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a/n : words in italics are sunghoon's thoughts.

[present day]

Sunghoon's POV (yay finally)

"So, uhh, you guys are on the same flight as me..", I said awkwardly, too shy to face Jake.

What's up with you today, Park Sunghoon? It's not like he's a stranger. He's your best friend. My best friend but he looks even more handsome today. Could it be his nose ring? Huh, wait. He got a nose ring?!

"No way. You got a nose ring?! When?!", I covered my mouth in shock. In shock that I found him hot with it.

Jake looked at me confused before touching his nose.

"Oh, this? Haha, it wasn't really my idea to get it...", Well, I could see that. It looked like he didn't even realise he had it on.

Jake scratched the back of his neck and nervously laughed.

"Umm, you're not upset about that..are you? I mean, I like how I look with it and it is my nose-", I snorted which made Jake stop rambling and look at me.

"Are you laughing at me?", Jake said with a sad tone. Oh no. Did I do something wrong? Jake pouted and crossed his arms.

"Well, I guess I do look funny with it. Ugh, why did I decide to listen to Junseo-hyung-", I grabbed his face with both of my palms, making him face me.

Hold up. Park Sunghoon, what do you think you're doing? We're in an airport!
Shut up! I do what I have to do! Jakey needs confidence and I'll give him that.

I smiled and caressed his cheeks with my thumbs. I could see his cheeks turning a shade of pink. Cute.

"You look handsome with it, don't worry.
I don't really mind what you do with your face. Anything looks good on you so you better remember that.", I said my encouraging words hoping Jake would be touched by it but he just started crying.

"W-What, Why are you crying now?", I asked him, panicking. What the hell do I do now?!

Jake looked up at me and smiled, his tears on the brink of falling down his cheeks.

"Thanks Sunghoon. Your words really made me feel happy.", My eyes were as wide as saucers at this point.

H-He's just so cute! How can I resist his cuteness?! I let go of his cheeks and awkwardly laughed.

"Haha, yeah! I'm glad to hear that.", I looked around urgently finding an excuse to leave.

"Sunghoon! Hanbin called!", Jihoon is a savior.

"So uhh, I guess i'll take my leave. You guys stay healthy, okay?", Jake smiled and nodded.

"I'll try to come to the grand prix finals to watch you.", He said with a big puppy smile.

Tsk. He's just like a big cute golden retriever.

"Don't be silly, you need tickets to attend, Jae. Just focus on your concert, I'll be rooting for you.", I said, patting his back.

I quickly rushed back to Jihoon. Any longer and I would've done something wrong! I flopped onto the chair next to Jihoon.

"What's wrong? Are you really in a hurry to hear from Hanbin?", Jihoon said in a teasing tone. I smacked his shoulder and gestured for him to answer the facetime.

"Jae will be very jealous to hear you are more excited to see Hanbin than him.", I glared at him to stop teasing me and he shut his mouth immediately.

He answered the facetime and Hanbin's face popped onto the screen.

"Hanbin-hyung! How are you?", I asked him with a big smile on my face.

Hanbin chuckled, making my heart beat faster.

"I'm doing fine, Sunghoon. Jihoon-hyung, I'm sorry to facetime you but I didn't get to exchange numbers with Sunghoon.", Jihoon snorted.

"Yah, you could've just texted me for his number.", Hanbin laughed and held his right hand up, as if admitting his mistake.

"I didn't really think of that when I desperately wanted to see him.", What? He desperately wanted to see me?

"What do you mean?", I asked, curious yet nervous.

Hanbin smiled and held up what looked like flight tickets.

"Flight tickets? Are you going somewhere?", I asked, confused. Hanbin laughed and nodded.

"I am going somewhere. I'm going to Barcelona.", Barcelona?! Why? Why would he go there?

"No way..Don't tell me you're going to Barcelona to..",Hanbin smiled and nodded. I gasped and covered my mouth in shock.

"Really? You're really going to come to Barcelona to watch me perform?", Hanbin laughed and nodded once again.

"Why? Are you happy that I'll be there?", I scoffed at his remark. He doesn't think I will?

"Of course! Why wouldn't I be?!", I said, offended he questioned it.

Hanbin is my childhood best friend. We've actually been best friends longer than me and Jake but I still feel closer to Jake than Hanbin. I lost touch with Hanbin when I was 7 and didn't hear from him until I turned 18. I would be lying if I didn't find Hanbin handsome. I probably even have a tiny secret crush on him..

"Well, that's good to hear. You both have a safe flight. I'll probably arrive later so don't wait for me.", Hanbin said.

I nodded firmly and jokingly did a salute.

"Ne sonnim!", Hanbin seemed to find it funny as he laughed heartily.

"You're still as cute as ever, Sunghoon.", I felt my cheeks heating up. Hanbin just called me cute.

Okay. Maybe I do have a small crush on him.


a/n : sunghoon has a crush on hanbin?! i mean who wouldn't- but fear not, i wouldn't give up on jakehoon this early :)

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