12 : boyfriend meets best friend.

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Jake's POV

I walked towards Sunghoon's room feeling excited for some reason. Maybe because I'll still get to take him on a date in Barcelona. I'm planning to spoil him. Manager hyung gave me a black card to spend on anything I want. I'll spend it on Sunghoon because he deserves it.

As I got nearer to the room, I froze. There was another voice in there with Sunghoon. It doesn't sound like Jihoon...
I opened the door and see my boyfriend hugging another man. Sunghoon immediately pushed the unfamiliar man away from him.

"Who are you and why were you hugging my boyfriend?", I said, almost growling at him.

The man looked between us confused. He pointed at me and back to Sunghoon.

"You guys are dating?!", The man shouted. He seemed shocked.

I narrowed my eyes, looking him up and down. He doesn't seem like a stranger. Maybe Sunghoon knows him.

"Baby, who's this man? Do you know him?"

Sunghoon's cheeks flushed red as he nodded.

"Um..This is Hanbin. My childhood best friend. He came here to watch me compete. He was just congratulating me Jae, don't be mad...", Sunghoon was already by my side, pulling at my shirt gently. I can't resist his cuteness.

I sighed and calmed myself down. He's just a friend. Hanbin is just my boyfriend's friend.

"I'm not mad. Well, maybe just a little?", Sunghoon snorted and leaned into me.

"I'm sorry Hanbin, the free skate is tomorrow and I need rest. I'm sure you need rest too. Jihoon was by your side the whole way today.", I noticed Hanbin's cheeks flushed. I looked at him suspiciously.

Does he like Sunghoon's brother by any chance? It does seem like that. The way his face turned red when Sunghoon brought up Jihoon tells me everything.

"I-I prob-probably should go back to m-my ro-room. You guys have a go-good re-rest.", Hanbin stuttered and went out of the room in a flash, closing the door.

"Did I say something wrong?", Sunghoon asked, his lips pouting.

I smiled and surprised him by carrying him bridal style.

"Hey! Let me down! I'm not a princess!", Sunghoon whined and smacked my back gently. He's so light for his height.

I ignored his whining and carried him to the bed, gently laying him down. I climbed into the bed with him and adjusted him to be on top of me.

"You're a mischievous boy, aren't you?"

I chuckled and ruffled his hair.

"I know. That's why you love me.", Sunghoon sighed and layed his head on my chest.

"I can't even argue with that."

I've had so many dreams of this situation happening and it's actually happening now. We're cuddling in bed. I wrapped my arms around him and covered ourselves with the blanket.

I kissed his hair and gave his hair a good ruffle. I love ruffling his hair. It's just so soft you can't resist touching it.

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