7 : family reunion

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3rd Person POV

After his meeting with a director who wanted to discuss him having a main lead role in another BL drama, they went to pick up Jungwoo from prison.

"So what did I miss?", Jungwoo asked Junseo.

"A lot, hyung.", Junseo said, chuckling.

Eun Woo drove the brothers to Junseo's apartment to surprise Jungwon. The youngest brother didn't know Jungwoo would be released today.

Jungwoo was nervous yet excited. He'd see Jungwon again. The youngest never visited him, mainly because Junseo didn't tell him which prison he was at.

Junseo punched in the door code and it beeped, signalling the door was open. As he opened the door, Jungwon immediately jumped onto Junseo. He wrapped himself onto him like a koala.

"You're home! I missed you, hyung...", Junseo was surprised and frankly didn't think of this situation.

He looked at a shocked Jungwoo and Eunwoo and chuckled awkwardly.

"Pup, there's guests.", Junseo whispered into his ears.

"Hmm? Who-Oh!", Jungwon immediately got off Junseo and acted like nothing happened.

"Uh, this was what I missed? Are you guys...dating..now?", Jungwoo asked them with a hurt tone. He was disappointed.

"Hyung, I can explain-", Jungwoo grabbed Junseo by his shirt collar and slammed him to the nearest wall.

"I trusted you, Junseo. I trusted you'd take care of him like a brother. But you're dating him now?", Junseo closed his eyes, scared of what Jungwoo would do to him.

"I love him, hyung. I'm sorry! I'll leave if you don't want me near him.", Junseo said without any hesitation.

"Hyung! Who said you could leave me? Jungwoo-hyung, I love him. Please don't be angry. He has been taking care of me. Just not as a brother.", Jungwoo was taken back by his baby brother's answering.

He was just teasing the both of them. He didn't expect them to be so serious. Of course he was fine with them dating. Besides, they aren't blood related.

Eun Woo felt like he was intruding again and quietly left the family affair.

Jungwoo let go of Junseo's shirt collar and broke into a fit of giggles as he held his stomach.

"You guys are so cute! Defending each other. I knew you guys were better as boyfriends than step-brothers.", Jungwon glared at his brother and punched his arm.

"Ow! You've gotten stronger.", Jungwoo teased Jungwon.

"Wait, so you're okay with us dating?"

"Of course! You're step-brothers not brothers. I think it's fine."

Jungwon sighed in relief and hugged his brother.

"I missed you too hyung. A lot. Junseo wouldn't tell me where the prison you were at.", Jungwoo looked at Junseo and he held both hands up.

"Hmm. I don't think I could've handled having you see me in that uniform.", Jungwon frowned and let go of his brother.

He suddenly took Jungwoo's hand and pulled him to the sofa.

"I have so much to share, you have no idea, hyung.", Jungwon beamed with excitement.

Jungwoo laughed softly and nodded, letting his brother pull him to the sofa. Meanwhile, Junseo watched with crossed arms and an adoring smile.

"I'm confused.", Eunwoo finally spoke after watching the scene.

Junseo looked at him with a smile and patted his back.

"Yes, I'm dating my step-brother.", Eun Woo's brows raised as he looked at Junseo in shock.

Junseo laughed at his reaction and nodded.

"You thought it was all rumors?", Eun Woo nodded slowly.

"I understand. Well, we don't exactly look alike."

Junseo became their step-brother five years after his parents put him up for adoption at a young age because they couldn't afford to raise him. He found out shortly after he was adopted but he was surprised himself that he didn't hate his parents. Just sad.

Jungwoo promised him when he first met them that he is family and he always will be. Even if Junseo decides to not be their step brother.


penguin_hoon our 3rd year anniversary is coming soon

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penguin_hoon our 3rd year anniversary is coming soon... @jakey_shim

jakey_shim aww, you chose this photo 🥺
  ¬penguin_hoon i love your hands-
  ¬jakey_shim likewise, baby ;)
y_junseo yall are so cute, you're gonna make me cry 😭

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