12 : rest.

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Hanbin's POV

I kicked off my shoes as I walked inside our apartment. I had a busy and tiring day today. My back aches like crazy. I need a back massage so bad. Idol life, right?

"Baby, I'm home!", I called out to any of my babies-I mean boyfriends if any of them were home.

"Hubi?", the pet name made me smile as my ears perked up. Only Daniel would call me that. Jihoon calls me Han.

Daniel appeared around the corner wearing cute pink pajamas. He looked like he was ready for bed. I chuckled and walked over to him, wrapping my arms around his waist, hugging him.

"Hmm, I missed you so much today.", I said, letting out a contented sigh as Daniel rubbed my aching back softly.

"You look tired. Busy day today?", I looked up at him and nodded, pouting.

"As usual.", I said with a snicker.

"Aww Hubi, you've been working so hard. I think you need a long rest.", I shook my head.

"I'm fine, Niel. I've rested long enough. It's what I signed up for unfortunately."

I felt Daniel carrass my hair which calmed me.

"Niel, could you give me a back massage?", I said out of nowhere surprising him.

He chuckled and ruffled my hair.

"Sure. Anything for you. I assume your back hurts?", I nodded, wincing as I felt a sharp pain in my back.

"Alright, lay down on the couch first."

I obeyed him and walked over the the couch, laying on my stomach. I felt a dip on the couch as Daniel lifted my clothes, the cold air hitting my back, making me shiver. Daniel chuckled softly as he layed his hand on the lower part of my back. He started massaging it doing whatever he does best.

"Niel, where's JiJi?", I asked him where Jihoon was.

"Jihoon? Oh, he told me he would be coming home late.", Late? Jihoon doesn't come home late often. I hope he's fine...

"Oh, okay then. Your massages never fail to make me sleepy.", I said groggily as I felt the need to close my eyes.

"I know. You always tell me that and then fall asleep.", He said with a soft laugh.

"Ugh, I hate when you're right...", I managed to say before falling asleep.

"How can one be so adorable?", Daniel said as he stopped massaging Hanbin's back, instead resting his hand on it.

Daniel leaned in, leaving kisses on his lower back. Gentle kisses.

"You deserve a rest, Hubi.", Daniel said quietly, sighing as he left a last kiss on his back.

"Now, let's get you to bed."

Daniel carefully carried Hanbin, his hand underneath his legs and back as he went to their bedroom. As he laid Hanbin on the king sized bed, he got in and cuddled his boyfriend.

"Good night, Hubi.", He whispered as he close his eyes, falling asleep.

Later that night, Jihoon came home to find his two boyfriends cuddling which made him almost die of happiness. His two babies made him happy.

hanbin_ig love you, niel 😘 @daniel_k_hereand you too JiJi 🥰 @0529

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hanbin_ig love you, niel 😘 @daniel_k_here
and you too JiJi 🥰 @0529.jihoon.ig

penguin_hoon aww, you guys are cute 🥺
  ¬jakey_shim baby! we can't let them beat us as the cutest couple!
  ¬penguin_hoon oh shi- wait but aren't we like the cutest of the cutest?
¬hanbin_ig okay we get it, yall cute 🙄 btw thanks bestie :)
0529.jihoon.ig *gasps dramatically* you both didn't take one with me? 😔
  ¬hanbin_ig sorry, JiJi :( we'll take one together next time!


a/n : short chapter of the other ship that I haven't shown :)

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