8 : hanbin

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Hanbin's POV

I finally reached the hotel after taking a taxi. The driver helped me in taking out my luggage from the trunk and drove away. I breathed in the chilly Barcelona air and made my way to the hotel entrance.

I heard Sunghoon is staying here so I booked a room here. I went over to the reception area and asked them for my room card.

"Oh? Hanbin, you're here early."

I turned to my left to see Jihoon standing there with his hands in his pockets. I felt myself smiling.

"You told me to come here as soon as I landed.", I replied.

He walked over to me and rested his arm on my shoulder.

"Have you found his room yet?", Jihoon asked the staff in Spanish.

"Yes, Room 127.", The staff replied and handed Jihoon the room card.

Jihoon gave the staff a thankful smile and turned to me.

"Come on, your room is right across ours."

Mesmerised by his dimples, I just nodded. How can someone have such pretty dimples? Jihoon walked ahead of me as I shook away the thoughts and catched up with him.

As we rode the lift up the room, I was impressed by his Spanish.

"I didn't know you knew fluent Spanish. I'm impressed."

Jihoon chuckled and his cheeks flushed.

"You don't have to be. I know the basics only. My boyfriend didn't think I would need anything more."

Ah, it's like that-Wait. Jihoon has a boyfriend? I didn't know this? I felt my heart break into pieces. My childhood crush gone just like that.

"Oh, I see your boyfriend taught you...", I said quietly. Loud enough for him to hear.

"Why do you sound so sad? By any chance, do you like me?", My eyes grew wide.

How did he know by just the tone of my voice? Is he some sort of voice reader? Jihoon laughed and ruffled my hair.

"I'm just joking, Hanbin. You're an adorable boy, you know that? If I wasn't dating someone, I would date you.", I blushed. That has to be the best compliment I've ever received.

"You're still as adorable as you were when you were young.", Jihoon said softly. I felt my cheeks flush.

He still remembered how I look like when I was just a kid. To be honest, I thought he forgot about me when I met him again but he didn't.

Two years ago.

"Hanbin! How have you been?", Jihoon asked cheerily as he pulled me in a hug.

I was surprised he still knew me from how I looked like. It's been years since I saw the Park family. Jihoon pulled away from the hug to take a good look at me. The way he eyed me made my cheeks flush. It felt like he was checking me out!

"Wow, you've grown taller! Fitter too.", He said with a smirk. My mouth went dry and I couldn't make out a reply.

"I missed you coming around to play with Sunghoon. I'm glad you decided to come back to Seoul.", I managed to put on a smile and nod.

"I missed you too, hyung. I thought you forgot about me.", I said, frowning slightly.

Jihoon gasped and shook his head. He puts both his palms on either side of my cheeks.

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