6 : arriving in barcelona

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3rd Person POV

As Sunghoon appeared out of the flight gate, a hoard of his fans immediately screamed out his name.

"Sunghoon! You're my role model!"

Sunghoon, still not being used to the compliments, his cheeks flushed red.

He turned to his dearing fans and smiled, waving at them. They squealed, some of them even fainting. Well, who wouldn't fall to the charms of Park Sunghoon?

There was a small security team guarding him as Jihoon kept him close.

"Jake! I love you!"

"Sunoo! I love you!"

Sunghoon heard the members names being shouted by their fans and chuckled.

"How do they deal with that on a daily?", Sunghoon wondered.

Make no mistake, Enhypen has a bigger fanbase than Sunghoon and it makes sense. Sunghoon wasn't jealous of it. In fact, he was relieved. An introvert has trouble dealing with attention on them.

After going through the fans, Sunghoon finally could breathe out. Jihoon let a big sigh of relief. Both of them almost melted into the seat.

"Why did I not expect their fans to be all over you too?", He whispered to himself.

Ever since Sunghoon appeared on one of their vlives, engenes have been gushing over Sunghoon for months. He even got the nickname, 'Ice Prince'. Jake might have told them they were best friends too.

Sunghoon chuckled and patted his brother's shoulder.

"It's all good, right?", Jihoon turned his head to look at Sunghoon.

He smiled and ruffled the figure skater's hair.

"Let's unpack at the hotel first. Buckle up.", Jihoon said with a brotherly voice.

He put the seatbelt on and took out his phone to check Insta. He's still amazed how he has over 2 million followers. It's almost overwhelming to him. Even some of his high school 'friends' came out and said they knew the Park Sunghoon.

It made him laugh. Why pretend to know when they actually don't? On the brightside, he has dearing fans that support him and Hanbin finally got in touch with him.

Sunghoon found himself smiling, his dimples showing. Jihoon shook his head already knowing why. He started the van and drove them to the hotel.

"Should I take selcas for Penguins?", Sunghoon said out loud.

Jihoon glanced at him and hummed.

"Do what you want, Sunghoon. I'm just your road manager.", Jihoon chuckled.

Sunghoon's cheeks flushed. He became embarrassed.

"O-oh, okay.."

He opened the camera app and started taking selcas. Most of them were peace signs and finger hearts. His favourite poses. As he was satisfied and about to post the selcas, an idea came to him.

"Ah, hyung. Can we stop by the ice rink for awhile after unpacking?", Sunghoon asked Jihoon.

Jihoon furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. It was already afternoon. By the time they're done unpacking, it would be dark outside.

"Please? Can we please? Just for awhile, I want to show Penguins a sneak peak of my short program.", Jihoon chuckled and nodded.

"Okay, just for awhile. I don't want Coach to scold me again.", Jihoon said.

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