16 : break up.

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Junseo's POV

Everything went by so fast. One moment we were happy and the next...we're not. Apparently I was caught cheating on my Jungwon with an actor I worked with once. The media always creates stupid rumors but they had proof. A picture of me kissing him in a bar. Now I must've drunk or something because I would never do that to my Jungwon. I never ever drink unless it was a special occasion. I don't remember the actor or even recognize him because the picture didn't show his face.

I tried explaining to him that it wasn't me. I saw in his eyes. He was heartbroken. It made me heartbroken to see.

"We're over, hyung. I guess this was all a mistake."

He didn't mean it. I knew he didn't mean it. I understood why he wanted to break up either way. I had to accept that we were over. No matter how depressed it made me feel.

No matter how drunk I got. No matter how much I wanted him back in my arms. It's been almost two weeks and I still haven't gotten over it. As I was about to take another big gulp of soju, my phone rang. I reached for my phone clumsily and answered.

"Hello? Wh-Who is this?"

"Oh hyung..Are you okay?", who the fu...

"Hyung, you do remember me right?", I furrowed my brows as the unfamiliar voice asked me.

"I'm s-sorry I don't..who..", He sighed softly which made me kind of guilty if he really was someone I knew.

"It's me hyung. Han Seungwoo.", Han..Seungwoo?!

I immediately sobered up and sat upright.

"Seun-Seungwoo? Wow...Uh how are you?", He chuckled softly. We haven't spoken in four years...

"Good. Seungyoun is doing good too if you're wondering.", I smiled for the first time in weeks as he said it.

"You've gone through so much this past few days. I'm sorry, it's all my fault.", Now I was confused.

"Huh? Why is it your fault? You weren't the one that took the picture or was in it.", Silence.

"Seungwoo..What are you not telling me?"

"Hyung, the actor you kissed in the bar was me.", No..There's no way.

"We were drunk and we made a mistake. Especially me. I told Seungyoun after that night and luckily he trusted me enough that I wouldn't do it again.", Ah, so that's the real reason why he quit being my manager.

"Is that why he quit being my manager? Why you guys didn't tell me you had a baby together?"

"I'm sorry. I wanted to but Seungyoun said he wanted to tell you himself."

"So we kissed? When we starred in a drama together?"

"Yeah. Four years ago. Before you and Jungwon were even a thing. So you didn't cheat on him. You can stop drinking yourself to death,hyung. Explain to him. I don't know him well but he's a good kid. I'm sure he'd listen if you explained."

I rubbed my forehead with my free hand to ease the headache that suddenly showed up.

"I don't know..if we'll ever be the same. You get what I mean,right?", Seungwoo let out a sigh and I felt guilty that he had been put in this situation too.

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