18 : confession.

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Eunwoo's POV

Two hours earlier...

"Damn it! That stupid kid. He's such a nuisance."

I watched as my only chance of getting him back drove away. My phone rang and I took it out of my pocket, answering it.


"Dongmin.", It was the CEO.

"I'm sorry to tell you like this but you're not Junseo's manager anymore." my eyes widened as the he said it.

So he was telling the truth? Why..

"WHAT?! I mean..what? but why? Did I do anything wrong?", I bit my lip anxiously.

Did they find out I was the one who took the picture?

"Junseo didn't tell me why but you know I put my actors first. I'm sorry Dongmin.", a beep signalled that he hanged up.

I clasped my phone tightly, feeling my anger boil. Maybe they didn't find out, maybe Junseo has an explanation for this. I tried calling him but no use. I tried five times. I felt even more frustrated by the second.

"Shit! Why does this have to happen now?"

I decided to go back to my apartment to rethink what should I do next. Little did I know, that jerk called the police on me. I was pushed against the wall near my apartment door and handcuffed. That was when I knew it was over for me.

Jay's POV

I smirked knowing they were going to get back together because of me. I laughed for some reason and manager hyung seemed concerned of me.

"Jay, are you okay? You're not going crazy, are you?", I gasped and shook my head.

"No! What made you think that?"

"Oh I don't know..You laughing for no reason? Yeah I think that's it.", My cheeks flushed as I turned away.

"It's nothing. Just I'm such a good relationship fixer.", He chuckled and ruffled my hair as I slapped his hand away.

"Focus on driving, hyung!"

"If only you'd tell Heeseung what you feel about him. Maybe I wouldn't have to comfort him-", He stopped as I snapped my attention to him.

"Comfort? What do..you mean by that?", I could see he was getting nervous by the second.

We stopped at a red light as my attention was now fully on him.

"Tell me,hyung. Is there something between you and-",

"God no! I'm your manager, Jay. I would never date my little brothers."

"Then why did you say that?"

After a few seconds, the red light turned green and he drove. I still kept my gaze on him not letting him off.

"Heeseung has been crying. Because of you-well not really but yeah...", I was shocked. My jaw must've hit the floor.

"Heeseung-hyung has been cr-crying? but why? What did I do wrong? Did he tell you specifically?

The soft hum of the ac making the tension a bit less strained than it seemed.

"Hyung.", I called him again in case he was avoiding the question.

"HE LIKES YOU A LOT.", He suddenly blurted out.

Oh. OH. Heeseung likes me?!! My eyes widened whether of shock or happiness, I don't really know.

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