15 : answer.

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Jake's POV

What should I say? Should I apologize for proposing too early? Should I be the bottom for the rest of my-Uh yeah no. I'm a switch.

"Hey.", the familiar sweet deep voice was like music to my ears. I missed him so much. His voice. His touch. So I stood up from my bed and straight into his arms.

"Why didn't you call me? I was worried sick. Worried our relationship would be over. I can't lose my best friend and soulmate.", I stuttered while sobbing into his shoulder.

Sunghoon chuckled and rubbed my back soothingly.

"I'm sorry Jake. I really wanted to think about it and not rush into anything."

I released from the hug and look into his eyes and occasionally my eyes darted to his plump lips.

"So..is that a yes?", Sunghoon bursted into fits of laughter as he nodded.

"You waited for my answer. Thank you for being patient with me,Jake.", I couldn't hold back anymore and kissed his lips.

We moved our lips with each other. It was a slow, passionate kiss. After awhile, we parted our lips to catch our breaths.

"Wow...", I said with a content sigh. I missed his lips.

Sunghoon chuckled softly and pecked my lips one more time.

"I love you so much, Jake. I realised I really want to settle down with you and if you thought now is the right time to propose then yes, I'll marry you.", Sunghoon's words made my heart flutter and warm.

I love this man so much.

I quickly went over to my desk where the ring box was and grabbed it, going back to Sunghoon. He smiled when he saw what I had in my hand.

I kneeled down on one knee one more time and opened the box, asking the same question.

"My Ice Prince, Will you marry me?", Sunghoon smiled and nodded.

"Yes, Jake, I will marry you.", Sunghoon said chuckling at my dramatic way of asking him.

I took out his promise ring from his ring finger and slid the engagement ring in its place. It looked even more prettier on his pretty hands.

"I can't believe I just proposed to you in my dorm room. I expected something more romantic.", I joked which made Sunghoon laugh.

"I'm sorry.", I shook my head and put my palms on his cheeks.

"Don't apologize. You're my fiancé now so I don't mind if it was romantic or not. You're mine and I can call you my husband soon."

"As if calling me baby boy wasn't enough. You wanna call me hubby too?", Sunghoon asked with an amused smile.

"I mean, yeah. Hubby suits you. Or do you still want me to call you baby boy?"

His cheeks flushed slightly as he thought about it.

"I don't know. It's embarrassing to admit it but hearing baby boy come out of your lips is something else.", Sunghoon said with a shy smile.

I rubbed my nose against his and he returned the gesture. We giggled as we did. I'm so glad he decided to say yes. I don't know what I would've done if he said no.

"Should we break the news?", Sunghoon asked me, his eyes sparkling.

I agreed and we told everyone that we are engaged starting from Jungwon and Junseo. They were busy filming but when I texted them it was important, they facetimed us.

"Wait,you guys are finally getting married? Yay! Congrats guys!", Jungwon beamed from the other line.

"Huh? Who's getting married, baby?", I heard Junseo's voice and smiled.

His face appeared on the screen and he was surprised to say the least.

"You proposed to Sunghoon already?", I laughed softly and nodded.

Junseo broke out into a big smile.

"Way to go, Jakey! I was sure he was going to say yes.", I laughed and shook my head.

"It's your turn now,hyung.", He groaned and sighed which made me chuckle.

"Please, I'll be a stuttering mess if I proposed to Jungwon."

Sunghoon broke the news to his coach and his two boyfriends.

Sunghoon's POV

"Sunghoon, it's been awhile since you visited us. What's up?", Hanbin spoke first as I sat across them on the sofa.

"I have something important to announce."

"You guys are engaged now, right?", Jihoon guessed before I could say anything.

I was shocked. How did my brother know?

"Uhh, how did you know? We haven't told anyone yet, well Jake's telling Jungwon and Junseo but-", He pointed to my hand which had the ring.

"I can tell whether it's the promise ring or a new one. I'm guessing that's the engagement ring?", I nodded slowly.

Hanbin smiled and showed me two thumbs up.

"It's pretty, Hoon. Congrats."

"Man, I guess I have to think about proposing as well..", Daniel trailed off making both Hanbin and my brother to look at him with surprised expressions.

He laughed and shook his head.

"I'm just joking. I think we're fine just being boyfriends for now,right?"

Daniel's probably the sweetest boyfriend to Hanbin and my brother. He's like that to his love ones. I really hope they don't break up.

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