13 : double coffee date.

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Sunghoon's POV

"So what do you guys want?", Jake asked the three of us what we wanted for coffee.

"Hazelnut Americano for me, please~", Jake smiled and nodded.

"Iced?", I nodded. Jake turned to Hanbin and Jihoon next.

It almost felt like a double coffee date. Actually, it might as well be a double date.

"Alright, so what about this couple?", I could see Hanbin's cheeks flushed. I quietly giggled while covering my mouth.

Jihoon snorted and stood up from his seat.

"I don't think you know Spanish that well so let me do the ordering.", Jake took that personally.

"Ah hyung, you don't think I learned the basics?", Jake pouted sadly. Hehe, he's so cute when he does that.

"Yes. So let me help you before you embarrass yourself.", Jihoon smiled and put his arm around Jake's shoulder.

They left to order our coffees while I stayed with Hanbin. I looked at him curiously.

"Do you like my brother?", Hanbin looked up at me with wide eyes.

"Wh-What? N-No?", He sounded unsure. He clearly likes Jihoon hyung.

"It's okay to tell me, Han. We're best friends.", Hanbin sighed and nodded.

"Umm, I've been having weird feelings for him ever since I met you again two years ago.", I listened to him attentively since it's my brother we're talking about. My taken brother.

"I know he's taken and I have no chance but I can't stop liking him. What's wrong with me, Sunghoon?", I smiled and shook my head.

"Nothing's wrong with you, Han. You can't control your attraction to somebody."

"I feel like such a bad person saying this considering Coach Daniel is the person my brother's dating but don't give up, Han. I won't say anything more because I'll feel like I'm doing something wrong.", Hanbin laughed and nodded.

"Thanks, Sunghoon. I won't do anything for the time being. I can see how happy he is with your coach. I don't want to break up their relationship.", Hanbin said with a sad tone.

I felt so sad for him. He liked my brother too late. If he was just a year early, maybe he would've had a chance. Talking about relationships, I wonder if Jungwon knows that his step-brother likes him...

Junseo's POV

I was resting on the couch in my living room when Seungyoun entered my apartment without even ringing the doorbell.

"Huh? Jungwon is already back? So soon?", Seungyoun nodded.

"He texted me to tell you since your phone was off.", I checked my phone which was charging and sure enough, he did text me.

50 texts and three missed calls.

"Gosh. Did he have to text me that much?"

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