9 : Vlive

512 44 8

Jake POV

I suddenly missed Engenes so I decided to go live on the V-app. I sat in Sunghoon's studio room at his place. His studio was very colorful. I got ready my phone ready and went live.

"Hey, Engenes! I know it's been a long time since I went live so here I am.", I explained with a smile.

The view count was going up fast and quickly hit 900k viewers. I didn't expect that much so I might have looked shocked.

"Woah, that's a lot of Engenes.", I said, chuckling.

I decided to read some of the comments and as expected they figured out I was not at the dorm.

"You guys are very observant."

I backed away from the camera to let them see the studio.

"Guess who's studio is this? His name might start with a S.", I said with a teasing tone.

The comments was immediately spammed with Sunghoon's name. I laughed and nodded.

"Yup! It's Sunghoon's studio. Nice, right? I'm kinda jealous.", I said with a chuckle.

"I missed engenes so I decided to go live just to hang out with yall."

I spent the next few minutes talking to them and answering their questions.

"Who's the top between you and Sunghoon?", I read the comment with a worried look.

"Aren't you guys too young to know these kind of stuff?"

"No? Haha, well alright then. If you really want to know..."

I kept silent for a few seconds.

"Hey, you really thought I would tell yall? I'm not going to corrupt your minds.", I said with a laugh.

"Don't be upset...It's just personal to us. I don't think he'd want me to tell everyone. I hope yall understand.", I smiled as the comments said that it was fine.

I continued reading the comments and laughing at the funny ones.


"Ahh!", I jumped off the chair and almost fell if not for the cause of the scare holding me up by the waist.

Sunghoon laughed softly, his arms still around my waist. I steadied myself on my two feet and smacked Sunghoon's chest gently.

"Sunghoon! Don't scare me like that!"

"I couldn't resist, babe. I wanted to talk to Engenes too."

I sat back on the chair and glared at him.

"You're in big trouble after this, young man.", Sunghoon laughed and wrapped his arms around my shoulder.

"You're so cute~", He said with a cute voice, squishing my cheeks.

"Baby, not on camera...", Sunghoon stopped before pecking my cheek.

"Oh hi Engenes!", Sunghoon waved at the camera like he didn't know I was live.

I snickered and ruffled his hair.

"He's mischievous if yall didn't know."

"You keep spoiling your group comebacks. Who's the mischievous one here?", I gasped, offended.

"Wow. You really went there, huh?", Sunghoon smirked and nodded.

"What's little aussie boy jake gonna do about it, hmm?", I wanted to be angry but looking at his cute face, I just couldn't.

I squished both of his cheeks and made a kissy face.

"You're such a mischievous baby, aren't you?", Sunghoon smiled and kissed my lips.

"I'm your mischievous baby.", He whispered against my lips.

Hearing that made me smirk and think of dirty stuff. Then I remembered I was still live. I pushed Sunghoon off me softly and whispered in his ears.

"We're still live. We should probably end it before we do it."

"Uhh, yeah, that's a good idea.", Sunghoon said with a sheepish smile.

I laughed softly and went to my phone.

"Well, it seems like you guys have enough Jakehoon content for today so we'll say goodbye for now.", I said smiling.

The comment section was going crazy so I'm pretty sure they saw everything that just happened. I chuckled awkwardly and hovered my finger over the stop button.

"I guess you know who's the top now."

Sunghoon broke into a fit of laughter and I couldn't help but laugh too. Sunghoon left the studio and gestured for me to follow him afterwards. I smiled and nodded.

"I'm sorry for those traumatised by that but we love each other too much. He kisses me every chance he gets."

"Yup!", I laughed as I heard him shout from outside.

"Well, have a nice night engenes! Bye bye!", I waved at the camera before turning off the live.

I already knew that clip would go viral by the time we wake up tomorrow. I couldn't help but laugh at our inability to control ourselves in front of a camera.

I left the studio and went to his bedroom where I knew Sunghoon would be waiting. Let's just say, we had a pretty busy night.


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