at him. Sunghoon tsked and let go of my hand, crossing his arms. He looked away, pretending to be upset. I chuckled and pushed myself off his desk.

"Baby boy, you'll just have to trust Daddy, hmm?", I called him that knowing he was weak for it.

"I always trust you, da-Jake...", I smirk hearing him almost slip the word.

I leaned in closer to his ear and whispered.

"Wear something cute, okay baby boy?", I whispered, in a sweet voice into his ear. I could feel him shiver as I said it. His cheek flushed.

"Y-yes, d-daddy. I will...", I smiled, satisfied and left a peck on his cheek.

"We leave in two hours."

I left his studio after leaving him a blushing mess. I love when I make him blush like that.
I got ready for our anniversary date and I made sure I had remembered the ice skates. Especially Sunghoon's favourite ice skates which he used for almost his whole skating career. His ex-coach, Daniel, had kept it just in case Sunghoon wanted to use it again.

He gave me the skates without any hesitation when I told him it was a surprise for Sunghoon.
I held his skates in my hand. There was wear and tear from being used for a long time but it still looked good. You could tell it was his because of the initials, 'SH'.

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