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3rd Person POV

"Hyung! Can you help film me?", Sunghoon asked Jihoon from the ice rink.

Jihoon nodded and gave a thumbs up.
He took out his phone and got ready to record Sunghoon's short program practice. Yuzuru stood beside him.

"He's such a nice and cute boy. I'm sure you love having him as a brother.", Yuzuru said with a small smile.

Jihoon smiled and nodded, looking at his brother just skating gracefully without even trying.

"He's a special boy. I must have done something good in my past life.", Jihoon said jokingly.

Jihoon played the music over the rink speakers since the staff allowed it and Sunghoon got ready.

Sunghoon was planning to only show the first 15 seconds of his short program.

After filming the video, Sunghoon skated over to Jihoon and Yuzuru to check on the video.

"How was it? Was it okay?", Sunghoon asked nervously.

Yuzuru was amazed. He had a real rival on his hands now.

"I see I found myself a new rival.", Yuzuru joked. Sunghoon looked at him in surprise and shook his head immediately.

"Wha-No! You don't have to be afraid of me, I'm clearly not at your level yet...", He said, his insecurity showing.

Jihoon snorted and shook his head.

"You doubt yourself too much, Hoon.", He said without looking at him.

"Hyung-", Jihoon cut him off showing him the practice video.

Sunghoon was as always flawless even in practice. A smile slowly crept up on his face as he saw the video.

"It's perfect, Sunghoon. I think one take is good enough.", Yuzuru said with a smile.

He looked at his idol with glittering eyes.

"Really? Am I really that perfect?", Yuzuru chuckled and ruffled the boy's hair.

"You are. Listen to your hyung. If he says you doubt yourself too much, it's true.", Sunghoon had a big smile now.

"Okay, when do you want to post it?", Jihoon asked.

"Right now.", Sunghoon said without hesitation.

"Huh? Right now?", Yuzuru and Jihoon asked at the same time.

"Yes. Why? Can't I post it now?", Sunghoon asked.

They ended up listening to Sunghoon and posting the video to his Instagram. Within minutes, the video blew up.

"Woah, they're saying it's amazing and a masterpiece...", Sunghoon said with a smile.

"Park Sunghoon!", A familiar voice echoed through the rink.

The three of them turned to the source and it was none other than Sunghoon's coach. He looked really mad.

"Ah, Coach...I can explain-", Before he could finish speaking, Jihoon covered his mouth.

Sunghoon looked at his brother in confusion. Jihoon begged with his eyes to not say anything.

"Why didn't you tell you were going to post that video? Huh?", Silence. Jihoon's hand was still on Sunghoon's mouth.

"Someone answer me!", Jihoon stepped up and answered.

"It's all my idea, hyungnim. If you want to scold me, go ahead.", Jihoon said without hesitation.

Coach looked surprised. Sunghoon looked in shock at Jihoon. Jihoon turned to him and winked as if saying he has his back.

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