8 : debut promotions.

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sunoo blonde supremacy.

anyways, enjoy the chapter :)

Jake's POV

Sunghoon finally debuted and we just finished pre-recording our stage together. I caught my breath as our stylists patted our sweating face gently.

"You guys did amazing.", My stylist who I was close to said with a smile.

I smiled back tiredly through the mirror.

"Thanks, Noona.", Sunghoon thanked her.

Gosh, why did we have to make the choreo so difficult?", I groaned and closed my eyes.

I heard a chuckle and I already know it was Sunghoon. I opened my eyes and glared at him.

"The hard choreo was your idea. I hate you so much.", My stylist and Sunghoon laughed.

"No you don't.", They said at the same time.

I sighed. No I don't.

The next schedule we have today was going on Idol Radio. I've gone on it a couple times but this would be Sunghoon's first. I could tell he was nervous.

I turned him towards me and tidied up his hair.

"Just be yourself, baby. Be your cute, adorable self.", I smiled softly as I said it.

Sunghoon groaned softly as he closed his eyes. I chuckled and gave his cheeks a peck.

"Come on babe. You've done interviews before. It's basically the same thing.", I tried to make it seem less hard.

"I suck at interviews. You know that."

Oh, yeah. I forgot about that.

"Okay, if you're too nervous to speak or anything, just let me do it, okay?", He looked like he wanted to argue but I kissed him before he could.

Sunghoon looked at me surprised. I booped nose which made him scrunch it cutely.

"Come on, I'm with you.", I held out my hand for him to hold and he did.

I smiled and pulled him to the recording room.


During the recording

"The fans wanted to know what is Sunghoon's most cutest yet weirdest thing he's done that we don't know. Jake? Care to spill the tea?", The host, who just had to be Hanbin, asked us with a smile.

I laughed as one moment popped up in my mind. Sunghoon elbowed me and shook his head, begging me not to tell them.

"Uh, Sunghoon doesn't want me to tell the fans because he finds it embarrassing. It's cute, baby, trust me.", I said as i carrased his hand.

"Aww come on, I'm sure it's not that embarrassing.", Hanbin said with a teasing smile.

Sunghoon glared at the both of us. We knew he'd ignore us for at least the next few hours after the recording.

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