19 : the promise. (End of Part 1)

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Jake's POV

We took our time enjoying the food that my brother served us and I was getting even more nervous than before.

Should I give him the promise ring now? No, no. I should probably wait. But this is the perfect time. Ah, whatever, here goes nothing.

"Sunghoon, you know I love you, right?", I asked him while holding his right hand with my left.

Sunghoon smiled and his cheeks flushed red.

"I know. I love you too, Jake.", I smiled and reached into my right jacket pocket, the box in my right hand.

"I know we've only been dating for three days or so but I promise you that I'll stay beside you forever. I promise we'll marry someday in the future.", Sunghoon chuckled and nodded, his eyes telling me to get to the point.

I chuckled softly and nodded, revealing what was in my right hand. I could see his eyes widening.

" No, you're joking. Jake, tell me there's not a ring in there.", I laughed heartily and opened the box. Of course there's a ring in there. Actually, two rings.

"Jake! We're too young!", He argued in a hushed voice.

I nodded in agreement and set the box aside, holding his hand with both hands.

"It's promise rings, Sunghoon. I know we're too young to marry. Career and age wise. It's just to make sure we both keep to our promise that we never leave each other, no matter what hardship we face.", I said looking at him with a soft smile.

"Jake..", Sunghoon said, his voice trailing off.

"Can I put it on your finger or do you want to do it yourself?", I asked with a teasing tone.

Sunghoon glared at me playfully as he held out his right hand.

"Go on. Put it on for me.", He said with a sassy voice.

"Yes, your highness.", I took one of the rings and carefully, gracefully slid it over his right ring finger.

He looked at it with star eyes.

"I know it's just a promise ring but it's so pretty."

"Well, just wait for the real ring.", Sunghoon looked at me with a surprised look.

"You already bought it?", I laughed and shook my head. He's just so cute.

"What? No, of course not. I'm not that rich, baby. Although, if you wanted, I could buy-", Sunghoon covered my mouth and shook his head.

I nodded and grabbed his hand on my mouth. Coincidently, it was the one with the ring. I gave it a little kiss. It looked pretty on his hand.

"It's pretty on you, baby.", His cheeks flushed red as he avoided my gaze.

I took the other ring in the box and put it on my ring finger.

"Oh right, I forgot I got a gift for you.", Sunghoon looked at me with wide eyes.

"The ring wasn't the gift?", I smiled and shook my head.

The box was in my jacket pocket as I took it out and placed it in front of him.

"Go ahead and open it.", Sunghoon took the box and opened it.

"A necklace of an ice skate? How did you even manage to buy this?", I chuckled at his reaction

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"A necklace of an ice skate? How did you even manage to buy this?", I chuckled at his reaction.

"Well, the store I went to had that necklace so I thought it was perfect for you. You know, with you being an figure skater.", Sunghoon looked at me with a smile and shook his head.

"You're so unpredictable, Shim Jaeyoon. Even though I feel like I know you, it's so hard to say what you're going to do next.", I shrugged my shoulders and took out the necklace from the box.

"Maybe that's why you fell for me, hmm?", Sunghoon laughed heartily at my joke as I unclasped the necklace.

"May I?", I gestured the unclasped necklace at him as he nodded.

I leaned forward and put the necklace around his neck, clasping it. I sat back and I have to say, it fit him. I have to thank Siyoung again one day.

"Thank you, Jake. I know you hate it when I say this but I just don't deserve you. You're the best boyfriend ever."

"You make it seem like I even had competition.", I joked, making Sunghoon giggle cutely.

"Well, you better believe it. You're the best boyfriend in the world."

"Better than Win or Bright?", I asked with a teasing tone. Of course I knew I wasn't in their league.

"Of cour-Wait. You can't do this to me.", He whined.

"I'm just kidding, baby. I know Win and Bright are daddies.", Sunghoon sighed in relief and slapped my arm softly. I laughed as he looked at me with a glare.

"Okay, I'm sorry for teasing you like that. I'm the best boyfriend in the world, okay?", Sunghoon broke into a big smile as he nodded.

I think I realised why I asked him to be my best friend all those years ago. I love him so much.


end of part 1.

a/n : part 1 of this fanfic has come to an end! there will be a part 2 and it will be three years in the future :) it'll be focused more on jungwon and junseo.

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