9 : i love you.

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Jake's POV

"Sunghoon hyung is going to be so cool on the rink. I can't wait!", Jungwon said excitedly.

I can't argue with Jungwon. Sunghoon is always cool on the rink. Our label ceo brought tickets to the Grand Prix Final to watch Sunghoon after some persuasion from both me and Jungwon. Mostly me.

"Stick together guys, don't stray off.", Manager hyung said.

We made our way into the rink and to our seats. We unfortunately couldn't get seats next to each other so we had to split into pairs. Me, Jungwon and Heeseung. Sunoo is with Niki. Jay is with Manager hyung. Fortunately, our seats are close enough that we wouldn't lose each other.

"Look, Sunghoon is warming up.", Jungwon told us. We all turned our attention to Sunghoon at the rink as he warmed up.

"How can he look even more pretty today?", I said to myself. I didn't think Jungwon or Heeseung would hear me.

"I feel you, Jake.", Heeseung said with a soft smile.

We were like his fanboys by the way we were amazed by his beauty. I mean we are his fanboys. Might I say, his number one fanboys.

I made the big decision and risk to call out to Sunghoon.

"Sunghoon! Over here!", I shouted in hope that he would hear me. It just attracted attention to us.

Sunghoon did hear me and immediately snapped his head to my direction. His eyes grew wide as he covered his mouth in disbelief.

I chuckled and waved to him. He waved back with a shy smile on his face. He's just so adorable.

Jihoon seem to talk to him about something and gave him a push towards our direction. I couldn't help but chuckle. Thanks, Jihoon hyung. Sunghoon skated to our direction with his head down. He must be blushing so hard right now.

"Sunghoon, let me see your face.", He shook his head, still facing the ground.

"Aww come on hyung! We want to see your face!", Jungwon whined.

Sunghoon shook his head again. He's so stubborn yet cute. After some persuasion from us, Sunghoon looked up and I almost melted. His cheeks was so red. He had his hair slicked back and it was undeniably sexy on him.

"Wow hyung, your hairstyle fits you!", Jungwon complimented his hair.

I wanted to touch him. His face. Not what you're thinking of. Don't be so dirty. Anyways, the seats are always a level above the ice rink so I couldn't really go down there because they don't let people do that.

"Jaeyoon, why don't you come down here? I'll tell them to let you in.", Sunghoon said with a small smile.

"Can I really do that?"

"Of course! Now hurry up and come down, I missed you!", I chuckled and nodded obediently.

I looked over to Jungwon and Heeseung but they just wanted me to go down there. Manager hyung even winked teasingly at me! They're so mean! They know I have a crush on Sunghoon. Why do they have to do this to me?

I went down there and the security let me in after some persuasion from Sunghoon's coach.

"Thank you, hyung.", I bowed but he stopped me and patted my shoulder.

"It's fine. Now go get your boy.", My cheeks flushed as he said that. Does he know? You know, that...I like Sunghoon?

I ignored my curious thoughts and jogged over to Sunghoon who was waiting for me. His smile grew bigger as he saw me coming.


At this point, he had his ice skates off, so I hugged his waist and lifted him up, spinning him around. He went into a cute fit of giggles as I spun him.

"Okay, Let me down. I'm dizzy."

I stopped spinning him and let him down gently. As I did that, he wrapped his arms around my shoulders and hugged me. I wrapped my arms around his torso and brought him closer to me.

"Was this your surprise for me?"

"Yes. I see you're surprised so I guess it worked.", my remarks brought out a giggle from him.

"I'm going feel even more pressured to get that gold now.", I frowned and shook my head.

"Don't be. Like I said, don't pressure yourself. I won't be disappointed if you won silver."

"But you're my best friend. I'm afraid to lose you.", This silly boy. Why does he think I'll leave him?

I pull away from the hug and held his cheeks with both palms. His eyes were glistening with tears. He doesn't need to cry like this. I will never leave him. I wiped away the stray tears on his cheeks which made his cheeks slowly turn red. It's cute how he always does that.

"I won't leave you. Don't say that. I love you too much to leave you so don't you dare ever have that horrible thought again, okay?", I was too emotional to realise I had slipped the three words.

"Yo-you lo-love m-me?", Sunghoon stuttered, his cheeks flushed.

I made a huge mistake. Jake, why did you have to say that?! Now he's the one leaving you. I can't argue with my mind. I think this is the end of our friendship. I let go of Sunghoon's cheeks and backed away from him.

"Uh, I'm sorry. I understand if you don't want to be best friends anymore. All the best, Sunghoon.", I said in a hurry and turned around, leaving.

I couldn't take a step before Sunghoon grabbed my arm. I turned around to see him smiling and sobbing at the same time.

"You just said you wouldn't leave me.", He said, pouting. My heart almost broke. Jake, you really are a bad friend.

"I love you too, Jae. You thought I would hate you for confessing first?", I chuckled awkwardly and rubbed the nape of my neck.

"I wanted to confess properly. Not in this way..."

Sunghoon giggled and pulled my arm, pulling me towards him. I felt a warm, soft feeling on my lips. Is this what a kiss feels like? Wait...AM I KISSING MY BEST FRIEND? I didn't want to ruin the moment and pull away so I just melted into his kiss. Fansites are going to have a field day with this. Manager hyung will probably kill me and I'll probably have to leave the label but at this moment, I didn't care about any of that.

I had Park Sunghoon in my arms and I'm kissing him.


a/n : they finally confessed and kissed !
do you guys think their relationship will go well? will the fans and media be accepting of their relationship?

anyways, I'm sorry for the late uploads lately :( I think I may upload once a week because of school so please understand. anyways, have a nice day !

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