5. bored.

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3rd Person POV

For the last week, Junseo spent his vacation time with Jungwon at his house. The news about their scandal was not dying down but it was better than it was at first. Though Junseo has been trying everything to get his boyfriend's mind of it but just his presence is enough.

It was the morning and they had to do their morning couple routine.

"Jungwon, its time to wake up.", Junseo whispered into his ear.

Jungwon groaned and turned away from him, pulling the blankets on him. Junseo couldn't help but laugh at his boyfriend's sleepy behaviour.

"Hey, pup. Why don't you wake up and I'll cook pancakes? Hmm, how's that sound?", Junseo asked that knowing pancakes would tempt Jungwon into waking up.

"With syrup and strawberries?", His muffled voice could be heard from beneath the blanket.

Junseo chuckled softly and ruffled his cute boyfriend's hair that was sticking out of the blanket.

"With syrup and strawberries. Wash up and come down for breakfast.", Junseo said, kissing his hair and ruffling it again.

"Okay..", Jungwon mumbled tiredly and stretched himself.

Junseo smiled and left their bedroom, trusting Jungwon would actually get up and wash up. He went into the kitchen and checked if he had the ingredients.
Luckily they went on a grocery spree just two days ago so they had all of them.

He wore an apron so that nothing stains his clothes. He had to go to a meeting with a director soon so he woke up a bit early. Part of it was also because he wanted to cook Jungwon breakfast.

He hummed his song and swayed his hips to the rhythm as he cooked the pancakes. Little did he know, Jungwon was busy watching him cook and sway his hips with an amused smile.

He sneaked up to him and surprised him by hugging his waist from the back.

"Oh! You shocked me...", Jungwon chuckled and rested his cheek on his muscled back.

"Smells delicious, hyung.", Jungwon said with a smile.

"Why don't you have a seat first while I plate them?", Jungwon nodded and let go of his waist hesitantly.

He went over the the table and took a seat. While Junseo was busy plating the pancakes, he took out his phone and took a photo secretly. Jungwon giggled quietly as he posted it on Instagram.

"What's so funny?", Junseo asked with an amused smile as he put the plate of pancakes in front of Jungwon.

Jungwon quickly hid his phone and flashed Junseo a smile.


Junseo smiled back and held the back of Jungwon's head to kiss his forehead.

"Eat up. I have somewhere to go.", Jungwon looked up at him, surprised.

They have been forced to stay indoors the whole week because of the fear that reporters were lurking around Junseo's apartment building.

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